Yaten: yeah I know *just* starting two fic's is a bad habit, but please bear with me! The other one was worse then this. Right now (I'm sleepy) though I think I did better with this one filling most the blank spots. Oh yes before I forget when I put ~~(name)~~ it just means the view is changing to where ever that character is.

Disclaimer: I hate having to put this. I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ________________________________________________________________________

*Moonlit Curse*

________________________________________________________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A petite form sat on a log staring at the full moon, giving her a bluish aurora. Sighing and singing to her self she slowly brought up the memories of her lost love 'Inuyasha why' She, in her mind, replayed the events that had happened under a year ago


The white haired hanyou kissed passionately an almost identical woman

"I love you Kikyou," he stated as passionately as his kiss.

Kikyou looked at her and chanted a spell in an unknown language, all the while pulling out a dagger and saying, "I love you too, Inuyasha"

She tried to scream out to Inuyasha, to warn him, finding only a howl coming from her throat. Kikyou plunged the dagger into Inuyasha's heart then her own

"Bye, bye wolf youkai Kagome" she laughed evilly as she fell to the pool of blood at the ground.

*End Flashback*

Kagome came back to her senses only to see the dawn begin to break and her features begin to become more wolfish. She was a gray-white wolf with piercing blue-purple eyes. She howled and went to find her den, located by the cold, emotionless Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha's half-brother.

Kagome didn't understand why he hadn't noticed her yet, or if he did, he hadn't approach her. Crawling into the small den she now called home. Sleeping soundlessly 'til late afternoon.

She awoke, crawled out, and stretched only to find her self-strait in front of a little human girl. The girl noticeably stiffened. Kagome noticed her black messy hair and grubby attire

'He doesn't keep children as servants, does he? Or let village children pick flowers in his personal fields?'

~~Sesshoumaru~~ The elegant youkai western lord suddenly dropped his paper work to come to his young ward, Rin's aid. Smelling the presence of a wolf close to Rin, he was there in an instant. Watching in fascination as his ward began pulling at the wolf's tail and petting it.

~~(Norm.)~~ Kagome didn't like the small human child pulling her tail, but the petting felt nice and soothing, so she bore the tail pulling. Swishing her tail away from the child every chance she could. Noticing finally Sesshoumaru's presence not far away from her and the child.

'Great now I will get the honor to deal with the demon lord soon' she thought meekly, not to enthused at the prospect of telling him her curse and how she just up and made her den right by his citadel 'fun, fun, fun!'

Sesshoumaru could see sarcasm play in the wolf 's eyes.

"Sesshoumaru-sama can Rin keep pretty wolf, please!"


Rin started to pout and allow her eye's to get watery. He sighed 'I hate it when she gives me that look'


Calling one of his servants to prepare the room between his and Rin's for the new pet wolf. Kagome fond her self in a position she did not know how to get out of. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ________________________________________________________________________

Yaten: Not too short I hope! Please review it's nice to know some-ones reading something you wrote. Please no flames, criticism is welcome, also I'm having trouble with creating names so if you have an original one please leave it on a review. Ja Ne!

Reviewer Responses:

Kagome360: Thanks for reviewing, that's not *too* overly much to work on GO ME!!

Tessa3: hmm. me too I unfortunately haven't decided yet. Thank you for reviewing!

Lavender Valentine: Thank you sooooo much for pointing that out! Rin-chan is cute isn't she.

UnlovedBandNeard: I'm beginning the next chapter now... after I fix this one

Rest of review's in next chap. 15 total as of now YAY!