Hello everyone. I've been busy writing ALL weekend because I didn't update on my last story last weekend either, so I had to go and write that chapter as well. But don't worry, I didn't forget about this story.

I'm so sorry that I didn't update for so long, all I can say is that I've been sick with the flu and then my family went on vacation for a few days....long story. Anyway, I've had ABSOLUTELY no time to write at all. All I can do is apologize and give excuses, sorry again. Feel free to yell at me in the reviews, lol.

A couple people wanted me to start doing the reviewer thanks thing after the story, but I'd rather just get it out of the way now. I got SO many reviews this time that I won't be able to write much to each person, sorry. Just know that I'm very grateful to each of you for reviewing. Thanks.

Here are my responses –

Shizentai – really? Yay! I finally have a guy reader! I'm glad you like the story, too. So, are you seeing anyone? Hehe,

Boo5 – glad you liked it. You'll have to keep on reading to find out how it continues, though, lol

Megan Ewing/ Gan – Thanks for the review^^. I enjoyed writing the home videos so much, it's so kawaii! I'll try to update this fast. Enjoy!

Sesshoumaruissofine – nice penname, hehe. Sesshoumaru's a cutie, lol. I'll wrap up the videos thing in this chapter. Thanks for the luck on the test; I doubt that you jinxed it.

Final Fan – thanks for the suggestions. I agree on the videos getting old if I over do it, so I'll just do a few important scenes before wrapping it up. Keep up the advice, it really helps.

Meagan – wow, I was so honored by all of your compliments! I'm very VERY happy to hear that I pulled off a level of believability in this story. I'll do a few more clips of Kenji's childhood, and try to make it a long chapter. Thanks, enjoy!

Lady Mokodane – lol, thanks for the praise. Being poor isn't funny usually, but it's kinda funny to imagine the Tendos without money, lol. Thanks for the review, enjoy this chapter!

Arrowcat – thanks for the advice. I'll start putting reviews after the story itself after this chapter; I only did it on this chapter to get it out of the way so I have more time to write the story itself later. Thanks for the compliments and enjoy this story!

Hannah – that sucks about having such a bad Algebra teacher. I hate math!! It sucks, ...anyway, thanks for the review, I hope you like this chapter!!

Star – thanks for your review! I liked your idea about Kenji flinging food everywhere, lol. I'll do one or two more, and then get back to the story. Enjoy this chapter!

Ameanda 90 – Yeah, I'll do one or two more quick flashbacks and then get back to the story itself. Thanks for the review and enjoy this chapter!

AmayaSaria – I'll try to get this chapter uploaded fast, I hope you enjoy it!! Thanks for the review and keep 'em coming

TopQuark – hmmm......o_o

E2K – Don't worry, I'll tell the readers in one of these upcoming chapter what happened to Ranma, and yes, eventually I'll bring everyone back, (except maybe the Kuno's, I haven't decided yet)

Nm3 – hehe, oh yeah, she was supposed to be at work, lol. Well, uh....she forgot, I guess, lol. Thanks for the review and I hope you like this chapter!

SakK – lol, of course she wouldn't want him to see her fat! Lol, he calls her uncute as it is. Enjoy this chapter!

Arcia – I'm glad you like the story so much. I'm SO SORRY about updating so little, but stupid school takes up too much time, plus I was sick!.....thanks for your review, enjoy this update!

AnneChanB – Nabiki's alright, don't worry. She'll come back pretty soon, in the next couple of chapters. Hope you like this update and thanks for your review!

AnimeObsessionFantasy – Thanks for your review! I'll let everyone know where Nabiki is in a few chapters....

Okay, that's all of 'em. Wow, that was a lot of reviews. If only I got this many reviews on my other story!! Oh well, I don't really mind that much. If I missed someone in all the confusion, sorry, but thanks for sending your review, it was much appreciated.

So, here's chapter 6 of ABANDONED. Enjoy it!!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Rumiko Takashi Characters, even though I wish I did. Kenji and Daigosuke are all mine though! I swear!


Akane, Ukyo, Ranma, and Ryouga were all settled in the living room of the dojo, watching the TV screen as Akane's home videos played in the VCR.

Akane's face was crimson, as was Ranma's. Ukyo was hardly able to keep from smirking, and Ryouga's face was unreadable. None of them were talking as another image appeared on the screen.

(A/N: I'll only do another two, short video things before I get on with the story)


*Kenji is now almost a year old*

"C'mon Kenji...wave to the camera...wave to Auntie Nabiki..." Akane held a smaller version of Kenji up in front of the camera.

Kasumi responded from behind the camera. "Akane...how will we know where to send this video? We don't even know where Nabiki is right now...."

Akane shrugged nonchalantly. "We'll just send it to the return address when Nabiki sends us a letter like she promised, that's all."

Kasumi didn't answer.

Akane continued to encourage Kenji. "Ah, c'mon Kenji, do it for mommy, please....."

"M...mm.....moom...mommy." Kenji mumbled.

Akane gasped and motioned excitedly to the camera. "Kasumi! Kasumi!! Did you hear that?!!! He said 'mommy'!!!! He said his first word!!!!"

Kasumi zoomed the camera in towards Kenji's face. "That's wonderful, Akane!"

Akane lifted her son up happily, bouncing him up and down and watching as he giggled and cooed. "Such a smart boy, aren't you Kenji?" she said in baby-talk. "Just like your mommy"


Ukyo grinned. "Not egotistical at all, are you Akane?"

Akane lifted her chin proudly. "I don't know what you're talking about. It's obvious that Kenji gets his intelligence from me. Who else would he get if from?" she challenged.

Ukyo took the hint and shut up, reluctant to bring that topic out for discussion.

Ranma almost cringed at the tension in the air. He wasn't stupid, he knew what Akane was talking about.

Ryouga was the only one who didn't seem to get it. "But wait,....I thought children inherited things from both of their parents, not just the momOUCH! ITAI!"

Ukyo's fist was planted firmly in Ryouga's face. "Shut it, pig-boy!!!!!" Ukyo growled frustratingly as Ryouga fell to the ground.

Ranma and Akane sweatdropped.

Ukyo crossed her arms over her chest and settled back on the couch, turning back to the video. "Stupid baka...." She muttered under her breath.

-Video- ---Flash Forward

"Mommy! Look!! I finally got it!!" Kenji exclaimed happily.

*Akane, in a much, MUCH thinner form (hehe) turns around from gardening around the dojo*

"Hey, that's great Kenji! I'm so proud of you!"

Kenji grinned proudly as he held up the small, miniature brick that he'd been trying for weeks to break with his hand like his mother could do.

"See! I'll be big and strong, just like you! Then I can protect you!" Kenji declared in a mock, deep voice, puffing his chest out as he tried to sound older and tougher.

Akane covered up a laugh with her hand. Then she replied with mock relief, "Ah! My big, strong son!! Now I'll never be in danger again! Nobody can defeat him!!"

Kenji nodded and started to strut around the yard, holding his scrawny arms out like they were bulging with muscles. But he was concentrating so hard on puffing out his chest that he wasn't looking where he was stepping, and tripped over a rock.

Akane could no longer hold it in and started to laugh. She stood up from her kneeling position and walked over to him. "Are you okay, Kenji?" she asked, still laughing.

Kenji got up from the ground, a pout on his face. "Stop laughing" he mumbled.

Akane quickly covered her laugh up. "I'm sorry, sweetie, I couldn't help it. I'll stop now, I promise."

Kenji stood up, and Akane kneeled down so that they were at eye level.

"I'll never be strong...." He muttered despondently.

Akane looked at him critically before raising her eyebrows at him.

"What kind of talk is that? Is that the kind of talk of this big, strong, son of mine? I don't think so. You don't sound like him at all." Akane criticized.

Kenji gave a small smile. "But what if something happens, and I can't protect you?"

Akane smiled. "I'm sure that if something like that ever happened, you'd be right there to save me, no question."

Kenji smiled and nodded. "Okay, I guess you're right...." After a few seconds he put on his famous puppy dog face. "Do you think that maybe I might have to protect you sometime today?.....like, maybe during school or something? 'Cause I can stay if you want me to....."

Akane grinned. "Nice try, squirt, but you've got to get to school now or else you'll be late. I'm sure I'll be fine for the few hours that you're at school." She assured.

Kenji nodded, somewhat disappointed. He quickly got over it though, once Souta and Kasumi appeared around the corner to walk him to school. He grabbed his brick excitedly and ran over to Souta.

"Souta! Look! I finally broke the brick!!" he bragged to his impressed cousin.

Akane smiled and watched her son for a few moments before turning back to the camera, which had been sitting on a stand while recording.

Akane's form disappeared behind the camera.

"Where are you, Nabiki?" Akane muttered, before the camera shut off.


Akane stood up and walked over to the television, shutting it off and grabbing the tape out of the VCR. She sat there with her back to them for a few more moments, composing herself.

Those videos had only strengthened her resolve to do what had to be done. She was finally going to be free! Just the thought of being able to forget everything was enough to make tears of joy almost spring to her eyes. She had waited so long!!

Now that Ukyo, Ryouga, and Cologne were all back to help, she was sure she would succeed this time!!

Akane cringed at the memory of when she had tried to do it herself. She had been lucky to escape with her life that time. Akane may have been prideful, but she wasn't stupid. She needed help to do this, and now she had it.

The only complication was Ranma. Had there ever been a time in her life when he wasn't a complication? How was she going to do all of this without him? The last thing she wanted was his involvement. Nothing good would come out of his knowing about their plan.

Akane plastered an unreadable look on her face and turned back around with the VHS tape in her hands.

Ukyo decided to break the silence. "So,...I've missed a lot, haven't I?" she smiled.

Akane was glad for the comment. "You have no idea."

Ukyo narrowed her eyes at the two boys standing behind the couch. She glared at them meaningfully for a few seconds.

Ranma sweatdropped. "What?"

Ukyo sighed in exasperation. "Well, I don't know about you two, but generally most houses DO have four walls, and unless you want to sleep with a draft all night, don't you two think you should get back to work?" she asked sarcastically.

The two of them fell over, anime style. Ryouga stood up first. "We were getting to it!!!" he yelled defensively.

Ukyo raised an eyebrow. "I'm amazed you even know what I'm talking about."

"I have a bad sense of direction, not a bad memory!!!!" he yelled angrily.

"Oh, silly me, I thought they were the same thing...." Ukyo replied sardonically.

Ranma stood up and grabbed Ryouga's arm before he tried to pummel her.

"We're going, we're going...." Ranma said, dragging Ryouga with him outside.

Ukyo turned to Akane once they were out of earshot.

"Were you supposed to work today?" Ukyo asked.

Akane nodded. "Yeah, but you two kind of disrupted my whole schedule...besides, if we're going to be leaving town tomorrow, what's the point of going today anyway?"

Ukyo nodded, then asked, "When does Kenji get out of school?"

"3:00. But Kasumi will be picking him up, and he'll stay at their house while we're gone."

"Don't you want to say goodbye to him? We might be gone for a while..."

Akane shook her head. "I'm not good with goodbyes, and Kenji wouldn't understand. He'd just beg me to let him come with us, and I hate saying no to him. It's better this way."

"If you're sure then...We can leave early tomorrow morning, before Ranma's awake. If memory serves, Ranma's one of the heaviest sleepers I know, and we'll have no problem slipping out of here unnoticed." Ukyo then added, "That is if Ryouga doesn't screw things up of course..."

Akane gave a small laugh. "You two really like each other, don't you?"

Ukyo glared at her. "What the hell are you talking about?"

Akane shook her head, smiling. "Never mind"


Akane held her finger up to her mouth warningly to Ukyo and Ryouga, who were standing a few feet away from her.

It was 4:00 in the morning, and Ranma's snores were being heard throughout the entire neighborhood. The three of them had just snuck out the front door into the cold, moist morning air.

Ryouga and Ukyo nodded, tiptoeing across the lawn as they followed Akane to the gate and then on towards the Cat Café where all of there supplies were, and where Cologne was waiting for them.

Once they had reached the main street in town, they breathed easier and started talking again.

"So, how long do you think 'till Ranma wakes up?" Ukyo asked.

Akane shrugged. "Based on the fact that he's been sleeping in until 10:00 in the morning for the past two weeks he's been here, I'm guessing we've got plenty of time to get out of here."

Ryouga looked skeptic. "I don't know, Akane....Ranma always seems to have a way of catching up to us."

Akane dismissed the thought with a wave of her hand. "Don't worry, Ryouga, once he wakes up they'll be no way for him to trace where we've gone."

The three of them reached the café and slipped in through the unlocked door, where Cologne greeted them.

They gathered around one of the tables and started to distribute their supplies into packs for each of them to carry, talking as they did so.

"So, we're cutting him off when he reaches Osaka, right?" Akane asked.

Ukyo nodded. "Pretty much. There's a main road that he plans on taking into the city, and we can meet him there."

"You two are sure about this?" Cologne asked.

Ryouga nodded. "Positive. We've been tracing that bastard ever since he returned to Japan from China."

"Did you ever find out what he was doing in China in the first place?" Akane asked.

Ukyo shook her head. "Nah, he never mentioned it during the times we were able to overhear his conversations."

"Well, no matter, we'll find out everything once we catch him."

Cologne slipped another food package into one of the bags. "He's about three weeks away from us right now."

"We need to catch him and face him before he gets anywhere near Kenji." Akane said, slinging her pack over her back.

"So you're sure he discovered where you were?" Ukyo asked.

Akane nodded. "About a year ago one of his friends found me as a waitress at the café in town. He told Daigosuke, but luckily he was already on his way to China on business.. He sent me a letter saying that I was lucky he wasn't in Japan, or else he'd punish me for hiding from him. For now, he said that he'd return to Japan in about one year to 'take care of me', or something like that"

"How did you manage to keep your location from him for so long?" Ukyo asked.

"Simple, I lied. Remember, I met Daigosuke when I spent the summer in Tokyo, so he assumed that the apartment I was staying at in Tokyo was where I lived. After,...well,...after that, I managed to have the payments delivered to him without him knowing that I was staying in Nerima, and until a year ago, he couldn't find me."

"He never tried to find you?"

Akane shook her head. "He tried somewhat to find me, but Nabiki kept on creating false leads and leaking them to his sources."

"So what happened when Nabiki disappeared?"

"I don't know,...he still didn't find me, so I assumed that Nabiki was still finding a way to keep him off my trail. That's why I kept believing that Nabiki was still alive somewhere, and that eventually she'd come back. Well, until a year ago, that is."

"If you and Kenji were so well hidden, then why did you keep giving in to his demands?" Cologne asked.

"Because of what Daigosuke threatened to do. I knew Daigosuke for three months before...that....and I've learned that he is an EXTREMELY resourceful man, even with Nabiki's interference. He could have found me if he really, really wanted to, and he threatened to do just that and take Kenji away from me. Daigosuke could get the entire court system, the police, even the government on his side with all of his connections if he wanted, and with their help, he'd have no trouble locating us and getting custody of Kenji."

"So, why didn't he then?"

"Because he knew that he could exploit me with threats only, and that if he got custody of Kenji, he'd have nothing to bargain with. He needed money to get out of the debt he was in, and he figured I was more valuable scared than in jail."

Akane continued before Ukyo could ask. "Don't think that he wouldn't take Kenji, though. If I didn't agree to pay him every month, he would have taken him just for the satisfaction, and then made Kenji work the rest of his life for him."

"I always wondered how you managed to stay so poor with two steady jobs, and Kasumi and Dr. Tofu's help." Cologne muttered.

"That bastard! How can someone be that cruel?!" Ryouga smashed his fist onto the table top.

Ukyo flipped her bag onto her back confidently. "Don't worry, Akane, we'll get him in Osaka and make sure that you never have to hide again."

Akane nodded and smiled sadly. "I know. This time, I'll finally be free of him, and be able to live again."

(A/N: Don't worry, this will all become clearer in later chapters. This is just supposed to give you an idea of what their plan is right now.)


Ranma frowned as he tried to put all that he had just learned into one story. It was all so confusing...but he thought he had the main idea.

'Okay, so this guy Daigosuke has somehow found a way to keep in contact with Akane all these years without knowing where to find her. He forces Akane to pay him every month, which is why she doesn't have any money, by threatening to take Kenji away from her and have her placed in jail.' Ranma thought angrily, his fists clenching and his ki slowly rising in rage, his aura becoming clearer and clearer.


"Ryouga! I thought I told you to stay away from the kitchen!" Ukyo sighed frustratingly as her, Akane, and Cologne looked down at the small, black pig in front of them.

(A/N: For the sake of this story, Akane knows Ryouga's secret. I'll go back to how she found out later in the story)

The pig just whined and trotted over to the stove, where a pot of water was already boiling.

Ukyo grabbed the pig and his clothes and threw them behind a large storage bin, then tossed the kettle of hot water behind it too.

As a large clatter and a cloud of steam announced that the kettle was empty, Ryouga appeared behind the bin, blushing. He quickly donned his traditional yellow and black traveling clothes and emerged from behind the large food bin.

"It's not my fault that Cologne's sink sprayed me when I turned it on!" he defended.

Ukyo threw her hands up in exasperation. "It's broken, remember?! I told you that earlier!"

"You did not!!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

While this went on, Akane stood a few steps back, sighing at the two of them. Suddenly, a very, VERY familiar energy rushed through her.

Akane abruptly turned toward the front door to the café, immediately suspicious.

"Cologne, do you feel that?" Akane asked, stepping towards the door.

Cologne turned from trying to break up Ukyo and Ryouga to concentrate. After a moment, realization dawned on her.

"Why, as a matter of fact, I do feel something,...but it can't be, I thought you said that had been taken care of?"

Akane narrowed her eyes suspiciously, a glare on her face as she quietly placed a hand on the door, and whipped it open with such speed that the person on the other side of it tripped over himself and landed with a thud on the café floor.

"Ranma!! What the hell are you doing here?!!" Akane yelled, staring at the heap in front of her.

Ranma slowly stood up, rubbing his head. "What you'd have to go and open the door so freakin' fast, 'Kane? And how'd you know I was behind the door?"

Akane grew red with anger. "Are you kidding? Your ki was so strong Kenji could have sensed it! Now answer the question, Ranma!" she growled.

Now Ranma glared at her. "I should ask you the same thing! Why'd you sneak off so early in the morning?!"

Akane tried vainly to answer. "I...I...wait, stop making me feel guilty, you're the one who was spying on us from behind a door!!"

Ranma crossed his arms across his chest. "I'm still not the one who snuck out!!" Ranma's voice softened. "Why didn't you tell me about Daigosuke?"

Akane's face softened as well. "You...you overheard us?"

Ranma nodded, his face unreadable.

Ukyo spoke up. "We didn't want you to have to get involved in all of this....especially since you just found out what had happened only a few weeks ago."

Ranma was slightly hurt, though he didn't show it. Of all people, except maybe Akane herself, he wanted revenge on this bastard.

"What, you thought I'd mess it up or something? I've got just as much against Daigosuke as all of you."

Akane looked at him curiously. "What do you mean, Ranma?"

Ranma clenched his teeth, scolding himself. 'Great, just blurt everything out, Ranma...' he thought to himself.

(A/N: *hint hint* foreshadowing is so much fun, lol....)

"Look, I want to get revenge on this guy as much as you guys do. Just because I wasn't here when it happened, doesn't mean I don't give a damn." He said.

'Technically I'm not lying...' he thought.

Cologne looked at him critically for a second before turning back to the table of supplies and grabbed a pack, tossing it to him.

"Well, don't just stand there," she said, "help us carry some of this stuff."

Ukyo looked down at the old woman incredulously. "You mean he's coming with us?"

Cologne just looked at her. "Of course he's coming. I thought he should come with us in the first place. Now hurry up and get your stuff together, we've got a long way to go before sunrise if we want to stick to our plans."

Ryouga shrugged on his pack. "I guess it couldn't hurt to have him along."

Ranma turned his anger on Ryouga. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Ryouga waved his hand dismissively. "Oh nothing, Ranma," he said as he walked out the door.

"Why you....." Ranma growled, following Ryouga out the door.

"That idiot pig-boy is going to get himself killed..." Ukyo muttered frustratingly, following the two of them.

Akane turned to the old woman. "Cologne, why do you want Ranma coming along? Don't you think it'll just complicate things?"

Cologne studied her for a moment before answering. "Even if he does complicate things a little, I still think it would be better to have him along."

"But why?"

Cologne started towards the door, but turned back before leaving. "For your sake, of course." She replied as she exited through the door.

Akane sighed, shifting the pack on her back. "Is it really better for me if Ranma comes with us?" she muttered to herself.

Ranma poked his head in the doorway. "You coming, 'Kane?"

Akane studied his face for a few moments.

Ranma raised his eyebrows. "Hello? Akane? Anybody in there? You're starting to remind me of Cologne. C'mon, we've got to get going if we want to get to Osaka in time, right?"

Akane nodded, still thinking.

Ranma gave her one of his familiar grins. "The sooner we get back, the sooner I can teach Kenji to call you 'uncute' for me."

Akane glared at him. "Ranma, you wouldn't dare!"

Ranma smiled. "Just watch me. Now come on!" he said before disappearing back out of the door, expecting her to follow.

"Don't think I'm not still mad at you, Ranma!!!" she yelled after him.

Akane's glare disappeared, and slowly a true smile replaced it. He wanted to come back afterwards. Just the fact that he planned on returning was a relief to her.

Yes, she needed him to come along. Cologne was right.

'Alright, let's get this over with' Akane thought determinedly, finally disappearing through the door and closing it behind her.


Kind of corny, but I wanted to wrap this chapter up. Well, this chapter isn't much longer than the others, but at least it's an update (FINALLY) and it moves the story along a bit.

Please review the story and tell me what you think. Feel free to yell at me about the wait, lol, I deserve it, anyway.

Ja ne for now, I'll try not to wait so long for the next chapter. See ya!