Disclaimer: I don't own anything you have seen before; it all belongs to the wonderful J.K Rowling.

Summary: Lily Evans is a star pupil, she's intelligent, bright and knows not to fall for James Potter, but when he saves her life what will change?

Lily Evans, Head girl, was sitting in the Gryffindor common room reading her favourite book, 'Hogwarts a History' when four lads walked in though the portrait hole, by the names of Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew and, unfortunately for Lily, James Potter.

"Hello Lilykins!" Sirius yelled to her.

"Hi Sirius, Remus, Peter" Lily said, she had always had a strange feeling for Peter, it just didn't seem right, he was weird and a weakling, and yet still the Marauders, the biggest prankers and trouble makers in school.

"Don't I get a 'Hello' Evans?" James asked sitting on the chair in front of the fire, instead of answering to him, she just ignored him.

"Hello. Evans?" James said but still was no answer.

"Look's like my lucky day has come!" James said happily.

"Why?" Remus said confused.

"Because if I do what I'm about to do, as she's ignoring me, she can't tell me to piss off" James said and got up off the chair and sat next to Lily, who just ignored him and kept reading her book.

"Evans, will you go out with me?" James asked for what seemed the four thousandth time; Remus rolled him eyes and sat on the chair that James was sitting on. Lily still ignored James and focused even more of her book.

'Don't let him get to you Lily Evans, stay strong, he wants you to flip your lid and scream and yell at him, so resist the temptation and JUST IGNORE HIM' Lily thought to herself, trying to stop herself grabbing the annoying little prick round the neck and strangling him to death.

"I'll take your silence as a yes then shall I? How about tonight at seven, down by the quidditch pitch?" James said enjoying every moment of this; he knew she was gong to flip sooner or later.

'Stay strong, stay strong, stay strong, STAY STRONG!' Lily thought until she jumped out of her seat and screamed blue murder at James.

"POTTER NO WAY IN HELL WOULD I EVER CONSIDER GOING OUT WITH AN IGNORANT, SELF-CENTERD ASSHOLD LIKE YOU, YOU DISCUST ME!" Lily yelled standing up and running up to the girls dorms to find her friends, when she opened the door she shut it with a loud bang, which made all the girls in the dorm turn round and look at her, she was red in the face and breathing heavily.

"Potter!" Her friend Michelle said.

"You're dam right, how can he just get away with making my life a misery?" Lily said sitting on Louise's, another one of her friend's, bed.

"I don't know" Louise said and put her arm round Lily trying to get her calm.

"Look Lils all men are shits, you should know that more than anyone!" Amy said to her from the other side of the room.

"I know, it's just I thought it would be bad enough sharing a common room with him, without his stupid bigheadedness" Lily said softly after claming down a little.

"Is bigheadedness a word?" Alice asked from her bed.

"I think so," Michelle answered.

"Are you alright now Lils?" Louise asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, I guess I can't even read a book in peace!" Lily said and Louise giggled a little.

"Look just ignore him, then he'll go away!" Alice said.

"No he won't" Lily said simply.

"What do you mean?" Michelle said walking over to the vanity table and picking up some lipstick.

"I've already tried it, it doesn't work, I ignored him and he took my silence for a yes, he actually got to where we were gonna meet for our date!" Lily said disgusted and shivered slightly.

"Come on you've got to cheer up!" Amy said walking over to her.

"I know, It's just that I can't stand living with that ignorant prick any longer!" Lily said and sighed in frustration.

"How about you sleep here tonight, we could have a slumber party type of thing yeah?" Michelle said as she was putting the finished touches o her eye shadow.

"Ok, wait why are you getting all dressed up for Shell?" Lily asked Michelle who had just picked up the mascara.

"I'm going out," Michelle said simply.

"With who?" Amy asked.

"Alright, if you must know I'm going on a lunch date with Remus, ok?" Michelle said looking at the four other girls.

"So he finally asked you out?" Lily asked happily.

"Yeah" Michelle said and grabbed her coat.

"See ya!" Michelle yelled before going out of the door.

"HAVE FUN!" the four girls yelled so Michelle could hear them.

"So are we gonna have that slumber party then?" Any asked.

"Yeah I think it's a wicked idea!" Louise said and the rest of the girls nodded.

"Right well I'm gonna go to the library to the Library for the rest of the day, maybe I can finish off my book in there, see ya!" Lily said jumping of Louise's bed and out of the door.

A/N: Hiya, I hope you like the first chapter, James saves Lily in the next chapter, please review and tell me what you thought of the first chappie,

Lotsa luv

Prongs 4 Lily
