*All messes can be cleaned up* *By: Its-me89*

*Chapter 5*


"Akane?" He said.


Akane stopped half way through a kick and looked over at the door to see who had called her name.

She smiled slightly as she saw Ranma standing there.

He walked over to her.

"You know, you are much faster than I thought," he said.

"Thanks," she answered.

Both of them were silent for a while. None of them knew what to say.
Akane was about to go back to her training when Ranma suddenly grab her arm, causing her to turn around to see what he wanted.

"Akane, I -," Ranma said but didn't know how to continue.

Akane looked at him with hope in her eyes but as he didn't continue she lowered them Akane to hide the tears, which were slowly forming in her eyes.

'Please don't do this again, Ranma' She thought fighting back tears.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you for a sec," he continued.

Akane looked back up and nodded.

"I.I'm sorry," he said

She looked at him again blankly but after a few seconds she understood.

'He is finally going to apologize,' she thought.

"For what?" she asked quietly.

"Everything I guess. Everything I ever said to hurt you."

She smiled up at him.

'God she is cute,' he thought 'C'mon Saotome, when you start an apology you better finish,'

"And I'm sorry I ever made you believe anything but the truth."

Akane couldn't believe what he was saying. I couldn't be true that he had made her believe something which was wrong because that most have meant that he actually -

"I. I'm sorry," He said again.

He looked down at her. Waiting for Akane to react somehow. But when she didn't he let out a small sigh and turned around ready to walk out of the dojo.

"Ranma wait," She finally said.

Ranma turned around slowly to look at her.

Silent tears were running down her cheeks but she wasn't crying hard. He had seen her cry way more than that.

"Did.Are." She said, trying to find the right words.

"Shoot," Ranma said softly.

"Did you want to break off the engagement and marry someone else who can cook?" She finally asked.

More tears filled her eyes as she looked down at the floor. It felt like a knife had cut through the chest of Ranma.

"No," He said quietly, "I guess I did want you to be my fiancée."

She looked hopefully up at him but before she could say anything Ranma had caught her in a close hug.

"I'm so sorry," He said into her ear.

When he finally released her she let out a small sigh but he couldn't tell whether it was a relieved sigh or a sad sigh.

"But even if you did. Want to marry a cook. I really don't blame you. I -" Akane started but was again cut off by Ranma but this time in a gently kiss. She didn't break the kiss and eventually she kissed him back. They stood like that for a few minutes both only focusing on that kiss but then broke apart breathlessly.

"Akane, don't ever think," He said holding a finger over her mouth to keep her from interrupting. "I don't want to marry anyone else. Not even a cook."

He knelt down in front of her and continued, "I think you are the most beautiful woman I have ever meet or seen. I.I love you Akane. Will you be my fiancée once again?"

Akane stood in surprise looking down at the pigtailed teenager.

She nodded and said, "Yes. I would love to"

Ranma stood up and tilted her face up so her eyes met his. She smiled up at him and whispered, "Thank you,"

Ranma lowered his face to hers and their lips once again met in a kiss.

When they broke apart again Akane quietly said, "I love you too."

Ranma smiled down at her before taking her in his arms and jumping up on the roof to watch the moon and the stars.

While watching Akane asked, "You know what is funny Ranma?"


"No matter how big messes we get into, we always seem to clean them up again."

Ranma smiled and kissed her softly.


A/N: This is it. I finished the story! Kind of a short ending and I'm really sorry but I didn't want to make the story bad because of a too long ending. Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed it and that there weren't too many spelling and grammar errors. Be nice, it is my first story.
