The Emerald Price Chapter 30
By Ash Darklighter
Disclaimer:- The characters and situations used in this story are the property of George Lucas and Lucasfilm Ltd. I am only using them for some entertainment and will not even make one Republican credit from this endeavour. This is set around eight to ten years after Luke and Mara met each other for the first time. This one is for all the girls on the AA list and of course for Mona – what would I do without you? My thanks also to Niqella and Rhea for their encouragement and invaluable suggestions.
Elrood Spaceport – The Merry Pirate
Luke, shrouded in his Jedi cloak, leant on the bar trying to be as inconspicuous as possible as he sipped at a glass of cloudy lum. He couldn't help but remember the cantina in Mos Eisley where he'd gone with Ben the day his life had changed forever. But that was a very long time ago and he was a different man. He couldn't say that he frequented all that many of these places. He tended to look as obvious as a jawa at a stormtrooper's parade.
Jedi senses on full alert, he waited until a vaguely familiar presence walked into the bar - a tall humanoid, his thin face almost skeletal with large black eyes. He'd seen this man once before with Altra and Feenus just before Mara's rescue. This was their friend, Beridor. This was the being he'd been waiting for.
"Mal'orch!" Beridor called to the barkeep. "Usual, please."
The burly barman leaned in close to accept the jewels Beridor handed over in payment and murmured, "Guy along at the end of the bar…the one with the cloak. He's been asking for you."
"By name?"
"Keep me covered just in case," he whispered. A stranger asking for him by name was unusual. Beridor stared through the smoky atmosphere and found a pair of bright blue eyes fixed intensely upon him. With a startled sense of recognition, Beridor found he was staring at Prince Aesophas or, rather, the Jedi who had impersonated him. He was in the presence of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. To say that the long dead Emperor Palpatine had just walked into the bar and wanted to buy him a drink was almost more believable.
"Do you know him?" Mal'orch grunted. "You look like a startled…"
"I know who he is." His face creased into a smile. "It was just a surprise, that's all."
"Any problems…"
He shook his head. "There won't be."
Luke picked up his glass and casually moved to a table at the back of the dingy room.
The former slave picked up his own glass and followed. "May I join you?" Beridor asked, his voice low.
"Of course," Luke answered quietly. He waited as the other man placed his glass of lum on the table and pulled out the chair. "Have Feenus and Altra been invited to the talks?" Luke immediately went straight to the main topic without even so much as an introduction. They knew who they both were and without saying a word both of them knew that the trust was there between them
"Yes, they've been invited but they half expect to be arrested at any moment. There are many in the government who were in the pay of General Raitt and others like him. They do not want to see a steady source of income dry up."
"Do you have proof? Do you know the main parties involved?"
"We have some information…but not enough to get to the right people. It's not enough to change things. Feenus has not been allowed to see any of the documents prior to the talks. They are working blind. Plus, the ruling party doesn't see this as important. It's only a small part of what could be a very lucrative arrangement. Trading rights and economic contracts far outweigh a small inconsequential matter of allowing slavers to operate in the system."
"I'll see what I can do," Luke muttered. "This isn't fair."
"And…" Beridor added, "Feenus and Altra are so worried that the security force will use this as a chance to round up the rest of our organisation that they have banned the rest of us from coming anywhere near government centre."
"I can see their point."
"So can I. This means too much to me to have it jeopardised. I was born a slave. I never knew who my parents were or even if I was a wanted child. I got my name from another slave who looked after me for a while until she, too, was moved on. I don't want to see another being of any race suffer what I had to endure. Feenus and Altra need to be there."
"You are a good man, Beridor, and a brave one." Luke was impressed by the sincerity he could sense coming from the other being. "Altra and Feenus may not be able to do what they want right now but if you can find your proof you could give it to me. The ruling party would like to join the New Republic - there are many advantages. However, the New Republic will not countenance slavery. It is an impossible task to ever complete but a worthwhile one to attempt."
"That is how I see it, Master Skywalker."
"Good, we are in agreement. Go and get me all the information you have and I will see what I can do. But first…" Luke stretched out with the Force and tried to peel away the layers of the other man's past. "I cannot sense much but, yes, I think you were a wanted child. There was pain at the point of separation. You cannot have been much more than an infant. You were loved but had very little time with your family. I hope you don't mind me doing this?"
"No…oh, no." Beridor gasped his thanks as a sense of peace filled him - peace and renewed determination for his cause.
Government House, Elrood
The blond woman brushed a piece of fluff from her immaculate uniform, inspecting her image in the reflector. "This could mean everything to us," she whispered softly.
"Talking to yourself?" her husband's voice queried.
"I always do when I'm nervous. It gives me courage."
"Altra…" Feenus Adremetis came towards her and placed his arms around her. If there was one thing that his wife had, it was courage. She'd given up so much to join him out here on the Rim and, what was more important; he knew that she'd never regretted it. He gave a heavy sigh. "I'm not so sure. The ruling party have never been prepared to meet with us before. I half expected a security detail to have us arrested as soon as we got anywhere near Government House. So far we're still free but…"
"But the New Republic…"
"Are still a long way from here. We don't know if this really is a meeting and not another attempt to fob us off with meaningless platitudes."
"It's been all over the holonet. A delegation arrived from Coruscant last week. I saw the leader being greeted by Belfro. Surely it cannot be a hoax." Altra placed her hat on top of her shining hair. "I know that Elscol and Sixtus have been in regular contact with their friends on Coruscant."
"Their friends!" Feenus scoffed. "It still isn't official."
"Beridor said that the Jedi are to be present."
"The Jedi!" Feenus gave a disbelieving bark of laughter. "Luke Skywalker is going to roll up in his ship and walk right into Government House? Beridor reads far too many of those gossip nets!"
"He says that he can often pick up snippets from the articles. There is often a hint of truth in some of them," Altra defended their absent friend.
"Altra, didn't you listen to what Han and Luke said when they were on Elrood? There are hardly any Jedi left. That's why he was so eager to try and rescue that woman - she's a Jedi. They are looking after themselves."
"No," Altra disagreed. "Luke came for Mara because she was his friend and, yes, he's in love with her but he wouldn't put that ahead of the Jedi unfortunately. The more Jedi there are in the galaxy, the more that peace and justice stand a chance. They want to help."
"Wonderful." Feenus' tone was flat and hard.
"It's true." She stared at her husband, her eyes bright. "You are the same as he is. Stop trying to hide under that hard front. It doesn't fool me in the least. Luke Skywalker came to Elrood to find his lady but still managed to help others."
"Yes, Tayo and his grandmother are still together because of him. I'll grant Luke that much."
"He helped us," she said and watched as her husband couldn't quite meet her gaze. "You and Han had time to talk…I thought…"
"We didn't instantly turn into friends, Altra."
"But you parted well."
"We were civil. Mutual respect and all that. Look, Altra…" He gave a weary sigh. "I just can't, that's all."
"Feenus," she pleaded. "Han would have helped us as much as he could. Think what it would have done for our cause to have Han Solo's support. Why didn't you contact him about all this?"
"I'm still angry with him; I still think he abandoned what was right. He worked against the law."
"Like we did?"
Feenus folded his arms across his chest, his manner implacable. "We didn't, not really."
"And you don't think a man can change for the better? He had no choice, Feenus. Han's conscience got the better of him. His eyes were opened…" Altra closed her eyes and sank down onto a seat in front of the reflecting glass. "You changed too… Went away from what you'd been taught to believe in."
"I know and that's maybe why I can't completely forgive him. There is understanding, Altra, but no, not total forgiveness. I did not turn to a life of crime."
"Didn't you."
"No." He turned away from her shrewd gaze. He couldn't argue for long with his wife when she thought she was right.
"You took matters into your own hands. You did things that would get you arrested on several worlds. Slaving is not illegal in this sector."
"It will be."
"You are so black and white, Feenus. Do you ever see the grey?" Altra had seen the grey for so long that she wondered if the white existed. It was only through being with Feenus that she had a chance to glimpse life in glorious colour. "Han only did what he had to do to survive. Does Han know exactly how you feel?"
"We talked about it."
"He and Luke sent Elscol and Sixtus to help us. We couldn't have got so far without them. He didn't have to do that."
"Yes, he did do that." His voice was grudging. "But I'm still suspicious. It's all too good to be true. I won't believe it until I see real proof."
Altra moved towards him and put her hand on his arm. "I wondered about Elscol and Sixtus…are they coming to this meeting?"
Feenus shook his head. "No, they decided it was better that their exact part in our more recent successes was kept quiet."
"I can see that. It could cause problems for the New Republic and Han."
"Han Solo is not the New Republic," Feenus snapped.
"No, but the New Republic exists because of men like Han Solo and Luke Skywalker."
The door slid open and a man dressed in black walked in. "Thought you might be here," he said with a warm smile."
"Master Skywalker!" Altra's mouth dropped open with surprise once his identity had registered. "We were just talking about you," she said, her cheeks flushing. "There was no word that you were to be here. Another Jedi's name was mentioned – one I didn't know. You knew we were being invited to take part in the discussions?"
"Luke…remember?" He laughed. "I had an inkling that you might."
"Master Sky…"
"I don't think so," he interrupted. "Shall we start again? The name's Luke."
"Luke!" she exclaimed, a mischievous smile lighting up her face. "Yes, let us start again. I never expected to see you here. When did you arrive?"
"Yesterday," he said. "I met Beridor earlier this morning and I've just returned from seeing Tayo and his grandmother. They are both doing well now that the threat on their lives has been lessened. Feenus…" Luke held out his hand and clasped the other man's hand warmly. "It's good to see you both again."
"Likewise," Feenus said, his stern manner thawing a little at the sight of the Jedi Master. As his wife knew well, his conduct hid the true man. He had genuinely doubted his chance of being a part of these talks. But seeing Luke restored a little faith. Maybe they did have a chance to make a difference this time.
"So…" Altra drawled wickedly, "Luke Skywalker did roll up in his ship. I think we have all the proof we require."
"I'm sorry?" Luke's face showed his confusion. "I don't think I understand."
"I'm having a little fun at my husband's expense. I can't believe you're actually here to take part in these discussions."
"Oh, I see." Luke's blue eyes began to twinkle merrily. "And he allows you to do that often – make fun of him? However, I must disabuse you of the notion that I am here to take part in the talks."
Altra's face fell. "You're not?"
Luke shook his head. "No, but as you said, there are other Jedi who should be arriving very shortly. I am here to observe them."
"I see," Feenus said slowly.
"No, I don't think you do, my friend," Luke said with a grin. "They think I am back on Yavin IV helping Master Solusar to train the rest of the students."
"They are to take part?" Altra questioned.
"They are here to monitor and facilitate the discussions. We cannot be political although it is nigh impossible not to be sometimes. The Jedi were the guardians of peace and justice in the galaxy once. We're trying to be that again. I don't think slavery is a just practice."
"But why can't you be involved too? You know what was, and still is, happening out here."
Luke shook his head again. "The representative from the New Republic has read a report I wrote about the situation in this sector last year so my input is there. But I cannot be everywhere nor do everything and I need others to carry on the work of the Jedi. This seemed like a good opportunity to give some of the Jedi more experience. My report was most thorough and your contribution to the rescue of my…colleague was noted. It was the New Republic representative who suggested that your expertise be called upon and I agreed."
"How is your lady?" Altra asked.
"My lady?" Luke appeared momentarily disconcerted, his face flushing. "Oh! You mean Mara? She is not my lady."
"How many other 'ladies' do you have, Master Skywalker?" she asked archly. "I think she is," pressed Altra bravely. "You don't fool me, Master Skywalker. Not one little bit."
"Altra!" Feenus hissed.
"It's all right," Luke assured him as he recovered his equilibrium. "Mara is my friend and my student…"
"Of course, Luke," Altra said ironically, with a quick glance at her husband. "She is well?"
Luke smiled wryly. "Yes, she is. Mara was lucky and made a full recovery although it took time and there were some anxious moments when we wondered if she would make it. I am sure you remember how ill she was. You will see how she is for yourself when she arrives. She is one of the Jedi I am currently observing."
"So that's what it's called these days," Feenus whispered to his wife.
The door slid open and a tall man in an elaborate brown robe glided towards them. "The select council of the ruling party permit you to enter the chamber. No weapons or recording devices are allowed inside the chamber."
Feenus looked disgusted at the pompous tone displayed. "We were searched most thoroughly when we entered the building three hours ago. We have no weapons. How terribly kind of them to finally allow us access," he snapped.
"Feen!" Altra said, a warning note in her voice as she motioned her husband forward. He was so close to making his dream a reality that he was forgetting how to play the game. She inclined her head gracefully in the direction of the aide. "Thank you."
"I will see you later," Luke murmured as he sat down to wait. A supercilious smile gracing his face, the aide ignored the Jedi as if he wasn't there. "We could go for a drink after this session is finished. I want to know how you are doing but I need to keep out of sight of the others for a little longer."
"What about your Jedi?"
"I'm expecting them in time for tomorrow's session." He looked at Feenus. "Or the day after. They will arrive when they arrive." Luke crossed one black booted leg over the other. "And Feenus…"
The other man turned his head.
"Han says 'hello'." Luke winked at Altra who smothered her sudden smile.
Feenus bit off a curse under his breath. "You Jedi know too much and are far too interfering."
"Maybe - but isn't it worth losing a little pride to reclaim a lost friendship?"
Elrood Spaceport – 2 days later
"We're late," Ix Io pronounced with a glare at the date counter. "Two days late."
Mara scowled as she set the Jedi Academy shuttle on the ground in a textbook landing. "Don't remind me. That sneaky pair of Jedi Masters had managed to create more damage than I thought."
"Are you sure it was both of them?" asked Kirana Ti.
"No, but I suspect Skywalker the most."
Kirana Ti raised her eyebrows.
Mara's scowl deepened. "Master Skywalker," she muttered. "I still say he's an overgrown womp-rat."
"Maybe," Kirana Ti said with an amused smile. "But he's still the head of our order and as such, must be a womp-rat that is treated with respect."
Mara glared and grabbed her green cloak from her locker. As soon as she touched it she remembered the look in the man's eyes as he had stared at her. He'd thought that she'd looked 'perfect'. "I'll give him 'respect'," she grumbled irritably, her voice softening despite herself as she placed the soft fabric about her shoulders.
"If it hadn't been for the two of you," Kirana Ti admitted quietly, "…we'd have been more than two days late."
"I have contacted Government headquarters to indicate our imminent arrival," Ix Io declared pulling off his headset. "They are sending a speeder to the ship to collect us."
Kirana Ti took a deep breath. "Good," she said, letting all her nerves and tensions float away as best she could. She was an experienced Jedi and had a responsibility to the ideal of peace and justice in the galaxy. She had been charged with this task and she would 'do'. "At least we are only there to observe and facilitate the discussions. The talks are between the New Republic and Elrood. Although I must admit, part of me suspects the ruling government of Elrood has been quite happy to ignore such a barbaric practice as slavery."
"It is not a life or death matter to them." Ix Io opened his locker and pulled out a dark brown Jedi cloak.
"I disagree," Mara said sharply. "If you are a being taken from your home, family and friends and sold into slavery then it could be a matter of life and death."
"Mara!" Kirana Ti frowned at Mara's harsh tone.
"I'm sorry, Mara," Ix Io apologised, his long face contrite. He could sense that she was taking this very personally and that confused him. Did she think that her servitude to Emperor Palpatine had been a form of slavery? She could very well be right. He knew she'd had no choice in the matter.
"No, I'm the one who should be sorry…but the reason I'm on edge…" She stared out of the viewport and sighed deeply. This would help her. She could look on it as free therapy and her grim mood lightened a little. Luke was always trying to get her to open up a little. "Remember I said that I went on a job for my boss and that I was attacked and almost killed?"
"That first day in self-defence class. You floored Pod Nor in minutes." Ix Io could still see the stunned look on the other human's face.
"Yes and do you remember what else I said?"
"That you'd been attacked and you'd fought one hundred times harder than you had against Pod Nor." Ix Io cast his mind back trying to remember exactly what she had said.
"I was lucky to survive."
"It was here?" Kirana Ti breathed softly.
"No, but very close - Aaris III, in fact. It's the next system along and I was eventually brought to Elrood. The slaving syndicate's headquarters were located here. The place they had was using Death Star type of technology – or so I was told. I can't remember very much." Mara pulled her cloak tight around her body, hugging her arms about her waist. "Just that it was cold, bright and soulless. I was lucky to survive. If it hadn't been for…"
"That's one of the reasons Luke chose you for this mission," the Dathomerian witch said comprehending why Mara was so edgy. "He's testing your ability to cope psychologically with the return to a place where you considered yourself to have failed." Her admiration for the Jedi Master grew. It wasn't because Mara was foreseeing trouble through the Force. It was the natural apprehension of returning to the place where she'd almost died.
"I do fail occasionally," Mara quipped, albeit a little shakily. "If I didn't, Master Skywalker would not be alive. He was one of my failures."
"I remember him telling me that once," Kirana Ti grinned. "Just as well."
"We have to learn from our failures and use them to boost our strength," Ix Io said. "I thought that I had failed my people and my religion when I couldn't stay with them. The Nazzar do not leave their world unless it is to spread the word of our religion. But I was leaving for another reason totally and it could not be approved by my people. The call of the Jedi was too strong. They were my own kind and I gladly endure banishment for them."
"The witches on Dathomir were given freedom by the Jedi. I wanted to learn more of their ways and ultimately to help my people…actually, my daughter most of all," Kirana Ti said. "We all have our reasons."
"Knight Ti, the speeder has arrived," Mara whispered, unusually formal. She'd caught on to the tension Kirana Ti had been feeling and mixed with her own worries about being back on Elrood she was understandably anxious.
The spaceport was still a sea of dull grey duracrete, the air permeated with the smells of engine fumes and droid lubricant. Mara shivered despite the warmth in the air. Something was teasing her senses – she could feel a familiar presence just out of reach and then it was gone as if she were imagining things.
Time to concentrate on the matter in hand, she told herself. Kirana Ti and Ix Io, sitting in front of her, were both lost in their own thoughts, their faces serious. She wanted to make Luke proud of her.
And then she could almost hear his voice – hear his words back on Yavin.
'I've always been proud of anything you have achieved. You don't have to prove anything to me.'
Government House, Elrood
"Prime Minister Belfro." Kirana Ti mustered her serenity from somewhere and walked forward. She bowed to the assembled dignitaries ready and waiting to meet her. "I must apologise for our late arrival. We had problems with our ship's hyperdrive."
"These things happen," the prime minister said with forced geniality. "Our opening discussions have already produced much for us to consider."
Kirana Ti smiled politely. "May I present the Jedi delegation from Yavin IV?"
"You may."
Kirana Ti motioned Mara and Ix Io forward. She had the feeling that the government was not truly serious about this endeavour. The information she'd been sent by the New Republic delegation had indicated there was still corruption in high places out on the Rim. Slavery was a profitable business for those in control. There was just something about the prime minister that made her think. She would meditate on it later. "Jedi Jade and Jedi Ix Io," she said.
Ix Io and Mara, dressed in their all-enveloping cloaks, their heads covered, bowed but said nothing. Kirana Ti was the leader of the delegation and they had already picked up on her sense of disquiet.
"Jedi…" The prime minister acknowledged them but there was suspicion of them evident on his lined and worn face. He had heard all the tales. Could they really read minds? What wizardry could they perform? "You may possibly know the leader of the New Republic delegation?" He held out his hand and a tall slender woman with Hoth-white hair glided forward. "Lady Winter Celchu of Alderaan."
Mara blinked. "Winter!" she muttered and then shut her mouth as Kirana Ti directed a glare in her direction. So the New Republic were serious about this after all. Leia had sent Winter to bargain for them and she was one of their best.
"Knight Ti," Winter glided forward, a cool smile on her beautiful face. "Jedi Jade and Jedi Ix Io," she said smoothly. "It is good to see you here at last."
"Shall we begin?" asked the prime minister indicating the seating arrangements and several members of the committee already seated and waiting.
Winter fixed her gaze on Prime Minister Belfro. "Are we not waiting for the anti-slaving group to arrive?"
"They decided not to join us today," he said smoothly. "After the problems of yesterday…"
"Problems?" Winter queried regally. "I thought we had what might be termed a healthy difference of opinion?"
Mara glanced at Ix Io, her green eyes narrowing. The man was lying and they both knew it. His falsehood sang through the Force towards her.
Kirana Ti consulted a data pad in front of her. "This part of the proceedings should not take place without the presence of Captain Adremetis."
"If he is not here, we must carry on without him."
The Nazzar cocked his head to one side and gave the politician a shrewd stare. "You had…problems yesterday?"
Befro shifted on the balls of his feet. "These people are no better than criminals…terrorists. They are unreasonable in their demands. Slavery is not a problem in this sector."
"No?" asked Kirana Ti pointedly. "I understood that there were issues to discuss on that very topic."
Suddenly there was a commotion in the ante-chamber. The Jedi moved forward, all senses on alert. Mara looked back and caught Winter's sharp gaze. Winter nodded and Mara knew that the other woman was telling her without words that these talks were perhaps not going as well as everyone would have liked.
"You have no right to bar us!" a man was saying heatedly. "We were contacted by the New Republic and the head of the Jedi Order himself. We have the right…"
"A group of vigilantes without any real authority," another member of the committee argued contemptuously. "How did you manage to get past security?"
"We protect those who cannot rely on this corrupt government to protect them."
"We do not condone slavery…" the official blustered.
"So you say. But we know differently."
"Someone call security," another strident voice insisted.
"Mara!" Ix Io hissed. "We cannot let these people leave. I don't think justice can be served without them."
"I agree. Come on."
Mara and Ix Io, followed by Kirana Ti, brushed past the security men trying to stop the irate man and his companion from entering the debating chamber.
"We demand entry," Feenus Adremetis insisted.
"Prime Minister Belfro decides who enters," the security guard said curtly.
The Jedi found themselves in a plainly furnished waiting room. Several large men garbed in the uniform of the Elrooden security militia loomed implacably as two humans harangued one of the political aides.
"Yet you do nothing to stop slavery." A woman dressed in a plain utilitarian uniform walked forward her fingers pointing at an official's chest. More security guards moved closer.
"The largest smuggling cartel in this sector was smashed only a few months ago," he said with a sneer.
"Yes, by us," she affirmed doggedly. "The New Republic have all the details as does your head of security."
"That is ridiculous. How could a band of rag-tag mercenaries do something the Elrooden security Force could not?"
"Because we wanted to?" the woman said resolutely. "What's wrong with our dedication to a cause so repulsive that it can separate husband from wife or a mother from her child?"
"We are a well-organised, well-disciplined unit unlike the security forces in this place," the man argued.
Mara heard the woman's voice properly for the first time and froze. There was something in the soft, yet determined alto that touched a chord of recognition. She stepped forward to get a better look at the newcomers. The woman was slim and pretty with short, streaked fair hair under a uniform cap and grey-green eyes, her age difficult to determine. She had seen this female before, she thought. There was definitely something familiar about her. The man's square jaw was clenched, fire in his grey eyes. Mara sank down upon a soft, upholstered chair gripping her hands together. What would Luke do in such a situation? How would the Force guide her? Who were they and how did she recognise them?
"Altra…" The man placed his hand on the woman's shoulders. "It is no use. These talks are a waste of time. We must go back to doing what we can on our own."
Mara surprised herself when she stood up and said in a clear voice, "Let them speak. They have every right to be here."
Feenus heard the voice and twisted around to see a woman dressed in a Jedi cloak. In fact, there were three Jedi. He hadn't seen them enter.
Kirana Ti nodded at Ix Io. "Go ahead."
Ix Io's resonant baritone made itself heard. "The government has grown fat and wealthy on the pain of others. Does the New Republic want to align with such a world? There are other systems clamouring to join the New Republic."
"Think about it," Kirana Ti said.
Mara glanced at Ix Io and Kirana Ti, both of whom gave her a nod of approval and stepped forward to stand beside her in support. Pushing back her hood, she approached the couple and gave a malicious smile as the officials backed away. So they knew what a Jedi was capable of. "The New Republic does not deal with a world that promotes slavery. The Jedi will offer no aid to such a place."
The woman gasped as Mara's red-gold braided hair was revealed. "Mara?" she said. "Luke's Mara? He said you would be here but…"
"I know you. How do I know you?" Mara queried, her green eyes narrowing. A hazy memory crossed her mind of sympathetic grey-green eyes and a soft, concerned voice. "You seem so familiar but…'Luke's Mara!' You know Luke?"
Feenus looked at the woman with surprise. The last time he'd seen her must have been over a year ago and she'd been clinging to her life by the tiniest, flimsiest of threads. This woman was glowing with health and purpose. She'd been beautiful then but nothing compared to the woman he was now facing. No wonder the Jedi Master was so smitten. "Jedi Mara Jade," he said. "We helped in your rescue, Jedi Jade. I'm surprised you can remember anything at all."
"You…then…you must be…"
"Feenus Adremetis," he finished for her, "…and this is my wife, Altra."
"Luke…Master Skywalker talked about you, Captain Adremetis," Mara admitted, almost unable to take it all in. "He has a great respect for your actions."
"What is this? How do you know these people?" the prime minister demanded as he pushed his way into the conversation.
"They saved my life." Mara gave him a brief look of disdain. "Just over a year ago, I came on a routine mission to Elrood and other planets in the Kathol Outback. I worked for the trader, Talon Karrde, as one of his associates at the time. I was attacked returning to my ship and kidnapped by a slaver - a Ho'Din by the name of Tharakan." Her smile turned malevolent and she directed her remark to the prime minister and the rest of his delegation. "In fact, he was one of the most important slavers in the syndicate that was so recently destroyed."
"This can't be true," Belfro declared arrogantly.
"If it wasn't for these people and their group. I would have died."
"A Jedi!" the prime minister exclaimed, his face a picture of horror. "A Jedi was taken?"
"I did not have a label that marked me as a Jedi. I wasn't training at that point in time. I was returning to my ship after completing my business and I was set upon by thugs and taken to be sold as a slave. I was lucky to be rescued. Beaten and drugged, I was not capable of escaping. Captain Adremetis was instrumental along with Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and General Han Solo in infiltrating the smuggling operation. This was no two-credit set-up. This facility was a state of the art operation with a former Imperial General at the helm. This place could only have been operating with the current ruling party's knowledge."
Ix Io scowled. "What kind of place is this that a woman cannot go about her lawful business?"
"This is the Outer Rim," Belfro stuttered awkwardly amongst a crescendo of outraged vocal reactions. "Not a Coruscant garden party."
Kirana Ti glanced at Mara from the corner of her eye. 'Was it lawful?'
'Actually, it was,' she sent back. 'For once.'
The Nazzar was not impressed. "There are still no excuses for these things to be happening. Perhaps if you had Captain Adremetis as a liaison with the security forces things might be better organised." His rich voice cut across the volume with ease.
Kirana Ti placed a hand on Mara's arm in wordless comfort. Her opinion of the red head was improving all the time. Master Skywalker had deliberately sent Mara here to test her and he'd been right to do so. He had known that Mara would not let him down. "This is a legitimate group. I was told that they were to be present during this phase of the talks. I would advise the New Republic delegate not to continue unless these people are fully a part of the proceedings."
Voices raised in a babble of argument as Feenus found his voice again.
Lady Winter Celchu stepped into the room. "Has the session moved into the ante-chamber?" she queried. "I was getting tired of sitting by myself staring at my notes."
Most of the assembled company probably didn't realise that the regal woman with her white hair arranged in a graceful chignon, was one of the most intelligent women currently working for the New Republic Council. She had a photographic memory and every thing that was being said or done would be recalled perfectly at a later date. Her code name during the civil war had been 'targeter'. Winter was no mere politician.
Mara's smile was a little strained. She felt unaccountably shaken at the sight of Feenus Adremetis and his wife. They had seen her at her lowest ebb, when she'd been at her most vulnerable. Mara didn't like that feeling – never had.
Luke had liked her – Altra, he'd called her. She was older than Mara – perhaps about Han Solo's age, with grey-green eyes and short, streaked silver-blonde hair. Mara stretched out with the Force and found that the aura surrounding Altra Adremetis was warm and true. She wasn't Force strong but, like so many of Mara's acquaintances, her presence sang in the living Force itself.
Kirana Ti noticed that Mara had gone very pale, a muscle working in her cheek, but if you didn't know her well you wouldn't guess that she was uneasy. It was time for her to guide the talks back to where they should have been and give Mara time to recover. Giving Mara and Ix Io a tiny hand signal, they moved to join Lady Winter. "Captain and Mistress Adremetis?"
Feenus turned a suspicious gaze on the Dathomirian Jedi. "Yes?" He hadn't a clue who this woman was and was she actually wearing some kind out outfit made from cured animal skins below her Jedi cloak?
"It's a type of leather." Kirana Ti said. "Very supple – from my home world."
"Oh. Did you just read my mind…?" he accused.
"No, you were staring at my Jedi uniform in disbelief. I guessed. It is not ethical to read minds without their owners' permission." She raised her voice, using a little Force nudge to get them to listen. "I suggest we return to the debating chamber and get on with our discussions."
"Not with these…people present," the prime minister insisted.
"Yes," Kirana Ti said firmly. "With all parties present. We are not discussing planetary security or food production. This is specifically about the issue of the slaving guilds. Captain Adremetis and his wife are experts in this field. It would be wrong of us not to take advantage of their knowledge."
"The New Republic will insist on this being discussed and some agreement being reached. You would not like to go back to your colleagues and tell them that these negotiations were a failure?" Lady Winter arched a white eyebrow.
The prime minister had to admit that he didn't want to have to do that but he sent a silent signal to one of the security guards. Kirana Ti took notice. She would deal with this after this session had finished.
Several hours later, the delegates emerged into the watery sunlight of early evening. Elrood's typical climate of sultry heat combined with a light drizzle made them all long to go back inside again.
The Jedi hadn't said much during the presentations and subsequent question and answer sessions. They had watched and listened. But things had been, for the most part, civil.
Lady Winter smiled tiredly as she waited for her driver to take her back to the hotel most of the New Republic personnel were staying in. "Thank you," she said.
Kirana Ti frowned. "For what?"
"You managed to keep them talking."
"What else could we do?"
"You did exactly what was required. Luke thinks that Captain Adremetis and his group could be promoted to a sort of independent security group. You will know what I mean, Mara."
"Yes. After Grand Admiral Thrawn died, I liaised between the New Republic and Karrde and his smugglers. Something similar could work in this case. They…the planetary security division and the Adremetis group…would answer both to Elrood and to the New Republic but the new group formed would be independent of both."
"I can see that working," Ix Io murmured thoughtfully. "I sense that our politicians are all in favour of what the New Republic could bring them economically but are not so keen to fulfil all that they should."
"You too, huh?" Mara mumbled. "I don't trust politicians one little bit…excuse me, Winter."
"Politicians? I see myself more as a diplomat," Winter's lips curved into a smile. "Although there were times today I felt less than diplomatic. Ah," she breathed a sigh of relief. "There's my driver now. Perhaps you should make sure that Captain Adremetis and his wife make it to tomorrow's session unharmed. I do not think that this is finished."
"I will do that," Mara said after a quick glance at Kirana Ti, who nodded.
"My thoughts exactly. I intercepted a signal between the prime minister and his head of security."
Mara fiddled with the fastening of her cloak. "I need to speak to Captain Adremetis and his wife in any case."
They bade Winter farewell and waited silently for their own transport. The Jedi had originally decided to remain on their ship but the Ruling party wouldn't hear of it. They were to be housed in one of the city centre hotels not far from Government House. "I suggest we return to the ship," Ix Io muttered. "They think they can control us."
"You do that, Ix Io," Kirana Ti decided. "I'm going to speak to Lady Winter privately. Keep your comlinks open at all times. I think it is better to be prepared."
"Jedi Jade?"
Mara swung around when she heard her name being called. "Mistress Adremetis."
Altra approached the Jedi woman carefully. She wasn't sure how much she remembered of her time as a captive. Luke had hoped that she wouldn't remember any of it but had held that as a forlorn one. Mara was dressed in a tunic and pants similar to the style Luke wore. Her red-gold hair was braided and coiled at the nape of her neck, functional yet decorative, a dark green cloak about her shoulders. She made a striking picture. "I just wanted to meet you properly. Do you remember?"
"Very little," Mara replied. "Most of it is hazy. Luke tried to keep it from me but I kept discovering little things here and there and I made him tell me what happened. I'm not even sure if I have heard it all."
"Or if you want to."
"That too."
"Would you like to have dinner with us this evening, Jedi Jade? We would return you to your hotel at a reasonable hour."
Mara looked at Kirana Ti, pretending to ask for guidance. It was better that one of them travelled with the couple. Winter's opinion was not one to discount.
Kirana Ti dipped her head. "Yes, go. Ix Io and I will read over some of the papers from the days we missed. Perhaps you can speak to Captain Adremetis about a possible solution."
"Sure," Mara said.
"Here's Feenus with our speeder now," Altra remarked into the silence that had fallen between the two women.
Mara couldn't think of what to say as she climbed in behind a grim and taciturn Feenus. If only Skywalker were here then everything would be much better. It was odd how she could almost feel his presence with her.