Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Harry Potter characters that you recognise; it all belongs to J.K Rowling.

Summary: James gets cursed by the slytherins, but it backfires and now James can hear what Lily and every other girl around him thinks.

Chapter 1

James Potter, Head boy, was walking with his three friends, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew to their first lesson of the day; N.E.W.T.S Potions.

"This is the first thing I need in the morning, Professor Slughorn, shouting his big gob off!" Sirius said with a yawn.

"I know!" James agreed as they went down to the dungeons. They had to finish off their swelling solutions perfectly this lesson, and Sirius wasn't even half done on his.

"I told you to start paying attention in class!" Remus said.

"Well SORRY if I don't give a crap about stupid bloody Potions!" Sirius said irritably and then ran into someone.

"Watch where the hell you're going you…" Sirius said but stopped mid sentence when he looked up to see Lily Evans standing there with a guilty look on her face.

"Oh Sirius I'm so sorry" Lily said panting; obviously she had been running when she ran into Sirius.

"It's ok Lils, where are you running to?" Sirius asked.

"I left my Potions homework on the common room table this morning, I'm going to go and fetch it before Slughorn arrives, oh and Potter, we have a meeting after classes with Dumbledore" Lily said and ran back off.

"I don't know what I have to do to get her to like me, but it's something I'm not capable of, that I'm sure of." James said sighing.

"Yeah well all women are weird, no man on earth will ever understand the way a woman's mind works, never in a million years!" Sirius said.

"Thanks Padfoot, that's made me feel really better!" James said sarcastically and Remus shook his head.

"Look James if you want Lily to like you, just prove to her that you've changed, you're not that ignorant prat you once were, you've changed into a better person!" Remus said and James nodded his head.

"Thanks Remus, I'll try that" James said to Remus and smiled at him.

"Now come on before Slughorn gets there before us," Remus said and the boys picked up their walking speed until they were stopped again, this time by the slytherins.

"Oh look who it is, it's the mudblood lovers," A voice said from behind them and the three 7th years turned round to see Snape, Avery and Mulciber.

"What the hell do you three want?" Sirius said looking disgustingly at the three Slytherins.

"We want revenge, for that stupid pathetic prank you played on us," Snape said slowly, trying to look hard.

"Well if it was that Pathetic you wouldn't be standing here moaning right now, would you?" James said pointing out the obvious.

"Whatever, you know what you three did, and we're not gonna let it go, not now, not ever!" Avery said slowly walking towards the Gryffindors with Mulciber and Snape right behind her, he kept taking little glances behind his back to make sure that the other two lads were still walking behind.

"We aren't scared of you, come on and do the worse curse you can master, which I bet won't be a very big one!" James said and the Slytherins still kept walking towards them, pace by pace, but the Marauders never moved one inch.

"Don't provoke us Potter, or you'll regret it!" Snape said grinding his teeth together.

"I'm shaking on my broomstick, not bloody likely!" James said with a laugh and Snape got out his wand.

"I'm warning you Potter!" he said again dangerously.

"Go on then, but I'm warning you. I'm head boy and cursing me would be a very bad idea in deed…" James said but didn't get to finish his sentence as he was flung back by Avery cursing him with his wand, James fell on the floor and felt dizzy, he finally got up, shook his head, and made his way to Avery, who Sirius looked like he was about to hit, but James got there first and…


Hit Avery hard in the face, which made him hold his nose in pain.

"I'll get you done for that Potter" he said angrily.

The Slytherins walked away, clutching onto Avery to support him up. James rubbed his hand and turned around to the rest of the Maurders.

"Prongs man, are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine'

"Come on James, before we're late" Remus said tugging at James' arm.

"Ok" James agreed and the three boys headed off down the rest of the dungeons to the classroom, and James, Sirius and Remus took their usual seats at their desks, soon enough Lily came running in and sighed in relief when she found out that Professor Slughorn hadn't arrived yet, She sat down next to Remus and got her Parchment and Quill out, Just as the Professor walked though the dungeon door.

"Ok Quiet now, you all know what you've got to do, so I won't waste my breath going through it, so get to work, and no talking!" The professor said and then sat down at his desk. James kept hearing girls talking though out the room; it was so loud that he couldn't concentrate and he put his head in his hands.

"Prongs what's the matter?" Sirius whispered adding root hairs to his potion.

"Can't you hear them all?" James asked and Sirius looked at James weirdly.

"No, hear who?" Sirius asked.

"Doesn't matter" James said and tried to continue to working on his potion, but the loud noises from all the girls made him shout out loud,


A/N: Hiya what did you think of my first chappie, I hope you like it,

Please review