Hey guys! It's Emerald-Eyed Vixen here. I'm usually a Card Captor Sakura fanfic writer, but one night I just got the inspiration for this story, and I couldn't get it out of my head until I typed it out. I'm not sure if I'll continue this story or update it as much as my others, it depends on how many reviews, if any, that I get.

So read this chapter and tell me what you think. Then go read my real story, Real Love is Just a Dream and review that too^^.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Rumiko Takashi characters. Also, this plot is completely my own, and I'm sorry if it in some way resembles another person's plot. Someone mentioned to me that Ranma leaving and then Akane having a kid is supposedly a popular plot point, but I assure you, this is my own idea and I will try to make it as original as possible to prevent the possibility of plagerism.


"Mommy!!!" the little boy yelled, trying somewhat unsuccessfully to reach his mother as he stumbled along the road near the dojo.

Akane Tendo turned from her usual morning workout to the sound of her five- year old son's voice.

"Kenji? What's wrong?" she asked worriedly as she scooped him up in her arms, tears streaming down his face.

Kenji wiped the tears from his cheeks. "There.There was a big, scary old woman with a big wooden staff who was chasing me! She,..she looked like a ghost!" he sobbed.

Akane's eyes softened as she straightened up, holding her brown-haired, green-eyed son close. "Oh, sweetie, that's just Cologne. Don't worry, she's not a ghost, I promise, okay?" she soothed, trying to hold back a laugh as she watched the old woman approaching them.

Kenji looked up worriedly, sniffing. "Really mommy?"

Akane smiled, tickling him gently. "Yes, really. Okay? No more tears."

Kenji squirmed with laughter before Akane set him back down on the ground.

"Why don't you go play with Souta? His mommy will be coming to pick you two up for a sleepover at Auntie Kasumi's house later. Sound good?" Akane suggested.

Kenji nodded enthusiastically before running off to where four-year old Souta (A/N: Souta is Kasumi and Dr. Tofu's son) was playing near the koi pond.

"Hey Souta! Guess what!" Akane could hear Kenji yell happily as he ran towards the dojo where he and Akane lived now.

Akane turned from making sure her son was safe and went to greet Cologne.

"Cologne! What are you doing here? I thought you went back to China with Shampoo and Mousse two years ago." Akane met the old lady at the corner.

Cologne smiled and nodded. "I did, but after the wedding and all that, I decided to come back here and see if I could reopen the Cat Café. Young people just don't need old women like me hanging around." She said contendedly.

Akane nodded. "So I take it that Shampoo and Mousse are really happy together? They seemed pretty happy about the arrangement when you left, especially Mousse."

Cologne nodded happily. "Oh yes, those two are meant for each other. I only regret that it took them so long to realize it. And Mousse isn't as bad as I thought he was, he'll make a good husband...and father."

Akane gasped. "Really? That's wonderful! You must be so happy to finally have a great great grand child!"

Cologne nodded. "Yes, yes. But I also came down here to see how you were doing, Akane."

Akane blushed. "Oh, that's nice of you, but we're fine, really."

Cologne sighed as she saw through the lie easily. Even Shampoo and Mousse were worried about Akane.

"Are you sure Akane? It must have been hard on you, after Ran."

Akane abruptly interrupted her. "I'm sorry, Cologne, I've got to check on the tea inside. You'll come in for a moment, won't you?"

Cologne sighed and nodded, following the twenty-four year old Akane into the dojo. She glanced around at the makeshift house, filled with pity for the poor girl. The once upon a time Tendo dojo was now filled with portable screens separating a main sitting area with an old dining table, a makeshift kitchen with and old countertop, a bathroom, and one small bedroom in the back that the two of them shared.

Ever since the Tendo's went bankrupt, they'd been forced to give up the house, which was now used as an old, bed and breakfast inn owned by an old couple. The once beautiful yard had fallen into disrepair from lack of care. The only thing left was the slightly rundown dojo and the koi pond that Akane diligently kept clean, no matter how many of the inn's guests messed it up.

"I hope you don't mind if it's not too hot, our stove hasn't been working very well lately." Akane called, moving from behind one of the screens and setting a tray of tea on the table.

Cologne shook her head. "That suits me just fine" she said, taking a small teacup. After taking a few sips in silence, Cologne broke the tense silence.

She glanced at Kenji playing just outside the door where Akane could watch him. "He's a very sweet boy, Akane. You've brought him up very well."

Akane nodded her thanks. "I've tried. I just did what my dad used to do with me, when I was little, you know, after our mother died.." Akane's voice was tinged with sadness.

Cologne hesitated a second before asking, "any word from the boy's father?"

Akane didn't answer for a few moments. Instead of trusting her voice, she simply shook her head sadly, holding back her tears and anger simultaneously.

After a few more tense silences, Akane looked up and managed to ask, "you haven't heard from,.um.well,." she stumbled over her words, "you haven't heard from Ranma at all, have you?" she asked, hope and sadness etched in her expression.

Cologne shook her head. "I'm sorry, Akane. We haven't heard anything from him, not since he left that day."

Akane nodded. "It's okay, it's not your fault. I just wish,.no, nevermind."

Before Cologne answered, they heard a call from outside.

"Hello there! Anyone home?"

"Auntie Kasumi!" they heard Kenji yell happily. Akane smiled and stood, heading towards the door to greet her older sister.

"Well, hello there Akane. How have you been?" Kasumi asked happily, picking Souta up.

Akane plastered a fake smile on her face. "Oh, you know. Just as good as usual." She laughed.

Kasumi looked at her sister worriedly. "Are you sure you won't reconsider my offer, Akane?"

Akane shook her head. "We're fine, Kasumi, don't worry."

Kasumi sighed. "Well, alright then. Ready to go home, guys?" she asked the two little boys.

The two of them nodded eagerly. Kenji ran to where he'd left his backpack and rushed to his mother, hugging her legs.

"Bye mommy! I'll see you tomorrow!" he yelled, starting to rush over to Souta.

"Oh, no you don't" Akane teased, scooping him up and kissing him on the cheek. "You don't leave until I get a proper hug."

"Mommy! That's embarrassing!" he laughed, but he hugged her anyway. "Okay, now let me down."

Akane acquised. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow when I pick you up, okay?"

Kenji nodded before running off with Souta. Kasumi turned back to the road. "See you tomorrow, Akane. Try not to work too hard tonight, okay?"

Akane nodded. Cologne finally exited the dojo, turning to Kasumi. "Hold on, I'll walk with you. I need to go anyway, I've got work to do at the café. Thanks for the tea Akane, I'll come by later tomorrow."

Akane nodded and waved as she watched the four of them disappear around the corner before rushing back into the dojo to get ready for her nightshift as a waitress at a nearby bar and restaurant.

Meanwhile, Cologne and Kasumi were talking worriedly about a certain girl they were worried about.

"What happened in the last two years? When we left it wasn't this bad," Cologne inquired.

Kasumi sighed sadly. "Well, as you know, when Ranma left to find that rumored cure for the curse of the springs that he heard about from that traveling merchant, everything started to fall apart. First Ranma left, then Father died a year later, then Genma left to find his son, Nabiki had to go to the city to earn money, Ukyo left on a training trip with Ryouga, and, of course,.poor Akane became pregnant, so she had to drop out of high school.."

Cologne laughed bitterly. "It seems Ranma was the only thing holding everything together." Her tone turned cold. "Did the police ever arrest the man who raped Akane?"

Kasumi shook her head, a tear rolling down her cheek. "No, he escaped. And after he threatened Akane that he'd come back someday..oh, I just wish Ranma hadn't left, none of this would have happened if he hadn't left!"

"Kasumi! I'm surprised at you! You don't usually get this angry." Cologne said.

Kasumi nodded, taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry, but Akane doesn't deserve this, and she's so proud that she won't accept our offer to stay with us. She insists on making it on her own."

"What about Nabiki? Isn't she contributing?"

Kasumi shook her head. "She disappeared in the city about a year ago, so Akane's had to take two jobs. All I can do is take care of Kenji while she's gone."

"how is she doing lately? Shampoo and Mousse were really worried about her when they left."

Kasumi lowered her head. "She's exhausted, but she won't admit it. She doesn't get much sleep, and she never fully recovered from her childbirth, she almost didn't even survive it. Not to mention all the emotional stress she's had, she won't even talk about it with anyone. Kenji said that she cries in her sleep, but she won't let any of us help her!"

Cologne sighed again. "Akane's always been very stubborn, just like Ranma. She wouldn't accept anybody's help, no matter what."

The two of them reached the Cat café. "I have a lot of work to do, I might as well get started on it. Sayonara, Kasumi." Cologne said calmly, entering the old restaurant as Kasumi led the boys toward the house she shared with Dr. Tofu and their son.


One year later...

A dark figure stepped into the crowded bar, pulling his leather jacket farther up around his neck. He slipped over to the bar, gesturing to the bartender while ignoring the looks that the whores were giving him. A short, skinny blond one in tight fishnet stockings and a small, revealing halter top headed towards him.

"Hey, sugar. You lookin' for some fun?" she purred in his ear, stroking the black ponytail at the back of his neck. "$100 a night." She stated, resting her hips sensually against the bar.

"Get lost" he said coldly, slapping her hand away and glaring at her with his cold, blue eyes.

The blond glowered, clenching her fists before storming off towards her friends in the corner who were seducing a couple of late-night drunks.

The bartender gave him a strange look. "You're one of the few people I've seen resist the so-called 'charms' of the girls back there. You got a girl back home or somethin'?"

"What's it to you?" The guy bit out coldly. The bartender shrugged, handing him his drink and walking over to another customer.

The guy hurriedly swallowed his drink in one gulp before glancing at the silver watch on his wrist. He dug through his pockets for a second before producing a five dollar bill and setting it on the counter, leaving the bar and bracing himself against the cold air as he set out down the street.

He glanced around the snow-covered streets, trying vainly to see something familiar.

'It all looks just as it did when I left.' he thought, noting the small buildings, the paved walkways, and the burnt out street lamps.

He rounded a corner only to spot a familiar building. The faded sign still read 'U-chan's Okinamiyaki.' He smiled slightly before catching sight of the other sign on the door, which looked a lot newer with big bold letters saying 'FORECLOSED'.

'What happened to this place? Where did everyone go?'


So, what did you think? I'll probably put chapter one and two up, but if I don't get any reviews I won't continue this story. It's different from what I usually write, I'm more into adventures mostly, not romance. Tell me what you think!
