A/n: Okay, here's the next chapter, I figure this story will only be a few more chapters in length. Anyway--Enjoy.
Outwitted By: Kage Otome Chapter
17: Jealous Pranks
As her eyes opened to the morning sun, she immediately shot out of bed. Sitting up she began to ponder her unhealthy reaction to the dream she had. And she still had no idea, what the hell she dreamt about. All she knew was that it was something that needed to be remembered, but as we all know, you almost always forget what you're trying to remember, when your trying to remember it. And then you remember it at the most unlikely of times, like in the middle of hot, passionate fighting...
Frowning she shook her head, hoping to clear her head of the befuddled thoughts currently occupying them. She couldn't make sense of the mess that was her mind. Very unusual, especially considering how intelligent she was. Something was very wrong. What the hell? Why couldn't she see? Reaching forward to wipe her hands over her eyes, they encountered some type of web.
"What the hell?"
Ripping what has now been revealed to be silly string, unbelievable amounts of silly string, tied together to entrap her in a cocoon of the stuff she growled half in annoyance, half in amusement. Shaking her head, she untangled herself, after 10 minutes, annoyance taking over as she stalked toward the door where she had a feeling someone was waiting to here her very loud reaction. Putting her mouth right against the door, at about ear height for someone 5'6 standing on her toes she bellowed.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" She almost grinned as she heard the satisfying thud of a body hitting the floor, probably half deaf at her bellow. Humming to herself in satisfaction she quickly hopped into the bathroom to take a quick shower and perform her daily hygienic activities before going out to meet Harry and the perpetrator, responsible for her, silly situation this morning.
Silly boy.
Harry snorted softly.
"It's not like you didn't deserve it."
"Aww...But did she have to yell so loud?" He whimpered in pain before muttering to himself 'It was just a joke'.
"Yes, she did." Kagome replied startling the poor guy.
"Good morning Harry, George." George grinned sheepishly.
Shaking her head, she followed Harry out to the common room to meet up with the others.
Just a normal day.
This was so not a normal day.
Kagome growled to herself, if she got pelted with another balloon filled with--not water, not food, not dye, not even paint,---but bird seed, she was going to hurt someone. Not only did the bird seed pelt against her skin, it attracted birds! She was tired of a bird landing on her head pecking at the seeds. She swore if another bird so much as looked at her she was going to blow her top.
Not only the bird seed, but the whoopee cushions filled with paint. Pink paint. The mysterious appearance of eyeballs, fake eyeballs in her mashed potatoes. The uneven chair legs, the mysterious explosion of her perfect potion, which was no accident, someone purposely sabotaged her!
A few pranks she could've taken, even accepted, but this---this was too much.
Now it was war.
Only to find the culprit.
Brown eyes narrowed in a quiet simmering jealousy. So what if she was a year younger then them, then her? It didn't mean she wasn't her equal. Well---actually if she was completely honest with herself, she knew she didn't stand a chance against her. But maybe with Tom Riddle's help...No. No. She flushed that diary down the toilet, it was gone. She didn't want to kill anymore animals, writing messages in blood, she didn't want to have black outs, where she did something wrong.
She didn't want any of it.
But she really liked Harry.
She wouldn't let some other girl, like Kagome get in her way.
It was the end of the day and Kagome was pacing the common room, growling at anyone who came to close to her. Out of the corner of her eye she caught a flash of red hair. Letting her hair fall into her face, she looked past the curtain of her hair to see that girl---Ginny---Ron's younger sister, throw something at her. Turning she caught it, looking straight at the girl. Glaring at her, she quickly darted up the stairs to the girls dormitories, fear on her face.
'Good, be scared girl.'
Now. Let's find out what she wrote, shall we?
On the parchment in simple handwriting was two sentences.
Stay away from Harry, he's mine. If you don't heed this warning, you will face the consequences.
It was of course, unsigned. Kagome's fist clenched in anger. 'Why that little---'
"What's wrong?" Harry asked, green eyes concerned as he looked into her fiery blue eyes.
"What's this?" Harry snatched the letter from her hand before she could hide it. Reading it over at least three times he looked up at Kagome with a guarded expression.
"Is someone threatening you."
"No, it's just a jealous little girl."
I was kind of at a loss how to bring Ginny into the story, sorry for
you Ginny lovers, she won't stay the bad guy for long, I just used
her as such, because she was well---useful. Anyway, I'm aware that
she is shy, and doesn't really act like this, but it just fit for
the chapter, the next one will be longer. Promise.