Title: Freedom is Slavery

Warnings: AU, Shounen Ai/Yaoi, Slavery, Adult language/content

Rating: PG-13 – R

Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam Wing, nor do I claim to own it. This plot is my own and that's about it.

Freedom is Salvery

By: Sailor Aurora Helios

Freedom is Slavery – Chapter One

First Meetings

            A young boy struggled fiercely as he was forced into a small hut, if you could call it that. The shackles on his feet and hands rang loudly. The other forms in the room were motionless, if only pretending to be asleep. Loud cursing came from both the boy and his captor. The older man was losing his patience and his fist slammed into the boy's stomach.

            "God damn all of you to hell!" The boy managed to shout before his body fell limp on the ground. The man stalked out of the room grumbling about having to break the boy. After a long moment of silence another person in the room moved to be sure the boy was alright.


            There was a soft groan as the boy stirred from his unconscious state. The inside of the hut was pitch black except for the slivers of pre-dawn light that crept through the cracks and holes.

            "They coulda been more gentle…" The boy muttered to himself, a touch of humor in his voice.

            "Well they would have if you hadn't put up such a fight!" The voice came from someone nearby. The voice was light and delicate, innocent almost. The voice was from a young blonde boy who smiled warmly as he spoke. "My name is Quatre Winner! What is yours?"

            "Duo. Duo Maxwell." The boy whispered, violet eyes focused on the shackles that bound him.

            "You're lucky you ended up here for your first time… I-I mean, by the way you put up a fight last night… Just thought, well… assumed you weren't a slave before now." Quatre shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to offend the new boy. Duo looked up at Quatre, saying nothing he looked away as his hands reached up to run though his hair. Quatre took note of Duo's long braided hair and silently wondered why a boy would have such long hair.

            "Did your parents sell you into slavery?" Quatre asked softly and almost immediately damned his curiosity to Hell. He knew how most children felt such a burning betrayal by their parents when sold into slavery, but he wanted to learn more about the new boy. Quatre having been there the longest always did his best to take care of the new and/or younger slaves. Quatre again focused his attention on the braided youth who had yet to reply. He wondered if Duo just didn't talk much similar to—Quatre shoved the thought aside before it could even be finished. Duo hands had retuned in front of him. It seemed as if he had removed something from the mass of hair but in the dim light Quatre couldn't be sure. Quatre opened his mouth to restate the question unsure if Duo had heard.

            "My parents are dead." The words came in a clipped tone, and seemed to end the topic right there.

            "I-I'm sorry! I didn't know! I mean, I couldn't have! I'm sorry! So very sorry!" Quatre quickly began apologizing. He cursed himself quietly.

            "Forget it." Duo muttered with a shrug before continuing, "It doesn't matter. They died before I could even remember anything about them." Duo said simply and went back to fidgeting with his shackles. Quatre was silent before he scooted closer to Duo.

            "What are you doing?" He asked quietly.

            "What does it look like? I'm picking the locks on these damned things so they don't make noise when I get out of here." Duo said nonchalantly, a smirk playing on his lips. Quatre eyes grew wide with fear and pain. In an instant his hands shot out to take hold of Duo's, shaking his head quickly, unable to form words. Duo stared at the blonde before lightly shoving Quatre back.

            "What the hell!? I'd rather live on the streets than here!" Duo hissed, glaring at the slightly shorter boy.

            "But don't you want a roof over your head? Wouldn't it be nice to know you got meals everyday?" Quatre asked trying to persuade the new slave not to run.

            "I'd rather starve than sacrifice my freedom." A soft murmur rose as the other few slaves that were awake heard the comment.

            "Is freedom really that great?" Quatre sighed half-heartedly.

            Before Duo could reply the door to the hut opened. The boy standing in the doorway had an air of authority about him, head held high, his posture tall and straight, and the light streaming in behind him cast his features into shadows.

            "C'mon, get up everybody! You know the drill by now." The voice was calm and smooth. The other occupants of the room began to stir and soon began lining up. Duo sat awkwardly, unsure what to do. Quatre had quickly stood to line up. The boy in the doorway focused his gaze on Duo. He raised an eyebrow before walking over.

            "You're new? Hm, I wasn't informed of this, sit tight boy, I'll be with you in a minute." The boy said before turning back to the other slaves. Duo bit his tongue willing himself not to utter some profanity about being called a boy by someone who couldn't possibly be more than a year older than him. The boy dismissed the slaves, sending them to do their duties. Quatre slowly filed out of the room, his gaze never leaving the boy, never leaving the whip at the boy's waist. He turned slowly walking over to Duo, eyeing him.

            "Follow me." He ordered turning and walking out of the hut. Duo stumbled to his feet and followed after the boy who appeared to be in charge. He was led inside the large estate through a back entrance, then into a small parlor where a young woman was sipping tea. Crystal blue eyes peered at Duo questioningly.

            "Hm? Is that the new slave Father purchased last night, Wufei?" She asked brushing a strand of blonde hair from her face.

            "Yes it is, Miss Relena." He bowed slightly, before looking at her a slight frown on his face. "Why was I not informed of the purchase?"

            "Well, if you had wanted to be woken at some ungodly hour in the morning, Wufei, but we thought that would be rude. Anyways…" Relena trailed off and stood. Gracefully she walked over, a gloved hand cupping Duo's chin who glared at her defiantly. She rose an eyebrow, her gaze locking with his.

            "Violet eyes, how odd." She murmured. Her hand trailed down his chest feeling the firm muscle through the thin black shirt the boy wore. Relena took a step back, slowly circling Duo before nodding.

            "He'll work in the stables, replacing the green eyed boy we sold. What was his name? Oh well, it doesn't matter." Relena said simply. She eyed Wufei noticing him tense but turned and walked back to where she was sitting. She waved a gloved hand, silently dismissing them.  Wufei quickly tugged Duo out of the room, leading him down a hall and through a doorway behind a curtain. The room was bare except for a large drawer unit against the wall, a table and chairs.

            "Undress." Wufei ordered simply as he walked to the unit and opened a particular drawer.

            "WHAT!?" Duo shouted violet eyes widening before they narrowed at Wufei, as he crossed his arms over his chest. Wufei only glared back at him.

            "I said to undress, as in remove your clothing. Is there something you do not understand?" He asked motioning towards another door across the room. "Through that door is a bath." He explained. Duo eyed Wufei as he slowly removed his shirt. Wufei removed some cloth items and set them on the table before going through another drawer. Duo has stripped down to his boxers, glancing at the boy named Wufei. Wufei glanced back before nodding towards the second door. Duo slowly crossed the room, disappearing through the door. A short while later Duo poked his head back through the door, glancing at Wufei nervously. Wufei rolled his eyes.

            "I have clothes for you." He said simply, looking somewhat amused. Duo quickly walked over, snatching the clothing off the table quickly getting dressed before looked back at Wufei.

            "Sit." Duo sighed sitting himself in the chair. He blinked as he felt Wufei gather his hair and grip it just at the nape of his neck. He tried to glance back, managing to catch site of a pair of scissors. He suddenly realized what was about to happen.

            "FUCK NO!!!" Duo shouted throwing himself from the chair, crying of pain as Wufei had suddenly gripped the hair tightly which resulted in causing a sharp tug when Duo threw himself out of the chair. Wufei quickly released the braid staring down at Duo for a moment. Duo groaned rubbing the back of his head as he pulled the long chestnut locks over his shoulder.

            "You're hair will get in the wa—"

            "I'M NOT LETTING YOU CUT IT SO FUCK OFF!" Duo screamed at him.  Wufei eyed him but sighed in defeat. He set the scissors down and held out his hand to help Duo up.

            "Fine. I'll rebraid it for you." Wufei said a ghost of a smile curling on his lips.

            "Liar." Duo muttered, glaring. Wufei turned putting the scissors away then helped Duo to his feet.

            "I'm not lying ok?" Wufei said as he easily fingered out the few knots in his hair. He then parted the hair, carefully weaving it together. When he reached the end he took the elastic band from Duo and tied off the braid. Violet eyes shot towards Wufei as he felt something wrap around his neck.

            "It's a collar. Anyone who works outside of the house has to wear it. It's partially for identification purposes, but it also holds the Peacecraft seal on it in case someone tries to run away." Wufei stiffened slightly. He removed whip holding it in front of Duo's face. "Which if you attempt to do so you will be caught and I'll be ordered to use this. You'll more than likely be whipped however many lashings the Peacecraft family orders in front of all the other slaves as an example. It's not pleasant, so don't even think of trying to run." Wufei said firmly returning the whip to his side. Duo eyed Wufei having caught something dark flash in his eyes which was quickly hidden.

            Wufei led Duo outside to the stables, there were only a few horses in the stables and they all appeared restless. Duo only half listened as Wufei explained what was to be taken care of and such things. When Wufei had finally left Duo slowly walked towards a large black stallion. Duo smiled cautiously leaning against the railing, hand reaching out to pet the large horse.

            "You're a pretty one, aren't you?" Duo murmured grinning as he pet the house gently. The horse seemed cautious but didn't entirely mind the attention.

            "I wonder what your name is, buddy."


            "Holy shit!" Duo jumped back whirling around to face the boy who had spoken. The boy ignored Duo walking forward and into the pen holding the black stallion. Duo tilted his head slightly watching as the boy quietly picked up a brush stroking over the length of the large horse. He had a foreign look to him, skin a slight tan to it and his chocolate brown hair was a helpless mop it seemed. The most intriguing thing about the boy was the piercing cobalt blue eyes with this ever calculating gaze. His outfit was very simple appearing no better than what Duo had to wear. Duo grinned tilting his head slightly as he was content to watch the boy before him.

            "Excuse me? I asked you a question." And the voice, with the very slight foreign accent but trapped forever in something close to that of a monotone, Duo was snapped out of his thoughts by a sharp tug on his braid blinking a few times to peer into annoyed cobalt hues.

            "Huh?" Duo flushed slightly at the moment feeling very stupid as the boy before him turned his attention back to the horse.

            "Baka." He chided softly before continuing, "I asked you a question. What's your name?"

            "Duo Maxwell… What's yours?" The boy nodded not even looking up as he kept his attention on Shini.

            "Just call me Heero." He said softly. Heero stepped away and prepared Shini to ride not once looking back at the braided teen. Duo sighed slightly at he leant back quietly watching Heero.

            "Do you want to ride too?" Duo blinked questioningly looking towards Heero. Heero glanced towards Duo and shrugged slightly motioning towards Shini.

            "Rather than just stay here, I mean. It's not like much needs to be done I've been taking care of things until you came." Heero explained quietly. Duo shifted uncomfortably before looking up at Heero.

            "I've never ridden a horse before, let alone been this close to one; I mean I lived on the streets until now. I guess, well, sure, it wouldn't hurt! But, don't we need permission it's not like they're our horses." Duo moved closer slipping into the pen to stand beside Heero. Amethyst eyes glittered with excitement as he glanced at the horse to his left. A slight smirk curved on Heero's lip as he led the horse and Duo out of the stables.

            "Don't worry about permission." Heero murmured a secretive look in his eye. Heero pulled himself up onto the horse before helping Duo up.

            "Hang on." There wasn't even time to elaborate as Shini took off when Heero willed her to. Duo clung to Heero's waist as they raced off before slowing a bit when they were a good distance from the estate.

            "Do you trust me?" Heero asked glancing back at Duo. Duo blinked questioningly not sure what to answer but nodded slowly none the less.

            "Good. Hold on tight." Shini again raced forward before Duo realized Heero was about to make the horse jump a fairly tall fence.

            "Holy shit, Hee—" But his reply was cut of as he closed his eyes tight tightening his grip around Heero's waist. The horse made the jump with ease and continued racing off as amethyst eyes slowly opened.

            "You're insane!" Duo cried out staring nervously at Heero as he made the horse slow down. "We're gonna get in trouble and that's not something I'd like to do until I know I can get away with out getting caught!" Heero only rolled his eyes glancing back at the braided teen.

            "You won't get in trouble, trust me. I'll make sure you don't get in trouble, I come out here all the time when I need to get away." Heero explained as he stopped the horse by a small stream carefully peeling Duo's arms from his waist before climbing down off the horse. Duo carefully climbed off with Heero's help, falling against the taller boy and for a moment their faces were inches apart and Duo found himself staring directly into piercing cobalt. Duo grinned stepping back as Heero moved to sit by the waters edge not bothering to tie down the horse that soon followed bowing its head to drink. Duo sat by Heero staring into the water a moment before laying down resting his hands behind his head letting his eyes slowly close.

            "I could just take off and never come back." Duo murmured fingers absently moving to the collar around his neck. Heero eyed Duo for moment, shaking his head,

            "That's not smart." Duo glared slightly at Heero but sighed looking away. He knew it wasn't smart, but, he had the chance. Duo mentally weighed the pros and cons, he had no idea where exactly he was, he didn't have any weapons on him, he didn't have any food of any sort.... Duo had to just wait, that was the thing to do at the moment. Wait things out.

            "But wouldn't you want to run too?" Duo asked softly looking towards Heero. Heero stared into the water for a moment; the slightest of smiles worked its way on the boy's lips though he didn't look up.

            "Unlike you, I have no where to run to." With that said Heero fell silent once again. Duo looked confused but didn't question the other youth. Duo quietly moved closer to the horse, staring curiously at Shini. The two boys sat in almost content silence, well, Duo would have preferred to talk about something or other, but Heero was obviously lost in his thoughts. It was Heero that broke the silence when he stood walking over to mount Shini once more.

            "We need to head back," Heero said softly glancing at Duo, "I have... things I need to attend to." Duo grinned as he climbed back up on to the horse not even having to be told as he wrapped his arms around Heero's waist and let the teen steer the horse back to the stables. Duo watched as Heero wordlessly removed the saddle letting the horse relax as he affectionately padded her side.

            "Will I get to see you again? Go riding again some time?" Duo asked as Heero moved to leave. Cobalt eyes flicked back towards him surveying Duo for a moment.

            "More than likely. I come out here every chance I get." Heero nodded slightly before walking out of the stables. A small grin worked its way on Duo's lips as he glanced at the few horses in the stable moving to the next to begin brushing and caring for it.


            A weary sigh escaped past his lips as Heero Yuy quietly walked back into the large estate. He quickly moved towards the stairs hoping to avoid any one inside the finely decorated building.


            So much for that. Heero turned to face the owner of the voice he knew all to well and found cerulean eyes peering up at him curiously. Honey-blonde hair was made up in a fancy bun with pink ribbons as the girl, wearing her favorite outfit consisting of a pale pink skirt and blouse, quickly made her way to where Heero was on the stairs.

            "Heero! Where have you been? You keep running off almost every day for only the Lord knows how long, and then you try to lock yourself in your room. Don't you want to see me any more, love?" The girl, Relena, asked peering up at Heero.

            "No, Relena, it's not that. I just like to be alone." Heero explained to which Relena huffed and turned on her heel.

            "You've always avoided me, Heero. I thought that would change upon our engagement but it seems it has not. It's quite rude, you know, after I so graciously invited you to live here while your family was away. What would your father think? You're representing the entire Lowe family in your stay here, and if my father decided you were not good enough for me, because you are a very rude young man at times, and to end our engagement, what would your father do then, Heero? I am most certain he would not be very pleased. And, Heero, you most certainly do not believe you'll get away with this running off after our wedding, do you? You need to grow up and start acting like a man, Heero. You'll be taking over both our families' estates one day. You—" Relena paused in her sudden monologue eyeing Heero. "What… are you wearing, love? Go wash up and change into something more appropriate than those… rags… Forgive me for speaking so, but, you have much better tailored clothes than that, not rags that are too big for you. Hurry! You must attend brunch with me and my brother." Relena smiled up at Heero before quickly turning and walking down through another door and disappear. Heero rolled his eyes stalking up the stairs to his bedroom. He threw himself on the bed with a soft sigh and closed his eyes if only for a moment, but then he was up again disappearing into his bathroom to shower and put on a better pair of clothes before cautiously moving out of his room again in search of his best friend. Heero found the Chinese youth in his quarters, which wasn't much of a surprise. Dark eyes glanced up as Heero knocked before entering and Wufei smiled slightly.

            "Heero, Relena's—"

            "I know." Heero glared slightly as he leaned against the wall. "How did I get into this mess?" Heero sighed looking away.

            "With Relena?" Heero nodded.

            "I'm sorry, Heero, but you don't have any power against it. Are sure you can't learn to love her?" Wufei queried though he knew the answer before Heero even had to glare at him again. Wufei shook his head falling silent.

            "When did we get a new boy in the stables?" Heero looked almost curious as he stated the question.

            "Just last night, I wasn't even informed until this morning. He'll need to be broken, but, that's not my job." Wufei sighed slightly glancing at Heero who had frowned darkly at the remark.

            "What if he can't be broken? He reminds me of Shini, I don't think he can be… It's in his eyes, his spirit is too strong." Heero murmured softly, remembering the muted wild look he'd seen in the boy's violet eyes. Wufei raised an eyebrow staring at Heero but the boy soon shook his head dismissing the thoughts of the new slave from his mind.


            A soft sigh escaped past thin lips as the teen collapsed on the floor a smile playing just slightly at those lips. His first day as a slave hadn't been so bad it seemed; he'd certainly met some interesting people.

            Quatre glanced questioningly at the braided teen as he sat down beside him. Tilting his head curiously, he stared at Duo a moment longer before deciding to ask.

            "You seem in a good mood. This life isn't so bad, is it?" Duo laughed softly before sitting up on his elbows that grin still playing on his lips.

            "It sucks." He smirked with some hidden secret before lying back down, hands resting behind his head.


            "But, I met some interesting people that I don't exactly regret meeting." Duo nodded slightly.

            "Ah. Who did you meet today, hm?" A thin eyebrow rose as Quatre couldn't help showing his obvious curiosity. Duo only smiled secretively before closing his eyes, stretching out on the floor.

            "Duo? …Duo??" But Duo ignored the blonde boy beside him slipping off to the realm of dreams.


Well. The muses wouldn't go away. I had to continue this. I just… had to. Why, I'm not exactly sure. But, all of a sudden I knew what the plot was to be and where this was going. And it's a chaptered fic. Wow. I'm… attempting a chaptered fic, after my last failure and with the fact I know I can hardly finish stuff that is not a song-fic. But, I had to write this.

Let me just get one thing straight. I do not support slavery, nor is this about racism. It's a fanfic, people. As you can already see, two very different people are slaves, and there will be other random characters of all races, ethnicity, religious belief, etc. This is just a fic where it doesn't not matter who you are but you can become a slave. I do not support slavery. Do not accuse me of any of these things. I'm just your average teenager that got an interesting idea for a work of fanfiction and decided to write it.

Feedback and reviews are very muchly so appreciated! And they may keep the muses from dying.
