This is a future fic - sophomore year in college. They're all still in California - Seth, Marissa and Summer at UC Davis, Ryan interning at a Cohen family corporation. The first chapter is set at the Cohen's lodge in Big Bear over winter break. S/S and a dab of M/R. There will probably be about 3 parts. Enjoy and leave feedback to let me know what you think.

Disclaimer: I really wish I owned The OC, especially Seth Cohen, but such is life. They are not mine, they're FOX's. Otherwise I'd totally get you all connections.

Part One - Snacks, Sleep, and Sass


Summer tiptoed down the long hallway of the cabin, crossing her arms protectively over her chest as she made her way to the refrigerator and yanked open the right side. She growled to herself as she reasoned. It was one thirty am, meaning anything she ate would stick to her bones and be fat in the morning. How sexy.


Summer jolted at the break of silence, whirling around to see Seth sprawled out in a barca lounger in the living room, the light from the fire flickering and throwing shadows around the room, illuminating his face.

"Cohen? Jesus Christ!"

He smirked at her, "Sorry. Want some?"

She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before letting the door shut lightly and shuffling over to stand in front of him. He offered her a piece of bread that appeared to be smeared with peanut butter and topped with banana slices. How kindergarten.

"No, thanks. Just thirsty."

He shrugged. "It's cool, you're missing out on the best midnight snack ever invented, but you just go ahead and drink your water. Be boring."

She rolled her eyes at him and waved her hand, signaling that he move over.

"Hey Summer, this is a chair. It's meant for one person. That one person? He's me. Go sit on the couch."

She pouted and shoved his shoulder until he moved over before plopping down between his side and the arm of the lounge chair.

"I'm cold and this place is weirding me out. It's all quiet and old."

Seth hid a smile and pretended to ignore the fact that she was snuggling against his side as she drank her water.

"You know, this old guy died here before my Dad bought it... his wife couldn't stay here alone anymore because his spirit used to, like, torture her. But hey, it was cheap, and I like to snowboard, so we bought it."

Summer's eyes widened, "Shut up."

"I'm DEAD serious, Summer."

"Seeethhh..." she whined, looping her arm through his and huddling her face into his shirt sleeve. "You know you're going to have to sleep with me now."

Seth grinned, bumping her shoulder playfully. "Is that a sexual command, Summer Roberts?"

"No, how about it's an I'm a wuss and I can't sleep and I need you to talk me to sleep command." She pulled him off the chair and began to drag him down the hall towards her room. "Summer, are you insinuating that I'm boring?"

She ignored his statement completely. "Besides, you know that Marissa and Ryan are already shacked up in the other room already. I heard her leave like twenty minutes ago."

Seth yawned loudly and nodded to himself as she yanked his arm, speeding to the bed, ignoring the eerie looking black and white pictures that hung on the wall. Seth supposed he could have told her they were his great Aunt and Uncle and their family, who were all still alive and in tact, but that was no fun. She let go of his hand and climbed to the other side of the bed as he pulled down the sheets and fell onto the nearest side. He was used to their sleeping arrangements. Anytime the four of them went anywhere, Marissa and Ryan assured them they would all hang out and it would be casual, just friends. Only Summer and Seth were the only two people who were 'just friends.' And come on, let's face it, they were the only two people who actually believed that they were 'just friends.'

Closing his eyes, Seth was half asleep as he felt something pinch his arm. "Ow?"

He opened his eyes to see her deep brown eyes about two inches away from him. Her brow was furrowed in thought and he sighed. She wanted to talk. She did this every time they watched a scary movie, or anyone mentioned ghosts. Summer Roberts. Biggest wuss in all of Newport.


She sighed and shook her head, so he took it as a signal that he could fall back asleep.

"Do you ever think about when we dated?"

Seth opened his eyes tiredly and groaned. "Summer. Sleep."

She brought a hand out from under the sheets and flicked his nose.


"I said, do you ever think about when we dated?"

He growled and rubbed his palms over his eyes several times before looking at her. "No."

She snorted, rolling over so that her back faced him. "Fine. Be an asshole."

He rolled his eyes and stared at the ceiling for a minute, debating on whether to sleep and pay for it in the morning, or talk and be tired in the morning. Who was he kidding? This was Summer. The statement 'payback is a bitch' did not even compare to her standards of sucking up.

Scooting closer to her, her tickled the small of her back.


"Noope." He moved his fingers up to the back of her neck and pulled a strand of her hair. She huffed and rolled over.


"Ask me again."

She squinted at him sarcastically and buried her head farther into the pillow. "No. You're tired."

He grinned. So this was how it was going to be. Inching his arm slowly, he reached the point where her knee bent and pinched behind it. She hated when he touched the backs of her knees. It was her biggest pet peeve.


"Ask me again."

"You are such a little brat."

"Me? I'm comforting you, here, oh prissy one."

"Comforting? More like annoying."

"Okay, fine..." he grabbed a pillow and pretended to make his way toward the living room. He hadn't even reached the door before she whined loudly.

"I hate you. Come back, please."

He smiled sweetly and dove onto the bed, sinking into the mattress and looking her square in the eye. "You. Are so. Romantic."

She laughed at him and sighed before scooting closer to him and resting her head on his chest.

"Hey Summer?" He asked quietly, playing with her dark, silky hair.



She smiled into his t-shirt. "Really?"

His silence let her know the answer was yes and she drifted off to sleep comfortably.


He watched her sleep, her form limp against his, her left arm looped carelessly over his hip, her other tangled in his curls. A lock of hair fell onto her face and her nose twitched. He smiled and brushed it away, not wanting her to stir.

"You are such a girl, Cohen."

"Gee, thanks. I love you too."

She yawned loudly and stretched, one of her hands hitting hit forehead as she groaned. He rubbed the spot but decided to skip pretending that it had hurt. She wasn't even awake enough for it to be fun.

"Wow. Hello Summer's breath. That's awesome, really."

She glared at him before throwing the sheets on her side of the bed over him and trudging into the bathroom. He chuckled as he heard the sounds of her brushing her teeth.

He had just started to drift back to sleep when he felt the mattress dip beside him. "Happy?"

"Nah. It's not like I wanted to kiss you or anything."

He smirked and rolled off the bed, bouncing to the kitchen to see what Ryan was making for breakfast.

"Ugh. Why does he have to be so... Seth?" She slammed her head into his pillow and inhaled deeply. God, even smelling him made her all woozy. What was wrong with her lately? It had been two years since they had split up, it was her senior year in high school and they had decided to go their separate ways before college, knowing long distance relationships were too hard and deciding it would be easier to part on good terms while they were still in love. Too bad Seth had changed his mind at the last minute and had transferred to UC Davis to be with her and Marissa, anyhow. He was all set to go to Boston, but had changed his mind suddenly, reasoning that he didn't want to be so far away from his parents and Ryan, who had started a really successful internship with their relative who ran an architectural based company - surprise, surprise- in Southern California.

"Talking to yourself again?"

"Oh shut up, Coop. Where were you last night, missy?" Marissa raised her eyebrows and stuck her tongue out at Summer quickly before she bent down and rummaged through her suitcase.

"What are you wearing to go skiing today?"

Summer shrugged, climbing out of bed and sliding into her Oscar the Grouch slippers. So fitting for her personality in the morning.

"I don't know. Just layer and put on sun block. Remember last year?"

Marissa scrunched up her nose and laughed, "Yeah, ugh we had the worst wind burn."

Summer hit her side playfully as she traipsed by, "Yeah but we were still hot."

Marissa conceded as she watched her head to the kitchen. "Oh, always."


"Summer, your plate's by the stove."

She turned from the refrigerator and made her way toward the marble counter, kissing Ryan on the cheek loudly as she walked by him. "I adore you."

Ryan and Seth exchanged glances. Seth shrugged, "She enjoys food."

Summer threw a look at him as she poured herself a glass of orange juice. "Are you saying I'm fat?"

Seth nodded sardonically. "Yes, you are totally obese. Like, repulsive. God I can't even look at you."

His eyes slowly climbed up her body, meeting her expression, which returned his sarcasm and then some.

"Did you two have sex last night?"

Summer choked on her scrambled eggs and Seth jumped at Ryan's outburst. "Uhh... say that again, my brother?"

Ryan shrugged, tossing a piece of bacon into his mouth. "I don't know, I just sense that tension. It's cool if you did, I mean that'd be awesome, you know, you two back together again."

Seth stole a glance at Summer and she looked at him questioningly. They both broke out of their daze at the same time. "No!" "Definitely not." "Why would you think that?" "That's crazy."

Ryan nodded mockingly at them, staring at a random cartoon on the tv across the room as he spoke. "Yeah, you guys are right. What was I thinking?"

Seth nodded, agreeing with him, and Summer zoned out on the television while she ate her toast and thought. Why weren't they together again? I mean they had agreed to leave some distance for college, it was a whole new playing field and they didn't want to feel confined to each other - there were tons of fish in the sea, as everyone told them... but it was really in vain, the more she thought about it. As it was, they spent nearly every Friday night together ordering in Chinese and renting movies with Marissa and Ryan. The only things that had changed were no more sex, and no more making out.

Wait, weren't those, like, her two favorite parts?


"Hey, Marissa, hurry up!"

Summer and Seth watched, amused, as Ryan tapped his foot at the front door, decked out in a black coat and gray snow pants, a hat and gloves in his hand. He looked at the two of them as they sat on the couch and shook his head, obviously annoyed with the situation.

"You know, it's below zero outside, NO ONE is going to see us, and she's going to be wearing a ski mask… why does she need to have make up on?"

Seth shrugged, "I don't know. It's like, with Summer, I often ask myself, why DOESN'T she put make up on?"

Summer slapped him as she continued to eat the popcorn that sat between them. "Cohen, you're just not someone I need to impress. Now if you were, say, Josh Hartnett, I would totally put make up on for you."

"Well, Summer, that's just fine, cause you know, I've seen you with make up on many a time… and, I mean, it's not that great. So it's okay."

She stuck her tongue out at him mischievously and he threw a piece of popcorn at it.

Marissa idled out from the hallway, smoothing her hair down with her hands and tugging her boots on. "You ready, Ryan?"

He glared at no one, specifically, and took a deep breath, "Oh, you know, I'm not, really… I think I'm just gonna let you wait here for a half an hour and then we can go."

She rolled her eyes and made her way out of the front door, waving to Summer and Seth, "Bye guys."

"Bye, Coop. Have fun."

Ryan raised his eyebrows at Seth before shutting the door behind him, "You guys should get started now - I don't wanna walk into the house and hear any strange noises…"

Seth pointed at him and nodded. "Just go, man. Just go."

"They're crazy."


"Wanna go make out?"

Summer froze and looked at him, dropping the piece of popcorn that she had been holding. "Seriously?"

"Well… I mean… do you?"

Her face turned serious and she shut the tv off with the remote before looking at him. "Race you!"

He grinned and caught up with her as she leaped off of the couch and sped down the hallway. He grabbed a hold of her waist and spun her around, stepping into the room and diving onto the bed.

"Oh, yes. Always the winner. Admit it, my speed and stealth are so sexy to you. Come on, I'll let you Summer…"

She rolled her eyes and closed the door, walking over to the bed and crawling over him. "Let me what?"

"Let you ravish me."

She snorted loudly and shook her head, smiling at the playfulness in his eyes before leaning down to touch her nose to his.

"You're the biggest dork."

"But you still wanna do me."

She grinned and touched her lips to his, her eyes shut automatically as she felt what she'd been dreaming about for the last two years. Sure, they'd kissed once or twice since them, mostly out of habit or complete drunkenness, but it was never serious, it never felt like there was any possibility until now. His hands rose and gripped both sides of her waist, his fingers peeking beneath her t-shirt, his tongue gliding along her bottom lip.

She groaned and grabbed the sides of his face suddenly, crushed his lips closer to hers. She had been ignoring the fact that she missed him and it had almost been working, until now, when she felt his body beneath hers, and his heart pounding against hers. Her hands slid into his hair and she felt like she was floating, her pulse uneven and her hands shaky.

"Holy shit, Summer."

She smiled against his kiss and leaned back, sliding her shirt over her head and tossing it behind her. She tugged his shoulders until he sat up with her and she pulled his off next, hugging his bare chest to hers. She had forgotten how completely perfect this felt. How they molded together like they were designed for one another.


He pulled back to look at her, seriously. "I know."

Her eyes drifted to his lips, swollen and pink, and he smiled, leaning in to kiss her again. This time it was soft, different. He was kissing her like he used to when they were together. Right before her made love to her. He rolled over, keeping her beneath him and she sighed deeply, shaking under his touch.

Her world was spinning out of control, and yet she felt completely and utterly safe, below him, with his arms encircling her and his lips dancing with hers.


Feedback is always wonderful. I'll probably have part two up by Sunday or early this coming week.