Return To Me Chapter 15 : Gone

Synopsis : Kakashi, Iruka, Sasuke and Naruto share morning breakfast, as Naruto reveals a little more information about him and the Kyubi, while Takai is released to track down Naruto once more, as the demon might have found a way to lure in the boy.


Pairings : Sasuke x Naruto a little of Iruka x Kakashi


Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto but I wish I did


WARNING : Contains yaoi boy loves boy IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEN DON'T READ!


Extra Information

Dobe = Dead Last

Koi = Love

Gomen = I'm sorry

Onegai = Please

Chikushou = Damn

Arigatou = Thank you

Demo = But ... ... ...

Naze = Why

Iie = No


Notes concerning the reviews will be at the bottom of this page.



Since with the new formatting on the site, that no longer accepts the stars ( number 8 on the keyboard plus the (plus ) sign either dammit! I'll find a better way to alert you people of changes or something, this bites, stupid new formatting....)

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Ryuza Camp Site

---- Takai's Tent ----

A fully awake Takai stood in the middle of the room, at each of his sides, stood Toshin and Tenshi to ensure the demon wouldn't try anything funny once more. As the leader and Tonai finally entered the room, while the other two brothers bowed to show their respects.

"I heard work you wanted to have a word with me." The leader spoke out to the demon that seemed pretty angered at the moment.

"Why did you stop me? I almost had that bastard!" Takai yelled out.

"You forget that we need the Kyubi alive to take his power to strengthen our clan before we annihilate Konoha. It is for that reason that we stopped you. Although now you managed to screw up our plans and they know of our presence and maybe intentions as well." The leader finished with an annoyed tone.

"You can't obtain the Kyubi's power anymore." Takai commented, which got him the complete attention of the three brothers and the leader.

"How so?" Tonai asked before anyone else.

"That damn rat and Kyubi now have a bond. If I remember correctly, you wanted to anger the boy and torment him in order to extract Kyubi, that under normal circumstances would have let himself be unsealed, but ... Now that they have a bond, that stupid fox won't leave the boy, and will surely protect the Village from your attack." Takai informed him.

A few minutes of silence reached the tent, as the leader seemed to be mentally debating with himself, until he walked closer to the demon.

"Tonai, Tenchi, Toshin. Removed the barrier and let him free." The leader demanded.

"Nani?" Tonai was the first to protest while the other two were surprised by the sudden decision.

"Do as I say. Surely Takai knows how to behave in camp I presume?" The leader locked eyes with the demon and this one nodded in agreement.

The brothers exchanged worried looks, until they formed a triangle around the coyote demon and undid their hand seals. By doing so, they set him free to do as he please, as this one approached the leader in a dangerous way. The brothers were about to interfere when their leader motioned them not to.

"You humans are hard to understand ..." Takai commented as he sniffed closely the leader.

"Answer me this Takai. Can we still obtain the power of the Kyubi?" The leader asked while Takai took a few steps back at the mention of his enemy.

"To tame the fox now is impossible due to the sudden fact he likes those disgusting humans." Takai gave a clear answer.

"Then what do you propose we do now then?" The leader asked.

"To kill both of them. Before they become a threat to your Clan." Takai clearly gave his opinion as the brothers were a little surprised by such a proposition and yet the leader took it into consideration before giving out his answer.



"If what you say is true, then I am left with no other choice than to eliminate Kyubi as well as the boy who holds him within." The leader spoke out, while the coyote grinned.

"But my lord!" Tonai let out, surprised by the decision.

"If we cannot get the demon's powers and strength, then I won't let anyone else have it either, especially the Leaf." The leader stated.

"We understand, but still, how do we kill the boy? Myself and my brothers had to retreat when Kyubi showed himself and protected the boy." Toshin added.

"That is why we left Takai alive to begin with." The leader reminded them.

"It would be my pleasure to dispose of him. Is there anything else you wish?" Takai mentioned.

"Torture him, cut him up in pieces, I don't care. Just kill the damn thing and bring me back his head." The leader gave out his order very clearly.

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Kakashi's House

---- Kitchen ----

Kakashi helped a little, as he settled the plates, glasses and utensils on the table, while Sasuke finished making their breakfast, although his mind was set elsewhere. The boy finally finished baking those buns as he carefully placed them in a basket, and walked over to the table, where Kakashi was currently reading his perverted book.

"Don't you ever get tired of reading those?" Sasuke asked and eyed his teacher.

"You'll understand when you're much older and experienced Sasuke-kun." Kakashi playfully spoke the boy's name, which earned him an immediate glare.

"Che ..." Sasuke let out as he turned his back on his teacher to prepare the meal to come.

"I think we're too late Naruto ..." A male voice spoke out form the hallway.

"I think you're right Iruka-sensei." Came the voice of a mere boy.

Sasuke didn't need to turn his head to know who's voice belonged to who, while Kakashi didn't even bother to put aside his book, which Naruto and Iruka quickly noticed.

"He's reading that perverted book again!" Naruto shouted and pointed at his sensei.

"Kakashi ..." Iruka let out, disappointed of how he could possibly like, even love that Jounin after seeing him reading that book out in the open for his students to see.

"Sit down, breakfast's done." Sasuke ordered them as he placed many plates on the middle of the table and sat down.

It didn't take long for Naruto to rush at his seat and anticipate the tasty food he would soon eat, after all they were prepared by his lover. Iruka sighed to how Naruto could never really change when it came to his stomach, but smiled, at how Naruto no longer hid behind his mask.

"Kakashi, put that book away or else." Iruka demanded from his Jounin as he sat next to him at the table.

"Or else what?" Kakashi asked out of curiosity.

Iruka leaned forward, and whispered something into his lover's ears, while Naruto and Sasuke were quite curious to know what it was, but by the way Kakashi's visible eye widened, and how quickly the book disappeared from their sight, must have been something serious.

"With that dealt with, how about we eat." Iruka smiled as though nothing ever happened.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, not totally understanding what just happened, unlike Naruto, that couldn't help but to try and suppress his laughter.

---- 30 Minutes Later ----

All ate what they needed, although most of the time, they remained silent, since this wasn't something they were use to. After all, they always ate all alone and were used to the silence.

"So how about training?" Naruto suggested as he finished his last meal.

"After what happened last night, you need to explain more than anything else." Kakashi informed his student.

"Do we have to talk about that now?" Naruto mumbled, his eyes, showing he wasn't up to talk about that.

"What happened last night?" Iruka repeated the question, still unaware of the true events that took place there.

"Nothing!" Naruto quickly answered, as he stood out of his chair, grabbed his empty plate and headed towards the kitchin sink.

"Naruto ..." Iruka let out and stared at the boy.

"I don't want to talk about it." Naruto coldly warned them.

Kakashi stared at the back of his student, while Sasuke remained silent, since he did kinda understand why Naruto refused to talk so freely about the Kyubi, but deep down, even he wanted to know what truly happened.

"I know Jiraiya taught you how to tap within the Kyubi's chakra, but last night, was more than just his chakra ..." Kakashi started, hoping the boy would open up.

"Kakashi ..." Iruka whispered his lover's name, surprised by how Kakashi simply spoke out to his student, so openly about the subject.

"Fine!" Naruto yelled out as he stomped the ground and turned around to face all three who sat at the table. "Kyubi took over." Naruto stated.

"W...what!?" Iruka almost jumped out of his chair, while Kakashi and Sasuke remained clam, still waiting for a good explanation to follow such a statement.

"He fought against Takai before, and I knew I couldn't beat him ... So I asked him ..." Naruto tried to explain as he lowered his gaze to the floor, not liking at all, to have 3 pairs of eyes who stared at him.

"You aksed him? He's a demon who killed many, how could you possibly ask him of all people!?" Iruka scolded the boy, as he felt Naruto didn't see the true danger of doing such things. But then again, the Chuunin wasn't aware of the long conversation and new bond, the demon and his former student had together.

"Because that bastard of a Coyote was ready to kill Sasuke!" Naruto shouted to his former teacher, much to everyone's surprise, Iruka mostly.

"Both of you calm down ..." Kakashi demanded as he placed a hand on Iruka's shoulder, to help him sit back down on the chair, while Naruto simply leaned against the nearest wall. "Now, how about you explain all this from the beginning." The Jounin asked.

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Somewhere in Konoha's forest

---- Takai's Tent ----

Although the leader gave permission for the demon to roam, somewhat free in the camp, the three brothers always kept an eye out on him, but at least they remained outside of the tent, giving him the private time he needed, or said he did.

Takai walked back and forth in his little tent, which only had a bed to sleep on, a desk and a chair. After all, demons never needed much, even though this one remained within a human's body at the moment.

"Damn That leader! If he and his stupid humans hadn't interfered, I might have been able to acquire what I first came here for ..." Takai cursed silently so that those three bastards outside wouldn't hear him.

What puzzled Takai the most, was how each time he was ready to kill his victim, somehow either that brat always appeared or someone he knew. This made him angry, but he wondered how was it possible that Kyubi and the brat appeared at the last moment before he could taste that sweet Uchiha blood.

"How could that brat known where to search for me each time?" Takai asked himself as he continued to walk around the room, lost within his own thoughts.

As much as the demon loved to torture the vessel in which his all time nemesis was trapped in, the fact that each time he could interfere and stop him from delivering the fatal blow, enraged him to no end. Takai felt as though they had a connection, but among demons or humans that was impossible unless cursed for it to do so.

"Curse? The boy has no curse to begin with ..." Takai let out, as he stopped for a moment to think deeper within the matter. "But Kyubi has a partial curse ... One I wasn't able to complete ...." He continued as he walked over to his bed and sat down on it. "But if Kyubi truly started to merge with the brat ... Then that would explain many things ..." An evil smile appeared on his lips.

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Kakashi's House

---- Kitchen ----

Naruto leaned against the wall, as he finally let out most of what he knew to his senseis as well as his lover. The only little things Naruto left out, were the details of Kyubi's battle with Takai, as well as how nice the fox was to him, after all, the Chuunin already had a hard time believing that the demon would even help if it didn't work to its advantages.

"So you can talk to him?" Iruka still tried to grasp and understand the situation.

"Yeah, but only when I'm too emotionally unstable like Kakashi-sensei once explained ..." Naruto let out, that was half the truth, but it was kinda true after all ... The only times the Kyubi spoke to him were when he was depressed or wanted to protect someone.

"You realize that we have no other choice but to report this to Hokage." Kakashi reminded the boy of how serious this actually was.

"Yeah ... But can it wait? I don't like talking about it ..." Naruto let out as he raised his head and looked out the small window above the kitchen sink and avoided any eye contact.

"You've been through enough for the day ..." Iruka let out, a bit sad at how his student's life was still so hard on him.

"Don't you mean a week?" Sasuke corrected.

"Can I go now?" Naruto let out.

"Go? Go where?" Iruka let out, a bit confused.

"To my room. I still need to unpack some stuff since I doubt I'll be going to my apartment for a while ..." Naruto explained in a low tone.

"S...sure ..." Iruka gave him permission, while Kakashi simply closed his eyes.

Naruto quickly walked out of the kitchen and passed by the table where the other three sat, not looking back once. The moment he stepped out, Iruka knew that the boy needed to be comforted, but that was until he felt a hand which grabbed him by the arm.

"Don't." Kakashi let out as he reopened his visible eye.

"But ..." Iruka objected.

"Sasuke-kun!" Kakashi just loved to tease his favorite student.

"Hn." Sasuke let out as he got out of his chair, stuffed his hands into his pockets and headed straight for his lover's room.

"It's best if Sasuke talks to him ..." Kakashi informed his lover.

"I just hope it wasn't too much for Naruto to take ... After all, with that thing on the lose and with Kyubi's strange attitude, I wonder how he continues like this ..." Iruka let out as rested his elbow on the table, his hand against his forehead to support his head.

"Because Sasuke cares for him ..." The Jounin gave a nice reply as he wrapped his arms gently around his lover, after all, Iruka was still wounded from the night before.

---- Naruto's Bedroom ----

Naruto turned his back on the door and faced the window instead as he heard footsteps that headed his way. He didn't feel at all like talking more, it was still new and yet strange for him to talk so openly about the Kyubi, especially with Sasuke being present.

"Are you ok?" Sasuke asked as he entered the room and noticed how Naruto turned his back on him.

"I just need some time alone you know?" Naruto let out, his fists clenched so tightly that they trembled.

Sasuke carefully, but silently approached his beloved and wrapped his arms around the blonde's arms and upper body, while he rested his head on Naruto's shoulder.

"You don't have to be alone if you don't want to ..." Sasuke reminded the boy.

"I know ... But I really want to just be alone ... To think and stuff ..." Naruto mumbled as he closed his eyes tightly.

"If you need me, I'm in my room ..." Sasuke whispered, as he let go of the blond and retreated by the room, that was until he heard a soft and yet broken voice.

"Ne? Can I ..." Naruto wanted to ask but felt a bit ashamed.

Sasuke turned around to noticed how Naruto's cheek suddenly turned red, and couldn't help but smile a little. He stepped forward, and cupped the boy's cheek. And then, he slowly leaned forward, until his lips finally pressed against those of Naruto's.

"Thanks ..." Naurto mumbled as Sasuke pulled back.

"You're welcome." Sasuke replied as he finally left the room, and gave Naruto the space and time he needed.

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Somewhere in Konoha's forest

---- Takai's Tent ----

Takai had thought of it for several minutes now, and perhaps he should meet this blond first, find out what he could, and see if what he thought or even believed could be confirmed. The demon stood before a mirror, as he grabbed a kunai and quickly stabbed himself with it in the palm of his hand. Blood gushed out, and the pain was easily felt, but the demon simply pulled out the kunai and laid it on the table. His attention now turned towards the mirror in front of him, as though he waited for something to happen.

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Kakashi's House

---- Living Room ----

Sasuke returned to where the Chuunin and Jounin were, to notice that only Iruka remained in the room. Sasuke raised an eyebrow as he noticed how Iruka tried to change his bandages by himself but had a real hard time doing so.

"Where's Kakashi?" Sasuke asked.

"He went to see Hokage and then your teammate Haruno Sakura about your schedule for the next few days." Iruka answered as the Chuunin continued to struggle with his bandages.

"Here." Sasuke advanced towards his former sensei and helped him dress his wounds with the new bandages.

"Arigatou." Iruka thanked him as he felt relieved to be helped, normally it would have been his lover, if this one hadn't disappeared again.

---- Naruto's Bedroom ----

Naruto slowly unpacked his things, as he felt that Kyubi was either sound asleep within him or simply staying silent, after all, he felt kinda depressed at the moment, so the fox usually made himself known that he was there. As Naruto prepared to attack the next and last bag of clothing, he felt this sharp pain in his hand, and soon it was followed by the Kyubi's voice.

"This feeling ... It's different form all the other times ..." Kyubi let out, while Naruto was more occupied in trying not to make any alarming sounds and grasping his hand.

"What's going on. ..?" The boy asked, still in pain.

"Uzumaki Naruto ..." A third voice could be heard within the boy's mind.

"What the ..?" Naruto's eyes widened as he had no clue of where that third voice came from, but it was familiar to him.

"Takai ..." Kyubi growled.

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Somewhere in Konoha's forest

---- Takai's Tent ---- Takai smiled in the mirror as he could clearly hear Kyubi and Naruto's voice within his own head.

"Hear me boy, I wish for us to meet, alone." Takai spoke out.

"How the hell can that bastard be in my head!?" Naruto yelled within the demon's mind.

"Listen carefully brat. I want us to meet. Just you and me, No tricks, no traps." Takai stated.

"What makes you think I'll simply obey you?" Naruto coldly let out.

"Because, I know that Chuunin and Uchiha are still too injured to even protect themselves from me and your Jounin isn't home at the moment." Takai stated with a smile.

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Kakashi's House

---- Naruto's Bedroom ----

Naruto stood up as his vision was no longer his, but he could clearly see the image of Takai through his eyes.

"Chikushou ..." Naruto cursed, as he felt his own blood boil from all the anger he felt at the moment.

"Che, first you try to kill us and now you simply want to talk? What exactly is going on in that mind of yours?" Kyubi hissed.

"I want answers to certain things, and that pathetic human wants answer for certain things I wish for as well." Takai explained.

"Like what?" Naruto simply asked, not believing his words for a minute.

"How the Ryuza clan plan to do next with you or the Village. I have many answers you seek, and you have my own. All I wish is to speak." Takai clearly explained.

"Why would you tell me that when you're with them?" Naruto wasn't that dumb.

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Somewhere in Konoha's forest

---- Takai's Tent ----

"Meet me, and I'll answer all of your questions, face to face. If not, then next time one of your friends won't make it back alive. How about that cute but annoying brat. The third's grandson ... Konohomaru .. surely his blood must taste good ..." Takai teased as he licked his fingers and grinned, while Naruto saw everything thanks to the mirror.

"Where?" Naruto seriously asked, no emotion in his tone of voice.

Takai smiled as he closed his eyes momentarily before giving the exact location and when they would meet, if the blond boy still wanted that is.

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Kakashi's House

---- Living Room ----

15 minutes passed as Sasuke now sat next to Iruka and finally finished applying the last bandages before he could close the first aid kit.

"I get that Naruto wanted to be left alone ne?" Iruka asked, but already knew the answer.

"Hn." Sasuke replied as he closed his eyes.

"I'm glad he's not always alone anymore..." Iruka let out with a small smile.

"So you know as well?" Sasuke more so asked.

Iruka nodded as he got out of the couch and headed towards the nearest table, picked up a pen and a stack of clean paper to write on. Sasuke raised an eyebrow, unsure what the Chuunin was actually doing, until this one finished writing down what ever he was writing down.

"Go get Naruto." Iruka ordered the young boy around.

"What?" Sasuke let out coldly.

"The best thing to cheer that boy up is ramen. Tell him it's my treat and he'll come running out of there in no time." Iruka explained with a smile.

"Hn." Sasuke let out before he disappeared int the hallway, and headed straight for Naruto's room.

---- Naruto's Bedroom ---

Knock. Knock.

No answer.

Knock. Knock.

Still no answer.

Sasuke sighed and simply opened the door, ready to scold the boy for not even giving him sign of life, that was until he noticed no one was in the room. Sasuke's eyes carefully scanned the room but still couldn't find his lover. All he noticed was how the blond had started to unpack his things as he mentioned earlier, until his eyes rested on the night table next to the bed.

"Where is he?" Sasuke let out as he got closer to the small table.

Sasuke then remembered that last night, this is where Naruto always placed his holster that contained his shurikens and kunais. He then felt the wind that passed through his hair, and it's then that he noticed the window was wide open. Sasuke quickly ran out of the room to inform the Chuunin of what might of happened.

---- Living Room ----

Sasuke came in running as Iruka mistook the boy for Naruto due to the high speed, until Sasuke spoke his name loud and clearly.

"Iruka!" Sasuke shouted.

"Where's Naruto?" Iruka asked, a bit worried.

"He's not here! Naruto's gone!" Sauske informed his former sensei.

"NANI!?" Iruka let out, his eyes widened, shocked by how the blond was in the house only half an hour ago.

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Training Grounds

Naruto walked deeper within the training grounds, until he noticed a shadow a few meters ahead of him that hid in the bushes, or tried to. By instinct, he took out a kunai and prepared to throw it, until an all too familiar voice came out.

"There is no need for weapon here ..." It began as it slowly walked out of the bushes to reveal itself.

"How about you get to the point ... Takai." Naruto let out.


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Well here's Chapter 15 that I promised. So sorry for the delay and the shortness but this turned out to be an ok chapter, although I read it over and over and I think the ending kinda sucked, or maybe just the spot where Sasuke runs off to Iruka to tell him Naruto's gone, oh well, let me know ok?

I got 16 reviews! I'm really happy to have surpassed number 10 of reviews! So I hope you enjoy this chapter as well, as I tried to do what I could, as I explained, this story now has a life of it's own which I have not much control over, so let me know what you think!



Chibi chidori16 : indeed my ideas pop within my head, that's why some fics take longer to update since the story has a life of it's own that I can't quite control, and this one is the perfect example of it! Glad you enjoy the fic.

Ookami Kage : your update was short but still appreciated. I also appreciate that you take time to review my stories! So I'm sorry for the delay of updating, real life stuff you know? School and work ... I only pray that SOON I'll have more free time to update ...

Arbil : yeah, the special moment and conversation between Naruto and Iruka , I liked it a lot, to think at first, that scene alone wasn't in my planning ... Guess it's good sometimes to take time and let the story flow when it feels like it. For the manga, the way they ( sand-nins ) dress is so awesome! I so love Gaara's new look! Now I can't wait to get the next chapter and episode this week!

Life's Garnet : I'm glad I have dedicated reviewers, and that's the only reason I continue this fic, although I should update more, but due to real life I can't lately. Thanks for reviewing!

Feathurgurl : I'm sure your stories are really good as well! I just was in a certain mood that made me write a fic cute chapter like that.

RedMirage07 : Sorry for the late update! But as mentioned everywhere else, I had to work a lot and my project at school. Glad you liked the interaction between the foursome, plus I'm getting the hand on Iruka and Kakashi.

Toki Mirage / Hebi / Red Rose / Jenniyah / Shadow Eclipse / silverbluenchantress : Thanks for reviewing and glad you enjoyed the 'talk' between Naruto and Iruka.

Watermelon Gal : you were right! I got more reviews! Thank you so much for your support I really really appreciate it!

Baka m3 l33t : Well I'm sure you thought it was writer's block but it wasn't! Just too much work and school in my real life! But glad you enjoyed this fic!

Meesa : I think thanks to this fic I'm getting the hand on Kakashi and Iruka's character, so I'm glad to know you all enjoy this fic!

BlueAngelFire : Sorry for the late updates, as explained to others, I have been called in to work nearly 7 days a week ... plus I have my school work to do, so not much time left for writing, but I'll try my best!

Jenniyah : Glad you liked the serious talk between Naruto and Iruka, it wasn't planned at all this way, but the idea suddenly popped into my head.


Next Chapter

Kakashi arrives back home to discover that Naruto's gone and is no where to be found, while Takai and Naruto have a conversation, that is until Takai does something, that might be relaly bad for Naruto ...


Read and REVIEW!

Until Next time!
