The Call of Magic

Disclaimer: Nope, IY and HP ain't mine!

A/N: Sorry it's taken so long for me to update! But I have been going through some serious Inuyasha writer's block. (getting two new anime obsessions will do that) Anyways, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

YYHgurl: I'm not going to tell you who the reincarnations are…but I will tell you that nobody is Sesshoumaru's reincarnation- Kagome was just comparing Harry's scar to things she's seen on youkai to decide what it was.

miko no tsuki: Don't worry- he will be coming within the next few chapters!

Coalina: Thank you so much for your wonderful review! I will be taking your advice to heart. Also…English IS my first language, I think gave you the wrong idea by the way I set out my profile…I'm really sorry about that!

Note: Be forewarned for Inuyasha's potty mouth.




Chapter Eight:

Inuyasha could not believe his luck; if he had known that meandering around central London would have been so productive he would have gone there to begin with. It had all started that morning, when he had set out to start looking for Kagome…and he had been struck with a sudden and disturbing realization.

London was very, VERY big…and Kagome hadn't even left her would-be rescuer with a possible starting point. So, Mrs. Higurashi had suggested that they start looking in the middle and work their way out.

Two hours of searching had proven fruitless…until now. There was a building a few feet in front of him, which had a smell that he had definitely not been expecting in a place so swamped with technology.

It smelled of magic. And where there was magic…there was usually Kagome.

He had asked Mrs. Higurashi what the foreign lettering on the building said, and she had looked at him strangely,

'"What are you talking about Inuyasha? I don't see anything odd."' Realization dawned on him,

'There is a barrier in place to stop people seeing it…it must not effect me 'cause I'm a hanyou.' He momentarily forgot about being inconspicuous, taking a giant leap to land in front of the strange building- attracting strange glances from onlookers.

Unaware, he walked into the building, only to be greeted by the unmistakable stench of alcohol. He could also detect an acrid, stale smell that made him sneeze violently. His ears twitched against the headgear he was wearing,

'I can't understand one fucking word coming from these people…Damned barrier! Now Kagome's mother can't translate for me!' Growling, his golden eyes swept over the crowded room.

He began to walk forward, only to stop in surprise, sniffing the air suspiciously,

'What the…Youki?'

Kagome groaned inwardly as she climbed the ladder leading to the divination tower. Much of the class were still giving her strange looks…not that she blamed them. She flushed as the events of the previous lesson flooded her memory.

Now, Kagome liked to believe that she was quite an even-tempered girl. She liked to believe that she was not one to get into fights over petty matters. In fact, the only person who had ever been able to get her boiling mad over petty things had been Inuyasha.

That is…until today.

Today, a second person had been added to that list…and his name was Draco Malfoy. Oh, it had started out relatively well. She had been working more slowly than usual, due to her limited ability with reading English. He had been working much more quickly, as well as sloppily. She hadn't really minded that much…that is, until he decided to blame her (loudly) for a mistake that HE had made. Her blush darkened as she recalled what had happened next,


"You idiot! Look what you've done to our potion! I knew I couldn't trust a muggle, especially one who doesn't know how to read!" Kagome felt her temper flare,

"Do not blame me for you being stupid Malfoy! I have done nothing incorrectly!" Malfoy smirked and snorted,

"Oh right, do you really expect me to believe that…you're just jealous cause I'm not a clumsy oaf!" Now, that had really gotten her blood boiling,






Kagome stuck her nose in the air, preparing herself for the inevitable 'thud'. However, when none came, her eyes snapped open to the wide-eyed stares of the entire class. Her eyes moved to Draco, who was looking at her as though she had suddenly grown a second head,

"Draco, Kagome, kindly put your potion into a flask and continue your conversation outside." Their potions master was, evidently, not happy with the disturbance.

(End flashback)

Needless to say, she had been blushing all through lunch, and had remained silent to all the incredulous remarks made by her teammates,

"You know, I still can't believe that Snape didn't dock off any Gryffindor house points! I mean, Slytherin I can understand…but Gryffindor?! Jeez, Kagome…you have to tell me whatever it is you did to get Snape to like you!" Kagome grumbled as she took a seat next to Ron at one of the tables, silently reveling in the softness of the poof that she chose,

"I would hardly call what he does being nice," She looked down at her hands to brood, but quickly looked up again as the teacher entered the room,

"Ah, Miss Higurashi! I sense that you may very well have the inner eye!"

Inuyasha's golden eyes scanned over the bustling tavern suspiciously…what was a youkai doing this far away from Japan? He quickly determined that it was nobody in the room. Following the scent, he came to a brick wall outside the back door of the pub,

'How the hell am I supposed to get passed this thing?!' As if reading his mind, a grizzly man in tattered, royal blue robes stepped beside him,

"Hmm…what was it again?" He took out a stick and tapped several bricks in seemingly random order. However, whatever he did seemed to work, as the wall began to fold in upon itself to form a hole large enough to walk through.

Inuyasha blinked, but decided to accept it,

'Magic is so damn confusing!' Stepping through the hole, his nose detected an increase in the scent of youki,

'"I'm getting closer…"' He glanced down the alley, which was filled with odd buildings, which he assumed by what appeared to be haggling, to be markets. Following his nose, he made his way down the busy street. Evidently, these humans were used to strange visitors, as they did not give him the disbelieving stares he was used to receiving from most people of this time.

He entered a part of the street that was far less crowded, and he frowned,

'This is where the youki is coming from…but there is also jyaki here. I guess I should've expected as much.' He scanned the area, and detected several hooded figures…one of which was exuding youki. However, now that he was up close, he could also smell a human stench coming from the figure,

'A hanyou?!' His curiosity peeked and he made his way over to them. They were speaking in that odd language again, but he decided to try his luck anyway,

'"Oy! What's a hanyou doing in a place like this?"' The strange hanyou stopped it's conversation with the hooded humans, and turned to face him. Inuyasha clearly heard a sharp intake of breath,

'"I-Inuyasha-san?!" The fimiliar voice triggered his recognition of the 'stranger's' scent,


A/N: What is with cliffhangers and me? Anyway, we got to see more of Inuyasha this chapter!

(1) Shiori is the little bat hanyou that Inuyasha and Kagome saved from her grandfather in one of the episodes (the exact number eludes me at the moment)

Next Chapter:

What is Shiori doing in England? And will she be able to help Inuyasha in his search for Kagome? How will Kagome's Divination lesson go? And how will everybody react to DADA? Find out in the next chapter of The Call of Magic!