New story on the horizon! This one's a remake of Pirates of The Caribbean with the Yu-Gi-Oh cast. Yes, there will be some strangeness in the character placements. Yami and Yugi are not supposed to be related to Solomon Mutou and Yami Bakura isn't supposed to be related in any way to Ryou Bakura, even though they have the same last name. Just run with this. Colina is the character I've made up for a lot of stories. She's supposed to be Bakura's lover in most of them, like this one. And the Maliks are separated. But anyway, without any further ado, I present my story.


Colina Santeros, a young girl, stood at the front of a most powerful vessel, singing softly. Her voice penetrated the thick fog.
"...Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me...huh?"
A hand shot forward and grabbed Colina by the shoulder, startling her.
"Quiet now, girl. Cursed pirates sail these waters, do you want to bring them to us?"
"Mr. Mutou! That will do," Captain Seto Kaiba said in a reprimanding tone.
"...She was singing about pirates," Solomon Mutou said, his grizzled but still yellow bangs, untidily covering his eyes. He brushed them away. "Bad luck to be singin' about pirates, especially with us marred in this unnatural fog, mark my words..."
"Consider them marked. On your way."
"Aye, Lieutenant. Not good to have a woman on board either. Even a miniature one..."
Solomon took a swig from his flask.
"I think it'd be rather exciting to meet a pirate," Colina said, matter-of-factly. Kaiba smiled.
"Think again, Miss Santeros. Vile and dissolute creatures, the lot of them. I plan to see that any pirate gets what he rightfully deserves-a short drop and a sudden stop."
His smirk widened as he walked away from Colina's side, leaving her confused. Solomon grabbed his tie and pulled up, to indicate hanging. Colina gasped.
"Pardon me for interrupting, Lieutenant, but I am concerned what effect this subject will have upon my daughter," Governor Santeros replied.

"Actually father, I find pirates quite fascinating,"
"Yes Colina, that's what concerns me."
Colina leaned over the edge of the boat, looking at the rolling waves contentedly. A parasol floated by, puzzling her. She then saw a boy lying upon a small shrapnel of boards.
"Look! A boy, There's a boy in the water!" she cried in alarm. Seto rushed to the side and saw him.
"Man overboard!" he yelled.
The men pulled him aboard and Seto felt his pulse.
"He's still breathing," he muttered.
"Mary, mother of God!" Solomon muttered incredulously.
The entire crew turned to the direction he was looking in and saw a terrible wreckage that was no longer able to be called a ship.
"What happened here?" a sailor wondered.
"Seems a trade boat was attacked and they weren't heavily armed," Seto replied somberly.
"'Twas probably pirates. I'm only sayin' it."
"Oh! Of course not," the governor said as the ship came to its normal mood once again. He turned to his young daughter.
"Colina, I want you to accompany the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him."
Colina nodded and walked to the soaked boy. His hair was barely shoulder length and beautiful light lavender. His skin was white as ivory and he was extremely handsome, even unconscious and though his face was a bit pudgy due to his age. She stroked his head and he yelled hoarsely in surprise, startling her.
"It's okay," she said. "My name is Colina Santeros."
"R-Ryou Bakura," the boy said, shivering and breathing harshly.
"I'm watching over you, Ryou."
"J-just Baku...ra..." the boy said before slumping down in a dead faint. She noticed a faint glimmer on his slightly exposed chest. Pulling on a leather rope, she found a ring-like pendant from under his shirt and scrutinized it. It had five spires on the ring part and inside the ring was a pyramid with the eye of Ra in it. The entire thing was made of gold.
"You're a pirate?"
"Has he said anything?" Lt. Kaiba interrupted.
Colina turned quickly on her heel.
"His name's Ryou Bakura. That's all I found out."
"Take him below," Seto ordered.
Colina walked to the bow of the ship and stared at the Ring hard before seeing a ship in the distance with torn black sails and a pirate flag...

My first chapter is soo SHORT! Oh well. Converting this crap from the movie at 12 to 2 in the morning is hard work. Anyways, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Pirates of the Caribbean. I do own Colina. And my friend owns Ayari, who will show up later. Ta for now. ^__^