Their lips were almost touching now. Akane could feel Ranma's breath against her face. Her heart beat faster and faster, feeling like it could explode out of her chest at any moment.
Ranma laughed quietly, looking at her somewhat affectionately. "Why so red, Macho Chick?" What he didn't realize was that he was blushing just as hard as she.
"I...Uh..." She twiddled her fingers and stared at her feet. "N...nothing..."
Ranma's nose brushed hers. "C'mon, you know you want SOMEthing."
Oh, what the heck... Akane tilted her head up toward his.
But just as their lips were about to touch...
"AKANE TENDO! WHAT IS THIS BLASPHEMY?!" Kuno was bolting down the street, sword in hand, followed by a curious Gosukunji and a bashful Ryoga.
Ranma quickly dropped his arms and glared at them, cheeks burning bright red. "And what's it to YOU, AS-"
"Raaa-nma," came a voice from behind him. He gulped and made himself turn around. Shampoo, Ukyo, and Kodachi were standing together, each with a murderous look in

her eyes.
"WHAT?!" He demanded, blushing furiously. "What are you staring at?!"
"You cheater," Shampoo accused. The other girls nodded in agreement.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Who said I was dating any of YOU, huh?!" He looked from one to the other, trying to decide if he stood a chance against this angry "mob".
"Ran-chan, we're ENGAGED," Ukyo said.
The other girls gawked at her, and she straightened her kimono proudly.
"And I suppose that cancels out OUR engagement, doesn't it Ranma?"
Ranma's eyes got wide. He slowly turned to face a now furious Akane. She was still holding the stop sign that she had used to beat the crap out of her stalkers, and looked quite ready to use it again. Making a quick decision, he chose the lesser of the two evils and took off towards Ukyo, Shampoo, and Kodachi.

"RANMA SAOTOME YOU CHEAT!" Akane threw the stop sign with all her might, hitting Ranma in the back of the head and rendering him unconscious for the rest of the day.