Are the ends justified by the means chapter twelve:

Please review

First off, I am REALLY SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN AGES!!!! Some bastard reported two of my fics one after the other, and I was banned for AGES!! I'll be updating on a lot more from now on/ soon, because they do not just remove fics suddenly and ban people from the sight. One of the other authors started a petition that is being sent through email, if you get it, PLEASE SIGN IT!!!! Also, if you want to read my stuff as soon as it gets updated, my account is also gundam06serenity thank-you for being patient!!!!

Nanashi Tsurunaji : thank you so very much for the extra-long review!!!!!! I know, vamp stories are hard to find—im glad u liked this one. Sadly, the only vampire series I have read is that by Darren Shan, and The Wicca series—though I am always on the lookout for a decent vamp book!!! YAY!!!!! I am SO GLAD SOMEONE likes this fic so much!!!!!! I am a crap speller too, though (as far as I could tell) u spelt most stuff right....... And, also, I AM NOT A VERY NORMAL PERSON!!!! Ask ANY of my friends!!! (I swear, they're all conspiring against me in secret......) im also a bit of a goth, and am one of the only ones at my school, so I am defiantly a bit weird!!! Your dog thinks your weird? My rats and goldfish are ALWAYS criticising my work!!! Hehehe, thanks for the review!!! Its gotta be, the like longest I have EVER gotten!!! THANK YOU!!!!! (Hands Nanashi Tsurunaji chibi vamp Heero plushi, chibi empath Quatre plushie, Chibi were-panther Trowa plushie and chibi Duo plushie and chibi (evil) vamp Solo plushie) YAY!!!! THANKYOU!!!!!!

Thank-you for all the reviews! Please, please R&R thank you!!!!

Chapter twelve:

Wufei and Duo spent the rest of the day back at the apartment. Duo insisted on helping Wufei put his new things away, reminding him that he was still wounded and needed to rest. Wufei, who had been extremely quiet and withdrawn since his encounter with Heero, Trowa and Quatre, was staring blankly down at his hands, silently leaning back on his bed, allowing Duo to re-dress his wounds, ignoring his continuous babble.

"Hey, Wu-man. Fei? You ok buddy? Hello?" Duo called playfully, waving his hand in front of Wufei's blank gaze, expression turning to one of concern, as he gently shook Wufei's shoulder.

Wufei jumped at the contact, a look of pure terror masking his features, before he recognised Duo, calming down slightly.

"'Fei, are you ok? Do you wanna talk about it? Those guys really upset you, didn't they?" Duo sighed, smiling sadly as Wufei nodded slightly, looking down. Duo got behind Wufei, pulling the Asian youth into his lap, wrapping his arms around the smaller, obviously upset teen, resting his chin ontop of Wufei's head.

"I'm sorry Wufei. If I had known that they'd turn up and bother you, I would have taken you inside with me. Honestly. Gee, I've never heard of Quat being mean to so much as a damned amoeba, let alone another person. And Tro's normally a really quiet guy....." Duo apologised.

"That's ok Duo. You didn't know. You've already been so kind to me..... What about Heero?" Wufei asked quietly.

"Huh? What about him?" Duo asked, sounding slightly confused.

"You explained about Quatre and Trowa, but not about Heero.. I am truly sorry if I am prying, I should leave-" Wufei nervously and sadly tried to stand, only to have Duo tighten his grip on the shorter youth, chuckling slightly.

"Oh no you don't! Not this again!" Duo smiled, tickling Fei. When 'Fei began to squirm, Duo's grin turned into a wide smirk. "Ha! I have found your weakness! Mwahahahahahaha! Now you mush face shinigami's wrath!" Duo exclaimed, mercilessly attacking the laughing teen, Wufei, in turn, trying his best to retaliate with a cushion, but, finally, ending up beneath the braided-menace, completely at his mercy.

"I yield, I yield!" Wufei cried out among his endless giggles, smiling up at the half-grinning, half smirking manic above him.

"No more trying to escape?" Duo asked teasingly.

"No, I give you my word!" Wufei smiled, leaning up to hug the other boy, lying back down, a faint pink tinge now covering his cheeks, the boy above him looking at his in complete shock and amazement, before, smiling slightly.

"Um, Duo? You never did explain about Heero.... And why did you call yourself Shinigami?" Wufei asked quietly.

Duo's face suddenly went serious. A few minutes later, Wufei gave up all hope of being answered, and was about to apologise, when Duo began to answer him.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I really only just meet Heero. .... I'd hoped he was a nice guy, but..... I always seem to fall for the dangerous type...." Sighing, Duo flopped down next to Wufei, seeming deep in thought.

He always fall's for the dangerous type? He likes that.... Heero? I guess that means that I have no—chance with him.... what am I thinking?! After all I've been through, after everything that's happened, I just go and fall in love-no, really, really like the first guy who shows me any kindness?! Nataku, I am pathetic....

"And, well, the Shinigami comment, well.... I kinda see myself as the god of death, cause.... Everyone I've ever truly gotten close too have died..... My parents when I was really little, Father Maxwell and Sister Helen, the first priest and Nun I stayed with, the orphanage I fist lived at burned down.... My foster mother, Helen, died just a few months ago..... I guess I sorta blame myself for their deaths....." Duo quietly explained tears welling in his eyes.

Oh Nataku, he's been through so much...he blames himself..... Poor boy

Leaning over, Wufei did something that surprised them both. He wrapped his arms around the braided teen, whipping his now flowing tears away, kissing him on the forehead.

"How can you blame yourself? You are one of the kindest people I have ever met. You showed kindness to a complete stranger; I could have been anyone, but you still helped. Now only did you save my life, you've given me a place to stay. You cannot blame yourself for their deaths; Their. Deaths. Were. Not . Your. Fault." Wufei quietly but sternly told him.

"Thanks 'Fei. It's nice ta have someone to talk to.... Hey, you wanna watch a DVD and order takeout?" Duo asked, smile widening at Wufei's adorably confused look.

"What's a 'DBD' and a 'take out'?" Wufei asked adorably.

"A DVD's a movie and a take-out's junk food! O my god! That's it, it's decided! You're watching a move with me and eating junk food till you puke, is that understood?" Duo half-ordered, half asked, as the Chinese youth nodded.

"Wahoo! Ok, we can have; pizza, Chinese, fish and chips, um, Japanese, ooo- indian, or, um.... Oh, that's it I think..... Oh, wait, you could always have KFC, MC.Donalds or BK." Duo listed all of the takeout's he could, smiling as Wufei tilted his head to the side, hair curtaining around him, causing him to look even younger and even more adorably confused.

"Um... what do you prefer, Duo?" Wufei asked.

"Well, I haven't had pizza in, like, day's! That's gotta be a record for me!" Duo grinned.

"I've never tried pizza before... can we try that, please?" Wufei asked timidly.

"Never tried pizza?! Wufei, I am gonna have sooooo much fun teaching you the joys of junk food!" Duo laughed, slinging his arm around the other teens shoulders, leading him into the living room.


Half an hour later, the two extra-large pizza's arrived. One with extra cheese and pepperoni for Wufei, one with everything, and I mean everything on it for Duo; pepperoni, cheese, peppers, onion, bacon, ham, mustard, tuna, marshmallows, chocolate and coffee bean pizza. The pizza place was used to Duo's...unusual taste in pizza, and were slightly surprised at his normal choice.

"Ok then, now all that's left is to choose a DVD... hm, let's see, we ca watch; Matrix, X-Men 2, Chicago, Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers or Return of the King, Harry Potter and the Philoshephers stone, Chamber of Secrets or Prisoner of Askaban, or Card Captor's Sakura the first Movie. You choose." Duo listed a few of the DVD's he thought Wufei may like.

"Um, can we watch... Lord of the rings please? I think I've read the book...."

"You've read LotR? Cool! If ya like that, you'll love Harry Potter! I'll make an addict outta you yet!" Duo smiled, popping the first DVD into the player, turning it on, before sitting next to Wufei on the couch, pizza on the floor, Pepsi too, before relaxing and watching the movie with his new friend.


End of chapter twelve

Please R&R thank you!