I Just Can't Stop Loving You & a Stalker Killer
Chapter - Welcome to their World
At night when the stars shine I'll pray in you I'll find, a love so true
When morning awakes me and you come and take me, I'll wait for you
You know how I feel I won't stop until I hear your voice saying I do
I know
This thing can't go wrong...
Autumn had come, it was a warm Friday night, the trees were losing their leaves that had turn orange from the Autumn's weather. The wind blew in the night, the leaves were dancing on the door step and a long the foot path. Inside away from the Autumn's weather a warm fire was lit and the lights were dim, two people clicked wine glasses together after a nice dinner out. With half a bottle of wine finished the couple were on the couch kissing, things started to heat up and jackets were removed and buttons were undone till the lady lead her male visitor up to her bedroom.
Leo woke up the next morning in her bed, he looked next to him and saw her as she was waking up. "Good morning," she said.
"Morning April,"
"So what are your plans today?"
"Nothing much," Leo said getting out of bed, he reached for his clothes from the night before and got dressed. "So you still on for tonight?" Leo asked.
"Sure, say you will pick me up?"
"Round about seven," Leo said putting his shirt and doing up his buttons. "So I'll see you later then."
"Yeah," April said from the bed wrapped in a sheet, then Leo walked out leaving for home.
This was the life of Leo Wyatt, a 29 year old billionaire producer. Leo had lots of women after him but the handsome producer wasn't looking for commitments, he didn't want to be tied down. He wasn't ready for a commitment again. Sex was just sex to him, it had lost it's true meaning to him over the years.
-:- -:-
Leo walked through the front door of his mansion, "Good morning Mr. Wyatt," his butler David said.
"Morning, listen I'm gonna go upstairs and get some sleep," Leo said dropping his keys in the dish on the table near the door way and heading upstairs for some peaceful sleep.
In the afternoon the phone rang which woke Leo up, he answered the phone to find it was his friend Dan, "Hey I rang up to to see how you were and to ask if you got laid last night?" Dan joked.
"Dan I was sleeping."
"Ow! She kept you up all night?"
"You could say something like that."
"So was she good?"
"I am taking her out tonight again," Leo joked lying back down in bed.
"Is there anyone who hasn't said no to you Wyatt?"
"A few, so you still coming tonight to Amber's little do?"
"Yeah, I'm bringing this actress from that soap I was telling you about and maybe if I'm lucky I might get a little something too," Dan told Leo.
"Ah I see, so then I'll see you tonight."
"Yeah you will," Dan finished.
Leo put the phone down and got out of bed, he headed for the bathroom to take a long hot shower. After he got out shower he headed down to the living room and switched on the TV to the news.
"Another dead body was found, this time near lake Willoughby today of a young lady in her mid 20s. Police say she had be dead for at least 48 hours. This is the 12th young lady raped, and murder and found with nothing on apart from a necklace with a heart pendant around her neck. Police believe all 12 murders were all committed by the same person who murdered, Christina Mills, Bonnie Colen..."
"That's disgusting!" Leo said out a loud.
"It is," his butler David said.
"I mean what kind a sick bastard would do something like that?"
"It takes a very sick man Mr. Wyatt."
Leo switched the TV off,"I'm going upstairs to get ready for this evening," Leo told his butler leaving the room.
-:- -:-
Piper switched the TV off before the news put her off going out tonight. She was with her cat in her bedroom getting ready for her night out with clothes all over her bed and her grey cat sitting on top of them. A friend of Piper's had set her up with a director who was interested in her, she wasn't looking for a long term commitment but if one came a long she saw no harm in it. She was in a black cocktail dress with a long V cut that exposed her back, she was setting the curls in her long dark brown hair when she heard someone knocking at the front door, it was her date Dan Gordon with flowers.
-:- -:-
"So how long have you been in the business?" Dan asked Piper, they were at Amber's party that was full of Hollywood's rich people.
"I started out when I was 18 but I took a break in between and came back to acting three years ago. What about you how long have you been a director?"
"I've been I director for the past five years doing jobs here and there."
"And you enjoying it?"
"I can't complain. So how long are you on this soap for?"
"I was contracted till the end of last season. They asked me to come back for another season but I only agreed to do another 15 more episodes,"
"Why? You're great on the show."
"Well I plan to look for something else, other than daytime soap. Anyway enough about work."
"Yeah enough about work. There is someone I'll like you to meet he's a friend of mine and producer."
"All right sure," Piper said. Dan took Piper to meet his friend. They reached a group of men talking, "Leo!" Dan said as he found Leo.
"Hey Dan."
"Leo, I'll like you to meet Piper my date, Piper this is Leo, my friend," Dan said introducing the two.
Leo and Piper just stood there looking at each other, "Piper," finally came out of Leo's month.
"Leo... I... I guess it's been a while," Piper said.
"Yes, it has hasn't it?"
"You two know each other?" Dan asked.
Leo turned Dan, "Piper's my ex wife Dan."
"You were married?"
"Yes, Leo and I were for about four years," Piper said.
"Oh O.K?" Dan said still shocked, "I guess this puts me in a weird position."
"No, it's fine Dan," Leo said.
"Are you sure, I mean me being your friend and all, and dating your ex wife."
"It's fine by me," Leo said. Then they were follow by quietness not know what to say to each other. Leo looked at his watch, "If you would please excuse me but I have some where to be." Leo said.
"You're leaving?" Dan asked.
"Yeah, I have other places to be too tonight. So I'll see you tomorrow Dan."
"Yeah, sure."
Then Leo turned to Piper, "Bye Piper."
Piper looked up at her ex husband, "Bye Leo," she said and then Leo left searching for April.
I Just Can't Stop Loving You - Michael Jackson 1988