Standard disclaimer: Carlton owns the rights to Thunderbirds. My sincerest respect and admiration goes to Gerry Anderson and his team for creating the best show on earth.


This kick starts the 'Joker versus' series in which Gordon's ability to give in to his joker instincts knows no bounds. This lovable rogue just can't help himself, as each of his family is going to find out. It will culminate in the final story "Payback Time." when Gordon's family turn the tables on him.

No one is safe, and no prank to daring to be risked, starting with Scott.

"Gordon; get in here will ya."

Gordon had been waiting for his brother's call, and grinned into his watch. The image peering back at him showed his stunt had worked even better than he'd hoped, when he put the chemical into the shampoo bottle.

Don't know what your problem is." Gordon uttered, admiring his handy work, while leaning against the bedroom door frame, in case he needed to move fast. "It matches your top perfectly."

"You gonna give me that antidote?"

Ignoring the slight menacing tone that was creeping in, Gordon continued to lean nonchalantly against the door frame; certain he retained the upper hand.

"Take your time; I'll grow a beard while I'm waiting."

"I'm thinking about it."

"How about I make this real easy for you," Scott said, bringing his hand from behind his back and dangling the gold medal in front of him, "you give me the anti-dote and I won't melt this baby down."

He had Gordon's full attention. "You wouldn't?"

"Want to try me?"

Gordon's face turned green and he swallowed hard. "You're bluffing."

"You reckon?"

"Give me two minutes."

"You've got one."

"Okay; okay."

"Fifty two seconds now; and counting." Scott smiled as Gordon bolted from the room. He was still counting down as Gordon tore back into his room, panting, and clutching a small phial. Scott held out his hand in an authoritive manner, a steely look in his blue eyes. "You cut that fine bro'."

"Gimme the medal."

"Uh; uh." Scott shook his head, "not until I've checked this out."

"You don't trust me?"

"You surprised?"

"My medal's at stake here."

"Wrong; your life's at stake here."

Gordon gulped, tension about him as he watched Scott disappear into his bathroom, not seeing the smile Scott was sporting. 'Sweat little bro.' The smile turned to a grimace as he caught a glimpse of his hair in the mirror. Hanging the medal from the corner of it he bent his head and poured the contents of the phial over his hair.


Gordon paced back and forth , looking at his watch for the eighth time in as many minutes. Why was it so quiet in there? He pressed his ear to the door. What was taking so long? What if it didn't work? There was no guarantee it would. He felt the sweat prickling between his shoulder blades at the thought of what would happen if the anti-dote didn't deliver the promised solution. Gordon glanced at his watch again and jumped back as the bathroom door swished open. His amber eyes flicked to the thatch of his brother's hair, frowning when he encountered the towel. From the expression in the blue eyes it was impossible to tell if the anti-dote had worked.


Slowly Scott pulled the towel away and held out the medal with his free hand. "I'm feeling generous……..and Gordon?" he said nonchalantly, halting his brother in his tracks as Gordon shot for the exit, grabbing at the medal on route. Gordon turned slowly, waiting.

"Just thought you'd like to know Dad's taking a couple of days of next week……….he's left me in charge……."