Heart Breaker Higurashi
Chapter One
It was during the middle of her sophomore year, when she - Kagome Higurashi - realized that she was in love. Deep down in her heart, in that huge section that held many of the unexplained, she just knew that it wasn't your everyday 'puppy love'.
She was in love truly, madly, and completely deeply. She knew that she would do anything for him and she had always believed that he would do anything for her.
He would always whisper sweet nothings in her ear, telling her that he loved her and constantly explained how one day, they would get married and raise a big family once they were old enough.
Bull shit.
Everything was a load of bull shit. All those phony words and talk about marriage. They were all lies... the bastard!
She was walking early towards school one day when she overheard one girl talking happily about her boyfriend... *Bankotsu.
It may sound strange to you, but Kagome had a conscience... and no, that's not the strange part. They were named. They were two old women who lounged around in a segment of her brain, giving her advice and choices between what was good and bad. One was named Miyou and the other Kitsuke.
'Okay... Maybe that was just a coincidence...?' Kitsuke began saying.
'Now tell me... how many guys are named Bankotsu?!' Miyou decided to argue.
'Okay... You've got a point...' the first conscience said, not entirely happy to lose this short argument.
Kagome frowned. She really did want those two to shut up for once and give her time to think by herself.
She decided to ignore what that girl said. It couldn't be... he had said that he loved her. Besides... she loved him too and trusted him. Their trust could not be so easily broken. With this belief held in her mind, she confidently strode into the school.
'But wouldn't that explain the reason why he seems like he never wants to be seen with you as more than a friend during school?' Miyou wondered.
'Shut up Miyou. She trusts him.'
As she walked towards her locker, she heard two of Bankotsu's 'jock' friends whispering loudly to each other.
The numb skulls.
As she dialed her combination and opened her locker to pick out what she needed for her first period class, she couldn't help but overhear:
"So how many girls is that already man?" jock number one said.
"About fifteen I think..." jock number two replied, but he was unsure. This lead him to name the fifteen girls, although unbeknownst to him and his friend, they were fairly audible to the raven haired girl.
Kagome just thought that he was talking about all of the girls that he had played during that month, so she did not pay much attention to it, and was just about to close her locker, when she heard her name said as part of that list. That wasn't right. She had only been with Bankotsu.
"Oh yeah... and Kagome Higurashi. Man that girl's a babe. Once Bankotsu dumps her after his 'six-month-relationships' thing... heh... with more that on girl... I think I'll have me a piece of that-" jock number two said, giving a goofy smiled that disgusted the newly heart broken sixteen year old to no end.
She slammed her locker shut instantly, interrupting the jock's sentence. The two boys finally noticed her presence and she heard one of the boys swear a multitude of nonstop curses, until he was out of her hearing range.
She was devastated by what she heard, so devastated in fact that she ran straight back home and cried.
Her mother did not ask her questions. She was just there to comfort her daughter until she was ready to explain the cause of her tears. He daughter was so overly heart broken though, that she refused to go to school for a whole week. This gave Kagome's grandfather a chance to use his knowledge of illnesses by skillfully 'exaggerating the facts' to his granddaughter's school. The sicknesses were normal at first starting with a slight cold... until after the duration of five days, her 'illnesses' became more drastic.
Although Kagome was missing out on a whole week of school due to her depression, her mother did not force her, or question her. She understood that whatever her daughter was going through, it was probably something extremely horrible... like a break-up gone awry? Well it was just a wild guess...
Kagome was devastated that her supposed 'boyfriend' did not even call or come over to her house to see what was wrong, which proved all the more that he truly didn't care about her.
She was just another one of his 'six month girls'. This caused anger to flare up with in her. All other thoughts of any past affections disintegrated along with her unprotected, kind heart.
Mrs. Higurashi was glad that slowly after that week, her daughter was healing; her sadness fading. She was finally mending after whatever happened. What she didn't realize was that she was slowly creating a barrier around her heart.
Her daughter couldn't take the games of men. During her time in school, she had met a surprising amount of male 'play boys'. She just always thought that Bankotsu wasn't like one of them... Now... Now she knew better. They were all pigs, and players and they all had to pay.
The next Monday, Kagome finally came back to school... but she did not look at all like her usual 'carefree' self. She was more concealed with her thoughts, but she was more... flirtatious around boys.
Soon she caught the attention of many boys at school, and had dated quite a handful of them. She loved the power of making them fall madly in love with her, then she would quickly end the relationship, never giving them a second thought.
Of course they were devastated.
Like she gave a damn.
Three years later, the same beautiful heart breaker graduated as one of the top students in her school. She was well-known academically... and socially. No nasty rumors had ever spread about her. The boys didn't dare because almost every other guy there had dated Kagome, and had fallen - quite hard - for her.
They didn't dare say anything against her... no... they cared about her too much.
This lead Kagome into moving far away from her home. Many miles away from that horrendous school and her horrendous memories. She didn't care very much that her reputation was still intact. Everything would just remind her of her past, back where she lived, and she wanted to run away from it all.
She arrived at Goshinboku University just in time to receive her schedule early... That was if she could find it early enough...
She was walking up the entrance stairs of her new college, hand-in-hand with her latest 'boyfriend' *Jinenji. As the two walked around looking for the booths where the students' schedules would be handed out, Jinenji gave her a look that said 'Can we please talk now? In private?'
The pair went into a nearly deserted hallway, and when they had stopped walking, Kagome turned sharply towards the young man.
"What is it Jinenji?" the stormy-eyed teen asked.
'He's been dangerously attached to you Kagome dear. Get rid of him now.' Kitsuke told her.
'It would just break his heart!' Miyou tried to argue, but now, Kagome only listened to Kitsuke.
'That's the damn plan!' exclaimed Kitsuke.
"I... I wanted to tell you something Kagome..." he said nervously.
"Yes? What is it? I have to go get my schedule so make this quick," she snapped. She needed her schedule and she needed it now. If one of her classes were to start in just thirty minutes, she would need time to prepare. If she didn't hurry Jinenji up, she would be here all day.
But then again... he was used to her occasional sharp tones. She would usually always redeem herself with nice gestures towards him, so he was fine. Maybe it was just the way she was. He still loved her anyway. "I... I..."
"What?!" she asked a little more harshly, her little patience quickly being blown away.
There was silence as Kagome's voice slightly echoed through the partially deserted hall.
"I think I'm in love with you Kagome..." he said quietly.
'Yes! Bulls eye!' Kitsuke praised.
'Oh shame!' Miyou said disapprovingly.
"I'm sorry Jinenji, but I don't think that I'm ready for that step-" she began, innocently.
"Then I'll slow down. I love you, and I'll do anything-" he tried desperately, but Kagome cut him off.
"I thought you said that you just think you're in love with me?" she questioned.
The young man looked at her confused. "I know but-"
She quickly interrupted him. "I'm sorry Jinenji, but I don't think that I am ready for a relationship like this. Not now... and not... ever. I'm sorry... but we'll see each around okay? It's just that I can't be in a relationship in which I know the guy feels something strong for me. I would never be able to return their feelings... so I don't want to lead them on," she lied, slightly smiling before she swiftly walked off, happy that another sucker was struck by her blow.
"But... But! I... Love you! And I... I went to a community college close to yours just for you... Kagome. Kagome...?" she was no where in sight anymore.
Tears began trickling through the poor, heart broken man's eyes, as he heard his mother's car blowing it's horn for him to go down the steps now.
Inuyasha had never seen such a strange sight before. True he had only been in that college for two years, but never, ever in his life did he think that he would ever see a young man burst through the college door exit, and run down to his mother's car, bawling like a baby.
Well... there was a first time for everything.
Kagome searched around the crowd for a potential bastard to break, and she set her eyes on a perfect one. She had caught him groping women and she was going to make him pay for that.
As his gaze swiftly turned to her, she smirked.
Easy catch.
"Hello..." a man, just barely an age older than Kagome said. He was handsome, Kagome had to admit, with a small pony tail hanging behind his neck. He wore three gold earrings just around the rim of his left ear, and he had striking lavender eyes.
"Hey," she began, putting up her 'flirtatious grin', as she liked to call it.
"You look lost..." he commented.
"Yes... about that... Well you see... I'm new here and I was wondering where I could possibly get my schedule..." she asked, pretending to search around the hall with her eyes.
"Oh... Well... What's your name?" he asked her.
"Kagome Higurashi."
"Oh... You know... Well you see, I help the Board of Directors organize schedules for students, and I think that I have yours right upstairs in my room. Now if you would just follow me..." he began, as he started walking towards the elevators up towards the dorms. Of course, he really didn't know what the Board of Directors did... Well it seemed to work...
"Not so fast hentai."
He stopped dead in his tracks. Damn.
He turned around to face his 'precious Sango'. "Hello there Sango, love," he began.
"Don't even," she said, immediately stopping him from his 'suave words' to come.
"Yes ma'am."
Kagome looked over at the two curiously. 'Now by the way he groped those women back there... I would have thought he was single... Hmm...'
"I'm so sorry about him. He can be a little..." the new young woman said, pausing to give the young man a sideways glance before she continued. "Eh... No... Very perverted. I suggest you watch out. By the way, my name's Sango."
Kagome smiled at her. "Hi. I'm Kagome Higurashi. I was just wondering where the schedules were handed out-"
Before anything else was said, the corridors opened showing a slightly amused Inuyasha walking in towards his two friends, and one unknown young woman. All three looked over at the young man. Kagome noticed his long, silvery hair, tied low behind his back, and his amazingly golden eyes.
"Inuyasha. Hey. This is Kagome," Sango said, politely introducing the two. "Kagome. Inuyasha," she continued, signaling towards the two.
'He's single. I just know it!' Kitsuke said... and she was never wrong.
"Very pleased to meet you," Kagome said, extending her hand to shake his. He obliged and gave her hand a firm shake.
Things were silent for a second, until Miroku suddenly turned to Sango, surprising her. He almost forgot about her car!
"Sango dear-" Sango made a twisted face at this. "I remember you saying how you needed to bring your car to the shop?" Miroku said, suddenly remembering. They needed her car so that they could drive to the club that Friday.
"Oh... Yeah." She looked over at Inuyasha, who was engaged in a pleasant conversation with the new girl. He didn't seem irritated either, unlike how he was with some women she and the lech tried to set him up with. After that horrible break-up with Kikyo, he needed to get a new girlfriend and forget about the woman dubbed by her and Miroku as 'the bitch'.
"Inu-" Miroku began, but Sango quickly cut him off.
"We don't need three people to bring one car to the shop. Let's go!" she said, grabbing his sleeve and pulling him towards the student parking lot. Well... at least he didn't notice them leave him.
Kagome stared at the two as they left. They seemed nice... Oh well... at least now she could be left alone for another one of her 'potential victims'. She would probably have more time to get to know them... Not the guy, but perhaps the girl. Her getting to know a guy for friendship was just out of the question.
"You know you look a little like Kikyo..." Inuyasha suddenly blurted out, after their little conversation dwindled down. 'Smooth asshole... just smooth...' he thought.
"Who's she?" she asked, curious.
"My ex-" 'Dammit!'
Kagome was a little take back there. She wasn't expecting a guy like him to talk so clumsily towards a girl he was trying to flirt with. This made her uncomfortable. "O... kay... Well... ahh... There are these schedules that I have to go and look for... so..." she said, just about to walk away. She hated it when men talked about their ex girlfriends. It annoyed her to no end, and she would take none of it, if she was going to give this guy a chance.
Inuyasha of course, was not about to just let a little opportunity for him to forget Kikyo, to pass him by. "Hey, wait! You're new here right?" he asked.
Kagome turned around to face him again, and he saw a flash of annoyance on her face, but it immediately disappeared into a sweet smile. "Yeah, I'm a freshman," she said. He was practically asking her for a broken heart. How could she resist?
"Well... Ummm.... How about I bring you to the schedule booths and show you around the school grounds later? You wouldn't want to be lost like every other freshman here now, do you?"
Kagome practically smirked at this. Great. This guy would be just as easy. "Of course! I'd love that!" she exclaimed happily, giving him her most false 'happy smile' that she could conjure.
"Great!" he smiled, as he led her through the crowd towards the schedule booths.
When they finally arrived, he stopped and turned back around to face her.
"Maybe I should call you and tell you where we should meet?" he asked.
Kagome shook her head. The last thing she wanted was some guy to get a hold of her number and drive her crazy... like what happened in the past. Oh, she didn't want to think about it. "I haven't even seen my room yet, and I especially don't know the phone number there. How about you give me your phone number and I'll call you?" Maybe if she found some other sucker, she would have a choice.
"Sounds fine to me," he said, as he took out a pen and paper and began writing his phone number and name, but after a couple seconds, he began thinking about how some people did this to others whom they just met - just for the hell of embarrassing them - and stopped. He aimed for a laconic approach to this situation. "Wait... You're not just asking so you can embarrass me and throw it away and never call, now are you?"
'Oh, he's good.' Kitsuke said.
'Grrr...' "Of course not!" she replied. Damn. "I swear to kami-sama that I won't do that!"
"Okay, well... here. Maybe we can meet at seven when there are barely any students on the campus."
"Great! Let's meet at the entrance stairs, that's the only place I really know of around here."
"Yeah, of course. I'll see you then!" he said, jogging away slowly, for he remembered he had class in ten minutes.
'This should finally be interesting...' Miyou said.
'Why?' Kagome asked, confused.
'By the looks of it, that guy has more sense than any other guy you've ever met!'
'I was afraid of that...'
Author's Notes: I know, I know... I put Bankotsu in it, but I needed every other male who was more familiar with Kagome in my later chapters. At least he was the most normal-looking one out of all of the Shichinintai, eh? Besides... At least you know how he looks right? ^_^.
*Oh and, Jinenji is in a human form. Do you remember a little about his dad's human form? Well... that's how Jinenji looks like. ^_^ His dad didn't look bad either if that's what you're thinking. For those of you who don't remember him, he's that other hanyou, who's half horse, half human. He lives with his mom and they raise herbal crops.
And if any questions arise as to why I added Miyou and Kitsuke... Well... One, I wanted to make my story even more original, and two, it's to explain the reasons for some of Kagome's actions. I've tried making her argue with herself, and it didn't sounds right. I know that technically, she is arguing with herself, but at least it makes it less general, ya know? Well... That's all!
Please review.