What's this I hear about Trish's heel turn being planned from the very beginning? AND Trish and Chris will probably end up getting back together! Can you believe after they do this to us at Wrestlemania, they may end up together once again! That would be the happiest day of my life! Okay so here's the next chapter of LYFN, and I hope you enjoy. Review it, it keeps me writing! Still a shipper:-)Bwahaha. Enjoy.

_-_-_-_ The draft was over, and she didn't have to worry about being traded to Smackdown, possibly losing her chances of getting back together with Chris. Also so didn't have to worry about not being able to keep an eye on him. Lita and her made a deal that if Trish got traded Lita would gladly give up her spot to go to Smackdown instead of Trish. Not that it would really matter anyways. He hadn't even made eye contact with her since right after Wrestlemania.

She hated the fact that she had to do that to him, yet she needed to for her job. She wanted to be with him, but keeping her job and being with him off screen was the way it had to be. She walked back down the hall, during a house show, taking off the Raw t-shit that she had on as a cape. Tossing it on the couch, and running her fingers through her long blonde locks, she walked into her locker room and turned on her lights. There was an envelope sitting on her table so she walked over and picked it up. Once she opened it, she recognized the writing. It was the same as the Valentine's card she'd gotten. As shocked as she was, she began to read it.

We need to talk. 9:30 tonight. Just be in the lobby okay?

She folded it back up, and looked at her watch. It was only 8:30, but she needed to take a shower anyways. After a long hot shower, she still had a few minutes left until she had to be in the lobby, so she ran down the hall to Lita's room. She impatiently knocked on the door, and continued to yell for Lita. Lita finally opened the door, and laughed at Trish who was out of breath.

"Lita...w-what did you s-say to h-him to get h-him to talk to m-me?"

"Whoa, breathe first Trish. Now come sit down." Lita led Trish over to the couch, and sat down. "What are you talking about?"

"This!" Trish handed Lita the note from Chris and brushed her fingers through her hair. "Why does he now want to talk to me after you talked to him. What did you say?"

"I just told him that it wasn't what he thought it was, and that he needed to hear you out. He agreed. That's all it took Trish."

"You told him this last week?"

"No I told him this, this morning."

"When did you see him this morning?!"

"When I went to the gym Trish, calm down. He was just lifting some weights, and I started working out with him. We talked, and I asked him if he thought about what I said last week. He said he had, he just didn't want to talk to you then. So I told him that he needed to talk to you, before things between you got worse than they already were. Then when he still disagreed, I begged him."

"Lita, did I ever tell you that you're my best friend?"

"Plenty of times, but I never get tired of hearing it. Now get down in that lobby and wait for your man. Tell him all the right stuff, got it?"

"Duh Li, thanks SO much. I owe you."

"Big time." Trish ran out the door and to the lobby. They were still in the arena, and she didn't know if Chris would already be waiting for her. Once she got there, she saw that he wasn't so she found a bench and sat down. She waited a few minutes on the bench, then got up and paced around the lobby area. A few fans came out from the inside of the arena, and came up to Trish for an autograph. One of them had on a Sexy Beast shirt, and the other a 100% Stratusfaction Guaranteed shirt. She signed their stuff, and then took a couple pictures with them. A voice from behind her caught her attention, and she turned around to find Chris standing there.

"Come with me." He turned back around and headed towards the parking lot. Running to catch up to him, she called his name, but no answer.

"Chris, come on, if we're going to talk, you need to work with me. Please."

He continued walking and then got into a car. She followed him, and also got in. He quickly drove out of the lot, and to the hotel. "Lita's bringing your bags back to the hotel, so don't worry. Turn your phone off, and your pager. If we're going to talk, we're not going to have any distractions."

She hated the tone of his voice. The way he told her 'no distractions.' It sent chills up her spine, but she listened to him and turned them both off. Once back at the hotel, she still had to run to keep up with him. They went up to his room, and went in. He sat down on the chair, and turned on some music. Playing it softly he sat back in his chair.

"Why did you want me to come with you, because last I knew you hated me."

"I have one question, and then you can leave. Why?"

"Why what?"

"Don't play dumb with me Trish. God, I may have been stupid to believe your games, but I know you know what I'm talking about. Why Trish?"

"Oh..." She bit her bottom lip, and crossed her legs. "Chris, first of all, everything we shared together was real. I would never take it back for anything anyone gave me. But Chris, you have to understand, what I did was for us, as us. Not for us to be apart. I wanted to keep my job and still be able to see you. Vince told me, that if I helped you that night, I wouldn't have had a job the next day. He said he wanted to stir things up, and that was the way he had to do it. I wanted, and still want to be with you Chris, but you listen to what the boss says without question. Look me in the eye Chris, and see that I'm telling you the truth." He turned his head, and his blue eyes gazed at her. She could feel the tears coming on, and she knew that it would be hard to stop them. "You have to know Chris, that you mean more to me than anything in this entire world. And if I could go back, I would. Seeing how much this has affected the two of us as singles, and as a couple tears me up inside. Seeing you like this, so angry with me, it makes me hate myself so much. I can't do anything to change your mind about me, but Jesus Chris, you know me. You know that I love you..."

Chris looked at her like he'd just seen a ghost. This was the first time she'd ever told him she loved him, and now wasn't the greatest time to do so. "I know I should've told you sooner, before all of this, but I was scared. Scared of losing you. Losing you just like I lost Jeff. And Chris, this is so hard. You know how upset I was when Jeff left, and being apart from you is just like losing Jeff all over again. He was my past, yes I do think about our relationship a lot, but if I would've never broken it off with him, I would've never have seen how great you were. The real Chris Jericho."

A single tear slipped from his eye as he continued to stare at her. Not saying a word, he reached up and wiped his eyes. Not saying a word, he reached up and wiped his eyes. He let out a long sigh and turned his head to face the window.

"Please say something Chris. I don't know what else I can tell you. I've said all I needed to say to you, and now this is all up to you to believe or not believe me. This is hard Chris, and I hate the fact that I've done all this to you. I hurt you and I'm sorry." The tears began streaming down her face as an uncontrollable emotion. "I'm so sorry Chris."

With that, she got up out of her chair and rushed to the door. She heard him behind her stand up, so she turned around. He was walking towards her, also crying, and he put a hand on the doorknob. The tears continued to fall from his eyes, but he brought his hands up to her face. He wiped away the tears from her eyes and the hair in her face. She didn't know what he was going to do or say to her, but it had to be something hateful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------:------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- As the tears continued to fall from his eyes, he brought her hand up in his, and began to trace the lines. He took her hand in his, and led her back into the room. He sat down on the bed, and brought her down with him. Still holding onto her hand, he put his other arm around her waist, and brought her closer to him. Hugging her tight, he wanted to feel what he felt before Wrestlemania. If he could still feel it, it was meant to be. If he couldn't...then loving Trish is not what God had intended for him to do.

He could feel it. The love he once felt for her was still there. The feelings that dwelled inside of him for so long still existed. The joy he got from just hearing her voice, her smelling her sweet scent. All of that was still there. She pulled back out of the embrace, and wiped away some of her tears.

"Chris...what's going on?"

"Just...j-just come h-here." She leaned back in and put her arms around his neck, letting him hug her. Right then and there he knew that she was truthful to him, but something inside of him still kept saying no. No, it wasn't right for him to be this forgiving right away. Only 10 days after she'd betrayed him. And now he was hugging her? Feeling those same feelings he once felt, only ten days after she'd hurt him. It was true love. Pure and simple.

"Trish..." He began to speak, but didn't know the right words to say. He wanted to tell her so many things, but he didn't know how. He didn't know how to explain all the feelings he still had for her, or even how to say those three little words. 'It's funny how I can tell her I loved her when I'm mad at her, but when I want to tell her now I'm scared to death.'

"Come on, please tell me. This is so hard for you not to say anything to me."

"I can't...I try so hard to tell you things, and then when I open my mouth, they just don't come out. I need to tell you all these things that are in my heart, but I'm so scared Trish."

"Scared of what?"

"Of loving you."

This caused Trish to begin to cry even harder. He knew that loving her was going to take sometime to get back to the way it used to be, but no matter what, he'd try his hardest to begin to trust her again. She completed him, and even if she didn't know that, it'd take time for him to be able to tell her.

"Please don't be afraid Chris."

"I want to be with you Trish, yes. But time...we need time to think, and we need time to be friends again. The level that we're at right now, is like love gone bad, and I don't want that to happen again. I believe what you said...When I hugged you...I felt it all over again. I felt everything I had felt from the first date we had, until the last day we talked. And being with you, just feels right. But now, I'm not so sure. I mean, yes I love...love you, and I probably always will. But can we at least have time, to grow back into that?"

"Chris, you can take as much time as you want. Just know that I love you too. And know that you are the reason why everything in my life makes sense."

He reached over and once again pulled her close to him. He kissed her softly on the cheek and worked his way over to her sweet lips. He hesitated a bit, but when she approved with a nod of her head, he pressed his lips to hers. Not holding onto it for very long, just long enough to be able to recognize what he had in front of him. He broke the kiss, and held her in his arms.

"So what now?"

"Well, I'm about ready to go to bed. I'm exhausted."


"Chris, what are you thinking?"

"Well, we didn't eat. Or at least I didn't eat. And I'm hungry."


"Trish, this is why you make me feel this way. You're just so..."

"Demanding? Selfish? Funny?"

"I was gonna say beautifully playful, but those words work as well. I'm going to go get something to eat. Are you going to stay here...or should I plan on staying by myself?"

"Well, it all depends ya know. What are you going to bring me to eat?"

He leaned in towards her and kissed her on the forehead. "It's a surprise. But if you're here when I get back, you'll get that surprise." He stood up off the bed and went towards the door for his shoes. She followed him for her own, and put her coat on.

"I'm going to go get my stuff to stay...overnight. I'll be here when you get back, but do you have an extra keycard?"

"Yeah, it's on that table over there. See you in a little while."

Chris kissed her once again on the forehead and walked out of the room. Down the hall he saw a few of his fellow co-workers, and new Raw member Shelton Benjamin. He didn't really talk to him at any of the pay-per views, but he seemed like a good guy.

"Hey Shelton, if I didn't tell you already, welcome to Raw."

"Thanks Chris. Where ya heading?"

"Just to get some food."

"Sounds like fun, have a good night."

"Yeah you too."

Chris continued walking down the hall, and waited for the elevator to get to the floor. Once it stopped and the doors opened he became face to face with one of his best friends.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in. An old canucklehead known as Edge. How ya doing man?" Chris extended his hand out to Edge to shake it. Edge accepted and put his hand in Chris's.

"Pretty good. How about yourself?"

"Well, I don't think I could be any better. Had a pretty good night. Got a lot of things straightened out in my life, and now I couldn't ask for a better thing."

"So you talked to her?"

"Talked, made up, made out, you know that whole drill. But on a serious note, I mean I'm just so happy now. She's incredible, and I can't believe I just wouldn't listen to her in the first place."

"I'm happy for you bro. I'm glad you found what you were looking for all along. You deserve someone as great as her. Let's just hope that her on- screen relationship with the CLB doesn't affect yours more than it already has. So, I'll let you get back to where you were going. I'm kind of tired so I'm going to hit the sack. Want to ride together in the morning? Catch up on old times?"

"Of course. I mean, the whole thing with Trish is, beginning...again, and well, I told her I needed time. So yeah sure. We'll have fun! See you in the morning."

"Alright, night."

Edge and Chris shook hands one more time, and Chris got on the elevator. Riding down he couldn't have felt any better. One of his best friends was back, and on the show that he was on. He stayed on Raw without getting drafted. And him and Trish were beginning again. The cycle that their relationship had gone in was going around again. He wasn't sure how long it would last, but while it was going he couldn't have asked for a better person to share his time with. Better yet, he couldn't think of a better girl to love.

She was everything he was looking for in woman. Honesty, truth, a great friend, a good listener, and of course she was beautiful. All of the other girls in his life wasted his time. He spent too much time looking for the right one, when the right one was in front of him the entire time.

Getting off the elevator, Chris started humming to himself. Trish and him, friends first. Who knows where their relationship would leave. He knew that she was the perfect woman, and hell maybe they'd even end up married and with kids somewhere down the road. Who knows? Driving around town after picking up his dinner, he searched for songs on the radio. Finding a good rock station, he heard the song "The Reason" by Hoobastank. It was a perfect song for the way he felt about Trish so he turned up the volume.

Back at the hotel, he was just getting into his room. It was dark, all except for one lamp that was on. He walked in, looking around for Trish. He spied her lying in his bed, sleeping. He brushed his hair back out of his face, and walked over to the bedside. Leaning down, he kissed her forehead.

"Love you...for now." He whispered gently as she lie there sleeping. He walked back over to the table, and sat down. Grinning from ear to ear he began eating his dinner. The cycle of their relationship...was beginning.


¤After finishing writing this lovely chapter, I've decided to end this fic. Don't worry, I plan on a sequel. You see, this fic is basically a cycle of their relationship, and that's where I planed on going. This is one complete rotation of that cycle, and it needs to end here. I practically cried writing this ending. And no it's not a Mary Popins bag so it does have an ending. And this is it. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Always stay shippers, even if they don't end up back together! Thanks for all the great reviews. I loved them!-Forever a shipper..~Dakota¤