Title: California, Here We Come

Rating: PG to be safe, but most likely G

Summary: Tina won a trip for her and 5 friends to California, but the winners all have to attend a highschool

in California which opened its doors to the contest winners. There were 5 winners, making 30 people

(the winner plus their 5 friends). They will find unexpected love, fun, and thrills as they head out to Cali.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, except for the new characters introduced in the next few chapters. I do wish I

owned Michael, but sadly I don't :( but I'll keep dreaming.........

Slight AU: Tina and Dave are broken up already BUT this story occurs right after the Rocky Horror

Picture show, so Mia IS dating Kenny at this time. Also, Tina is the only one who Mia's told about her

crush on Michael.

Mia's POV

California, Here I come! Can you believe that I'm going to California. I, MIA THERMOPOLIS, am going all

the way across the country. Well, that is, of course if my parents, Grandmere, and our school allow me to.

Ok, so yeah, I guess I won't be going to California. There's no way they'll let me go, especially not Grandmere.

Why do I have to be a princess? Why do I have to have princess lessons? I guess California is totally

out of the picture.

Michael's POV

So, I was sitting there working on Crackhead when Lilly just walked right into my room. That Lilly

never respecting others privacy. So here's how our conversation went.

"Lil, theres a thing called KNOCKING. You know, I could have been changing."

"You weren't changing. I could hear you typing. I figured I wouldn't waste time knocking."

"Whatever, so did you need something. Cause if you don't, could you get out, I'm busy."

"Fine, I just thought you might want to hear what I have to say. I mean I thought you might like

over a month alone with Mia in CALIFORNIA. I guess I was wrong though," she said smiling


"Fine, I'm listening. Talk."

So she informed me of everything. This is going to be so great. I mean, over a month in California

alone with Mia. Well, not exactly alone, considering Lilly, Boris, Tina, Lars, Wahim, and

Mia's boyfriend Kenny will be there. If I can just get Mia away from Kenny, this will be so awesome.

I can't wait.

Mia's POV

Ok, so I just realized I was so excited about California, then I was so upset about possibly not being

able to go that I didn't even tell you how we won the tickets. Well today in the hall before school I was talking to

Lilly when Tina ran up to us. She was so excited. Here's part of our convo:

"Lilly, Mia, you will never believe this, " she started.

"What?" Lilly and I asked simultaneously.

"I won a trip to California off the radio!"

"That's cool" I said smiling at how excited she was.

"No, there's a lot more. It's not just for me, its for me and 5 friends. You two get to come with me."

"That is so awesome!" I exclaimed.

"Well the deal is, theres this school in California. They're totally opening their door to 30 teens. The first 5

callers on the radio won the trip for them and five friends. So for November and most of December, the 30

highschool students get to attend a highschool in California. We just have to get it OK'd with our school that we

can take classes in California and miss classes here. If they say yes, then Saturday morning, we're on our way

to California. Can you believe it? This is so great!"

"That is so awesome. This is so great! I can't wait!" I exclaimed jumping up and down. I just couldn't hold in

my excitement.

"So who's coming with you?" Lilly asked.

"Well, you, Mia, Kenny, Boris, and Michael, of course." She totally smiled at me when she said Michael. I

could just see it. I hope Lilly didn't notice though.

"Well I mean if all of you want to come. I wanted Shameeka to come, but I already talked to her. She can't

make it. I didn't really understand why. She said something about her dad though. So, if the school accepts this

we're on our way to nonstop fun across the country. Of course, Lars and Wahim have to come too, but I'm sure

they can find something to do to occupy their time."

So that's the story. My mom and Mr. Gianini finally agreed after some persuasion. Now it's up to my dad, Grandmere

and AEHS. Yeah right, I can already kiss California goodbye.

~~~~Ok, well thats all for now. I hope you like it. Reviews are nice!!! I just want to say that I'm not that

great at always updating. I used to but recently, my life got really hectic, and I got so far behind

that none of my stories are finished yet. So I can't promise that I'll update all the time, but I'll try my

best. Also, if theres someone who would like to help me with the story. I already have the main idea

but if someone would like to help me co-write, let me know. You can email me at [email protected] and just put

FF.net Help or something like that. That way, I could update more often. Thanks a bunch. Review!!!! I love reviews!