It burned. My arm. The damn mark. Albus and I both knew it was not over. I had just hoped the Dark Lord had been weakened to where I would not ever have to play the part of a Death Eater again.

I glanced at Albus, then flicked my gaze to where my right hand was clutching the Dark Mark on my left arm. He followed my glance. Neither of us said a word, as we were at a lunch table with over a dozen teachers.

"Severus, when were you suppose to meet the Ministry to turn in your application to take your Master's test?" Albus asked.

"Actually, I must be leaving or I will be late." I rose, and left the table. As I walked away, I heard Albus' voice in my head. 'Be careful, my son. Come back to me.'

Once beyond the wards, I Apparated. I ended up in a room with a bed. Malfoy and McNabb were there. A dark, shadowy thing laid under the covers of the bed. When I heard the Dark Lord speaking, I realized it was HE on the bed.

"Severus," the voice hissed. "You will make me a potion, to restore my strength. If you don't, you shall die."

On cue, Malfoy hit me with 'Crucio.' He held it for a couple of minutes. Then, he cast a Body Bind on me. McNabb had been holding one of my arms straight out. Now, I froze that way. Malfoy undid my sleeve. McNabb held a bowl under my arm as Malfoy took a knife and slashed my wrist. I watched as my blood filled the bowl.

When Malfoy had enough, he bound my wrist. McNabb dipped a goblet into the bowl, and then helped the Dark Lord drink MY BLOOD!

"Strong, Severus. It is the magic in the blood of my Death Eaters that is keeping me alive. Your blood is full of magic. You have just become my preferred donor, until you can make a potion to restore my."

McNabb was bottling the blood. Malfoy grinned evilly. He released the body bind. I immediately knelt.

"Thank you for the honor, My Lord," I said, trying to sound eager to please.

"Go," the voice hissed. "You will be summoned when I need you."

You didn't have to tell me twice. I Apparated back to Hogwarts, and Albus. This was going to be a hell of a report.