A/n: this is a story I adapted with permission from angel 51 I hope you
like it
Prologue : Engagement Barbecue
Tabitha and Timmy are sitting the living room table looking at the star charts of everyone in Harmony. Tabitha all of sudden jumps up and starts dancing around with a huge grin on her face.
Timmy: Princess what's going on? Why is Princess so happy?
Tabitha: Oh joy, Timmy! Someone is going to die tonight and all those who love that person will be in pain because of it. Oh happy days my friend.
Timmy: Timmy wants to know who is going to die and who is going to be in pain?
Tabitha: Well the stars aren't certain but from what I can tell it's going to center around two of Harmony's happiest couples.
Timmy: Does Tabby mean Ethan and Teresa, Luis and Sheridan?
Tabitha: Yes that is whom I mean, straw for brains. Something deliciously terrible is going to happen tonight to them, which will cause death to a loved one. And when that happens, those goodie goodies are going to be in so much pain that many will never recover.
Timmy: Timmy wants to know how many will be in pain?
Tabitha: It doesn't matter how many; all that matters is that they are going to be in pain and that is going to mean more power for us Tim Tim.
Tabitha stands up and gets the senses from the air.
Tabitha (nodding): Yes, it will happen tonight at the engagement barbecue over at the Lopez-Fitzgerald's.
Timmy: At the barbecue! NO!
Tabitha: Yes at the barbecue. Mark my words Timmy someone is going to die tonight and their death will cause everyone great pain.
Timmy: Timmy forgets why are they having an engagement barbecue again when they were offered to have an engagement party up at the Crane mansion?
Tabitha: Oh Timmy. The answer is simple because Luis doesn't trust his new soon to be in-laws. Besides Luis and Sheridan remembered what happened the last engagement party that was held there. It was a complete disaster when that tabloid came out about Ethan's true paternity. Oh that was a night I wished I could have been there for but alas we had to wait for Charity to be devoured by hell, which thanks to you, never happened. But let's now dwell on the past. Let's get ready and go.
Timmy: Go where?
Tabitha: To the barbecue of course you don't think that I'm going to miss the entire fun do you? No, Timmy I'm going to be right in the middle of the excitement.
Timmy: There is one thing that Princess seems to have forgotten.
Tabitha: And what is that doll face?
Timmy: Timmy and Tabitha weren't invited!
Tabitha: That's true we weren't. But, no one is going to mind us just showing up uninvited. Julian Crane, Rebecca Hotchkiss yes but sweet loving us no. Especially when we offer our congratulations to the newly engaged couple. So come on Timmy let's go and get ready for devilish fun.
Timmy and Tabitha go upstairs to get changed for the barbecue.
Prologue : Engagement Barbecue
Tabitha and Timmy are sitting the living room table looking at the star charts of everyone in Harmony. Tabitha all of sudden jumps up and starts dancing around with a huge grin on her face.
Timmy: Princess what's going on? Why is Princess so happy?
Tabitha: Oh joy, Timmy! Someone is going to die tonight and all those who love that person will be in pain because of it. Oh happy days my friend.
Timmy: Timmy wants to know who is going to die and who is going to be in pain?
Tabitha: Well the stars aren't certain but from what I can tell it's going to center around two of Harmony's happiest couples.
Timmy: Does Tabby mean Ethan and Teresa, Luis and Sheridan?
Tabitha: Yes that is whom I mean, straw for brains. Something deliciously terrible is going to happen tonight to them, which will cause death to a loved one. And when that happens, those goodie goodies are going to be in so much pain that many will never recover.
Timmy: Timmy wants to know how many will be in pain?
Tabitha: It doesn't matter how many; all that matters is that they are going to be in pain and that is going to mean more power for us Tim Tim.
Tabitha stands up and gets the senses from the air.
Tabitha (nodding): Yes, it will happen tonight at the engagement barbecue over at the Lopez-Fitzgerald's.
Timmy: At the barbecue! NO!
Tabitha: Yes at the barbecue. Mark my words Timmy someone is going to die tonight and their death will cause everyone great pain.
Timmy: Timmy forgets why are they having an engagement barbecue again when they were offered to have an engagement party up at the Crane mansion?
Tabitha: Oh Timmy. The answer is simple because Luis doesn't trust his new soon to be in-laws. Besides Luis and Sheridan remembered what happened the last engagement party that was held there. It was a complete disaster when that tabloid came out about Ethan's true paternity. Oh that was a night I wished I could have been there for but alas we had to wait for Charity to be devoured by hell, which thanks to you, never happened. But let's now dwell on the past. Let's get ready and go.
Timmy: Go where?
Tabitha: To the barbecue of course you don't think that I'm going to miss the entire fun do you? No, Timmy I'm going to be right in the middle of the excitement.
Timmy: There is one thing that Princess seems to have forgotten.
Tabitha: And what is that doll face?
Timmy: Timmy and Tabitha weren't invited!
Tabitha: That's true we weren't. But, no one is going to mind us just showing up uninvited. Julian Crane, Rebecca Hotchkiss yes but sweet loving us no. Especially when we offer our congratulations to the newly engaged couple. So come on Timmy let's go and get ready for devilish fun.
Timmy and Tabitha go upstairs to get changed for the barbecue.