A/N long time no write but I've been kinda busy but here we go again.

Come Clean

Climbing Mt. Gagazet

Yuna was pacing the ship.

"I can't wait any longer are we almost there?" She said running to the front of the ship.

"Almost just sit down and relax." Rikku said.

So she sat down with a humph. She pouted her lips as she sat there tapping her foot impatiently.

"Quit it." Paine said.

"We're coming in for a landing get ready." Yuna hopped up and ran to the exit.

"Man she's really in a hurry to find this, I mean we have a whole mountain to search." Rikku said stepping onto the snow.

"Found IT!" Yuna screamed from a higher hill.

"Yuna don't yell you'll cause an avalanche!" Paine called out to her as the ground they stood on began to rumble under them.

"Everybody nback to the ship!" Brother yelled over the speaker as they all began running. Snow was rushing down the slope faster than they could possibly run. They jumped for the ship and grabbed on for dear life.

Yuna sighed,

"That was close." She said looking down on the scene.

"So what does the sphere say?" Rikku said very excited.

"Well let's find out." Yuna said setting it on the table.


Tidus was in the middle of performing the Jetch shot.

"This is were I found out blitz ball was a major sport. And where I finally was asked to travel with you. Hope you find me soon I'm getting lonely without you."


"Luca!" Rikku and Yuna yelled at the same time.

"Now what would give you that idea?" Paine asked.

"Luca is big on blitz." Rikku said.

"And that's where I asked him to travel with me." Yuna chimed in.

"But we're not going anywhere till all this snow has been moved." Buddy said pointing to the front window.

"But how are we suppose to move all that snow?"

"Not move," Yuna said turning into a dark mage, "Melt."

She began walking out when the other two joined her. Minutes later they came back inside.

"Nice job guys now, we're frozen to the ground." They looked around and saw ice around the base of the ship.

They all let out a sigh of annoyance and walked back outside. Rikku said once outside,

"Now what it'll just freeze if we melt it?"

"Whatever just melt it I'm ready to get my butt out of here." Yuna said casting her fire spell.

"Let's go Brother!" They yelled once they got inside.

"Where to?"

"Luca." Yuna said.

A/N hope yall enjoyed sorry if it sucked I'm kinda in a rut but I'll write more later.