1A/N: Please don't kill me! I know, I know! I am a horrid little writer! I have no legitimate excuse for how long I procrastinated. I suppose I shouldn't even bother with semi-decent excuses. Well, as it stands, I do sincerely apologize for not updating. For those who are fans of this story from when I first started it out all that time ago, and the recent readers who just stumbled upon it now, I thank you for your support. It truly touches me. Anyway. I probably wouldn't have updated at all if it weren't for me have written most of this chapter before hand. I have just found out why chemistry is so dreaded among students. On the plus-side, however, it allows me time to hand-write the chapters for my stories in the class! Ah, how education benefits me...

On another note, Happy (belated) Holidays! Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza or any other religious or ethnic belief, I hope that they were joyous for you. (They were for me! PSP ahoy baby!) Sadly, I only had a week off of school for the Holiday Break. Not nearly enough if you ask me. Man do I hate my school. chant One more year..

This chapter is specially dedicated to (all my readers, of course) zero-serenity in particular. Getting your reviews really motivated me. Thanks so much.

Disclaimer: I do not, nor ever will own Inuyasha.




Calm Before the Storm






If it were possible, he would've died of sheer boredom. He didn't exactly know what it was he was expecting when Miroku had first proposed this 'vacation' of theirs, but it certainly didn't include listening to some wenchy girl ordering him around. Of course, last week he wouldn't have counted himself to ever be on the run from his fiancé and hiding out in a shrine either.

Yet here he was, sitting beside the devil herself. He smirked slightly at the mental image; Kagome didn't look overly frightening, wearing a dusty apron down her front, decaled by smiling mushrooms and laughing acorns.

He snorted. Yes, Kagome was the epitome of evil, humming and planting flower seeds under the dappled sunlight filtering through the giant tree behind them. The Goshinboku, according to the priestess. She had ordained that they were to plant flowers around the tree to help brighten things for spring. Therefore, he was kneeled on the gray slate that made up the back porch of the shrine, hoping he looked busy enough not to get scolded. Again. He took in his surroundings, because he had yet to be in the backyard of the shrine.

The stones below him apparently wrapped around the house. To make things easier for both the shrine-goers and the care-takers, he presumed. Besides the massive landmark by him, the only things worth mentioning were the bench just to his left and the two buildings in the nearby distance.

One was a small hut Kagome had animatedly said housed the 'Bone Eaters Well', while the other was probably a large storage shed. Either way, when Kagome had told him that it was her duty to maintain and upkeep these grounds, her smile had been radiant.

With each passing day spent around the look-alike, the more he realized just how different they were. Even things as small as their mannerisms were similar, yet entirely diverse. Something he had appreciated in Kikyou, such as the way she said 'please' and 'thank you' frequently seemed forced now. She'd say it absent-mindedly, mechanically, as thought it was drilled into her head. Kagome would smile vibrantly and look you in the eyes with her own orbs of cobalt sparkling and say her thanks, and you could tell she really meant it. She was truly grateful.

He didn't think people like that were around anymore, in a world of mumbled apologies, pollution and grim faces. All anyone seemed to care about was themselves, and they all were too preoccupied and hurried to live properly, himself included. Kagome, it appeared, was as rare a gem as her shrine.

"I suppose that's good for now." Kagome said suddenly, interpreting the easy silence around them. "It's getting kind of hot out. C'mon inside, I'll make us some lemonade." She picked up the remaining seed packets the trowels before taking off her apron. Walking towards the door, she briefly patted the apron down and put it all in a little cubicle just next to the threshold.

"Oi, wench.". Inuyasha smirked as he saw her back stiffen as she was called the offensive word. 'Making Kagome angry should be an Olympic sport; I'd be the world champion.' He thought smugly.

"Kagome. Ka-go-me. It isn't an overly difficult name." she said haughtily, tossing her hair over her shoulder to glare at him.

Inuyasha grinned cheekily, "'Wench' is only one syllable though. Much easier. Funner too."

Sparing him one last withering glance she turned around, marching into the house. He could've sworn he heard her mutter something about using actual words before disappearing behind the sliding back door. He sauntered in after her, hands in his pockets and with a slouched posture that would've made his mother cry.

Meandering into the kitchen, he interrupted her as she reached into a cabinet, presumably for glasses. "Why'd'ya have me doing all the work 'round here? It was part of the deal for Miroku to do some stuff too, you know." He knew she hated it when he butchered words from experience over the past few days.

"Inuyasha, you're really stupid. Do you know that?" she directed at him with a raised eyebrow while turning on the silver faucet of the sink and collecting crystalline water in a glass pitcher. Before he could voice his biting retort, she leveled him with a flat stare. "Look out one of the front windows, idiot."

He let out a trademark 'feh' and did as he was told, albeit begrudgingly. Passing by the humble wood kitchen table and into the sparingly furnished foyer he looked out a window on the side of the entrance way. Sure enough, there on the large stone patio just above the flight of stairs were Sango and Miroku, brooms in hand. Arguing by the looks of it, not that he'd doubted any differently. Rather, the flushed brunette was yelling and the pony-tailed man was grinning perversely. Ah. Inuyasha could easily what happened. It was just the same with every girl with Miroku for as long as Inuyasha had known Miroku. They had been friends since fourth grade. Indeed, Miroku was the highly embellished little pervert boy so often portrayed in movies and TV shows.

Inuyasha watched as the scene unfolded before his violet eyes. Sango angrily stomped her foot, narrowly missing Miroku's (making him wonder if she had intended to break his toes in the first place) and storming inside, pervert in tow.

"The nerve! Honestly monk, don't you learn!" Sango yelled behind her as she made a beeline towards the kitchen. Apparently, Miroku had told her of his long 'lineage' of Buddhist monks.

"But Sango dearest-" Inuyasha was surprised the woman didn't get whiplash from about-facing so quickly.

"Don't. You. Dare." were the sole words from her between her rosy lips before she abruptly walked into the kitchen, dark hair streaming behind her and proverbial fires sprouting forth from her footfalls.

"Sango, would you like some lemonade?" Kagome asked, looking up from stirring some powder into the jug of water.

"Kagome, I think I might kill him. I really do." said the swarthy woman, looking close to a mental breakdown. Kagome laughed lightly, the sound tinkling more then the sound of the water she was pouring.

"Come on, Sango. He can't be that bad. He seems kind endearing," the cerulean eyed woman replied, dispersing the last of the beverage into a fourth cup. Miroku beamed happily while Inuyasha sent a dirty look his way.

"Lady Kagome, it's wonderful to know you have such high opinions of me!" the lecherous boy said jubilantly, moving forward and grasping her hands.

"I don't think that highly of you, Miroku." Kagome smiled, removing his hands from her own petite ones.

Sango took this time to sulk over to the counter and lean over it, head resting on her forearms. "Kagome," she whined. "why do I get stuck with him? You get harmless Inuyasha while I'm stuck dodging rogue hands all day!"

Kagome looked slightly scandalized. "Pssh. Harmless? I've met dogs with less better language then him, and criminals who curse less." was the prissy reply, seemingly not hearing the indignant yell from behind her. "Besides," Kagome continued with a grin and raised eyebrow. "I thought you liked it.". She then proceeded to giggle madly while running around a house dodging a fuming Sango, leaving two puzzled boys behind them.

"Well then," Miroku started, looking all the bit like he was a guest at a five star luxury resort. "I think I'll take my shower now." He looked towards the girls, grinning at the headlock Sango had Kagome in. "Would either of you lovely ladies care to join me?"

Said grin was wiped off the face faster then you could say 'hentai'. Surprisingly enough, not by either of the fuming ladies, but by the ticked off Inuyasha. "Keep yer comments to yourself, ya letch." huffed the long-haired man, crossing his arms in annoyance.

Miroku merely let loose a sigh and moaned, "Ah, what a pitiful life. It isn't worth living without the company of beautiful woman." He dodged another carefully aimed swat and made his way upstairs. Which of course left Inuyasha alone. Well, with two women. But he'd rather be alone, he thought. Especially after he saw the faces they were giving him. He whimpered. It was going to be a long day.

"Inuyasha, your hair really is lovely," Sango said coyly, while she and Kagome cautiously walked up to him. "Kagome was right."

Kagome grinned. "Yeah, I'm totally envious of it. Would you do two girls a kind turn and let us have a bit of fun with it? Such nice hair shouldn't be kept to yourself." With that said, he was dragged into the living room and thrown onto a couch. He had enough dignity to withhold from looking panicked, but when Sango walked over with brushes and brightly colored hair clips, among other things, he couldn't hold in the moan.

"Oh good god."

Close to forty minutes later Miroku back down the stairs, freshly dressed and looking ridiculous with a white towel wrapped around his hair. He was about to march into the kitchen when he stopped short.

There, on the couch, was a horrible monstrosity that could have formerly been his best friend. He looked terribly uncomfortable, but wasn't doing anything to stop the occurrences. The shell of a man had pink bows, bows, adorning his luscious black locks, some of which were daintily and hilariously twirled upon the top oh his head. His front forelocks were currently being braided by Kagome while Sango added another butterfly-shaped clip to the mass.

Typically, Miroku was a calm guy, and would never dream of laughing at his best friend, though that could be chalked up for fear of either being hit or having his playstation rights rebuked. Nevertheless, the instant both feet were set on solid ground, he collapsed to the floor laughing.

Inuyasha jumped up as if burned, getting his hair tugged in the process. "Ow! Get this crap off'a me!" He brought his hands up and tried ripping out as many of the offending objects, only to cry out in pain again. Miroku was still sobbing on the floor.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome scolded. "You'll rip your hair out if you do that!"

"You think I care? Just get it all out!" He roared, flopping onto the ground hopelessly.

Sango cast a glance at Miroku. Her face brightening with a coming idea and she swiftly walked to a nearby table and reaching into it's drawer, she produced a small camera. Inuyasha was far too preoccupied arguing with Kagome to notice. Taking the opportunity, she went over and snapped a few pictures, the flash alerting everyone in the room to the presence of the picture-taking device.

Miroku just laughed harder, grabbing at his stomach. Kagome now took the time to giggle, and Inuyasha was aghast. He had stopped struggling and simply stared at the camera as though it was the very bane of his existence. He probably thought it was.

Sango grinned smugly and ran upstairs. Inuyasha probably would've bolted after her, but he was pulled back down, none-to-roughly, by his hair.

"Sit." Kagome said. And he had no choice but to listen and plopped back to the ground unceremoniously. "Good. You aren't going to tell me that a few teeny tiny pictures are worth getting upset over, right?" She asked, while removing the unwanted appendages from his hair.

Inuyasha just let out a breath and sulked. "Very degrading pictures." he huffed, trying to ignore the way her slender fingers were working out all the knots in his hair...

"They aren't as bad as the ones I have of you from college!" Miroku announced, wiping a small tear from his eye. During his laughing fit his towel had become undone, and now his hair was a moist matted mess hanging just shy of his shoulders. "You're lucky I'm on your side" Miroku said solemnly. He glanced at Kagome, who had just removed a purple hair-tie. "May I borrow that?" he asked.

"Sure..." Kagome answered, handing it over to him and watching as he combed through his hair with his fingers and swept it back into a low pony-tail once more.

"See Inuyasha? I don't mind." Miroku said happily, folding his towel up and placing it next to him.

"Yeah," he muttered. "That's cause you have no dignity left. All of that was shot by the end of seventh grade."

Just then, Sango came back down the stairs, cameraless. "Well then," she said. "No one will find that camera for a long time." She looked as though she was going to take a seat next to Miroku, but thought better of it and sat on a nearby armchair.

Inuyasha just 'feh'ed and looked away, a small twinge of pink marring his features as Kagome brushed through his hair gently. The light blush didn't go un-noticed by Miroku or Sango, however, who both looked at eachother briefly.

The entire moment was ruined entirely by annoyingly high pitched guitar chords.

'I want to change the world...'

Everyone looked over at Inuyasha as he read the name on his caller-id.

"Oh shit." were the words to leave his mouth as he read the name adorning the small screen.





Post Note: I know, it isn't a very dramatic or dynamic chapter. I figured that I should devote a last chapter to character and environment development before I throw in the new elements of dun dun dun plot. Also, I thought that after such a long wait ya'll deserved a bit of fluff. I'm not so good at it, but it wasn't terrible, right? Yes yes, I know it isn't the type of fluff any readers (there are readers right!) out there are looking for...I think the teasing type of thing is much more in character for our favorite couples. Any guesses as to who is calling Inuyasha? You're all probably wrong . Free E-Cookie to whoever guesses correctly!

Yarrgh! I want to include Sesshoumaru in a larger role then I had previously thought. Perhaps it is because I have read too many with Sesshy being the nice (or as nice as possible for him, anyways) older brother, but I want to create a relationship between the siblings. Either way, I feel that will call for a pairing between Sesshy and someone. Suggestions are welcome, though chances are I'll just wind up using whoever comes to my mind as I write lol.

Well, how much does it suck that banned review responses? I guess it was to stop 50 of some stories from being solely responses and drabble like that (like what I am doing now? XD) but I honestly loved writing my responses out for peoples questions...Nevertheless. If someone really needs a question answered they can post it in a review and I'll answer it in my A/N. I'll try to answer important questions. I think they'd allow that much. Geeze, soon they're gonna tell us A/N and Post Notes are forbidden Wahhh!

Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read my story. You guys rock so much, and my review/hit ratio is so amazing. Thanks for those who favorited me and my story! I would be eternally grateful if you'd take a few more seconds to review. One-worders, critique, even flames are welcomed. So please do this pitiful author a good turn and review?

hanyoupup (1/2/06)