Ok, because me first Beyblade fic sucked, and I've only don' a one-shot Christmas Kai fic since, I thought I'd get this idea up and running, hope you like ^^
"This is talking"
'These are thoughts'
It had been a hard days training for the Bladebreakers. Though the Championships were over, and Voltaire unheard of, the Bladebreakers were still training just as hard, if not harder, then ever. They all agreed it was a good idea, but the only reason they kept it up was because Kai kept reminding them why.
"We need to be ready if he come back." He'd tell the team when they moaned about training. "Beyblading is more then just a game, you know that..."
They did. After the Russian Tournament Beyblading wasn't a sport to be taken lightly, so for hours every few days, they'd train to exhaustion. It was hard, but they had to be ready.
But as time went on, they got less and less strenuous. Though the kept training, it never lasted very long anymore. In some sense, they were getting a bit lazy. it had been over a year and they hadn't even heard of Voltaire, it was as if he never existed. So soon enough, the practises were a once a week lesson, the rest of the week was for fun.
But one day, Tyson never showed up for training, which angered not only Kai, but Max and Ray as well. He shouldn't get to skip training, not unless they could too.
He was no where to be found.
They looked at his house, they looked in all the usually places he went to, nothing. Not a trace of him anywhere. By nightfall, the rest of the team where getting worried. Max had decided to keep looking around the streets a little longer while the others went and checked back at the house.
"Where do you think he ran off to Kai?" Ray asked as they headed back to the house. It was getting pretty dark now, the moon was high in the sky.
"I don't know." Kai answered truthfully. "But it's really not like him to disappear like this." He walked into the house, but there was no one there. They sat down on the couch and sighed in unison. Where the heck was Tyson?
"Guys! Get over here and give me a little help!"
Kai and Ray looked back to see Max walking in the door, the arm of an unconscious Tyson over his shoulders. The others quickly ran to help surprised by how badly hurt Tyson was. He was covered in bruises, cut and was coughing up a little blood. "What happened to him?" Ray asked, looking at Max as they lay Tyson down on the couch.
"I dunno." Max shrugged. "I just found him like this, in an alley."
"He must have been unconscious for a long time, training was a one pm, one thirty to him, and now it's..." Ray looked over at the clock as these thoughts ran through his mind. It read five past nine. How was Tyson unconscious for that length of time?
"Tyson are you ok?"
It took a while for Tyson to register the voice. "Kai?" He blinked a few times to clear his vision and looked up at his friend. He frowned. "Your gonna kill me for being late aren't you?"
Kai shook his head. "No, I just want to know what happened to you." He sat down on the floor and leaned his back against the couch, folding his arms and looking over at Tyson.
Closing his eyes again, Tyson tried to remember the events earlier in the day. "I was on my way to training, when someone just showed up and challenged me to a beybattle. I couldn't see who it was, but I accepted. Even during the battle he stayed in the shadows." Tyson put his hand on his forehead and sighed, trying his best to remember as much as he could. "Afterwards, he told me I was good, but then these other people showed up. Before I knew it, the blader and the new people were trying to kill me or somethin'.
"The last thing I remember, just before I blacked out, is him saying he was going to get the Bladebreakers if it's the last thing he did." Tyson clench the hand on his forehead into a fist and hit himself on the forehead lightly. "Think you idiot... who was it?"
"You know the guy?" Kai looked over at him, confused.
"His voice was different at first, he'd forced himself to change it or something..." Tyson explained. "But the last thing he said... it sounded like someone..." Suddenly his eyes shot open. "Voltaire!"
To Be Continued
Ah well, it gets way better ^^ Hope yaz liked the first chappy, and hopes the next one will be better ^^ Please review! Slán slán for now!
Bay Bay!
[email protected]