"The Itsy Bitsy Spider: the BoBo Chronicle"

by: PsychoHaired (formerly known as ronsgf4ever)

A/N~ A one shot. . . just a cute and cuddly story when Ron was a five year old. Enjoy!

Disclaimer- Not mine. . .

His hands began to sweat, all the color in his face drained. Ron gulped and backed away to the nearest wall in the common room breathing hard.

"Ron don't be silly, we need to finish out assignment" Hermione

"Nuh- Uh you get that spider away from me" he said stubbornly.

"Ron you're acting like a child!"

"I'm NOT getting near that thing no matter what you say!" he said,
still against the wall as far away from the little spider as possible.

"I just don't understand why you're so afraid of them!"

"I've already told you a thousand times Hermione!"

Hermione put away her Transfiguration notes and placed the tiny arachnid in a jar.

"Well, we're clearly not going to get this finished tonight" she sat
next to him. "Why don't you show me what happened, I could use a

"Very funny" he said coldly "All right I'll show you what happened. .
. if you shut up about my 'childish fear' already!" he thought for a

"The incantation is Televidente Ron. . ."

"I know that!" he said a bit annoyed. He waved his wand. "Televidente"

A silvery substance sipped out of Ron's wand forming some sort of screen.

A/N~ Ok I know this is short but hey. . . it's a prologue. Oh and this story will probably have just two chapters. Three tops.