Crossing the bridge

This is set after the world tournament and contains Hilary, but all the original cast are in first series clothing. Hope everyone enjoys this chapter!!!!!(It's my first fanfic!) ()=dream

Soft snoring punctuated the silence that otherwise hung in the night air. Six figures lay under blankets on the floor, all sleeping soundly. Apart from one. The blankets shifted as the body beneath rolled over again. Murmurs escaped the young boy's mouth as his brow creased at dreams that disturbed his sleep. Dreams he wished he wouldn't have.

(A small five year old boy looked up at his grandfather with intense mahogany eyes, tears leaking at the corners.

"Come now Kai, crying shows weakness, and no grandchild of mine will show weakness EVER!!!!!! This time I will ignore it but next time you will be reprimanded!!!" snarled a grey haired man, his expression severe.

Kai couldn't remember ever seeing his grandfather smile, but then grandfather didn't come round often. His parents didn't seem to like the grey haired, stern man. Come to think of it, neither did Kai. Now Kai was held by the shoulders by his grandfather's cruelly tight fingers, almost bruising the skin. A cry came from the direction his mother and fathers were being dragged. They were putting up a fight for the five large men dressed in black pulling them towards a door.

"KAI, DON'T GO WITH HIM, RUN AWAY, KAI PLEASE!!!" screamed his mother, her face obscured by the tears now flooding Kai eyes, pouring down his yet unmarked cheeks, streaking in hot rivers.

"MAMA, MAMA, DON'T GO AWAY, MAMA, PAPA!!!!!!I WANT YOU HERE!!!!!" screamed an equally distressed child.

Pulling out of his grandfather's painful grasp he started running towards his parents, getting so close. A fist reached out and grabbed Kai's two- toned hair at the back, bringing him to the ground, and away from his parents. He cried in pain from the fall, and for his parents being pushed through the door. His grandfather approached Kai and gave a slap to the Childs face that left Kai's ears ringing.

"I warned you Kai, never disobey me again" he said in a voice frozen in ice.

With that he picked up Kai and put him over his shoulder and started walking away from the melee behind him. Kai could only watch and cry out to his parents.

"WE LOVE YOU KAI, NEVER FORGET US OR YOURSELF NO MATTER WHAT HE DOES TO YOU, NEVER LOSE HOPE!!!!" Were the parting words from his parents. The words that left a burning fire in Kai's heart, even when his mind forgot).

In the dark the boy dreaming woke and sat up. His slate and dark blue hair gleamed in the small amount of light the moon brought through the window. His alert, mahogany eyes glowing softly. Sweat beaded his forehead and he sighed with a deep sorrow. These dreams had been plaguing his dreams since the fall of Biovolt, and the disappearance of his grandfather Voltaire and Boris. He still didn't have his memory back, except the small flashbacks his dreams provided him. He wished he didn't have the dreams, that he had his full memory. It would mean he knew everything, not just disturbing images that didn't make sense. Out of all of them, the one about his parents was one of the worst. Even compared to the ones were he was beaten and punished, were he woke up screaming, it was still one of the worst. He sighed again; it was too stuffy in here. He got up and went to the door, opening it carefully. One last look round at the others confirmed he hadn't woken anyone. Good, he didn't want anyone to know about his dreams. Even when he screamed they never seemed to notice. Let it stay that way. With those last thoughts he walked into the cool air outside, sliding the door shut behind him.

A pair of amber eyes watched in the dark.