h*All messes can be cleaned up By: Its-me89*

It was a beautiful day, the sun was shinning and the sky was almost cloud free, but this day wasn't great for everyone: A blue-haired girl was walking down the quiet streets of Nerima, with tears streaming down her face.

'Why does he always have to do this?' She asked herself. 'Why do we always end like this? Is it always going to be like this?'


"RANMA!" yelled Akane.

Ranma came running down the stairs. He grabbed his bag quickly as he ran out of the door.

"Come on Akane. We better hurry up or we're gonna be late!" he said as he passed her.

"No really?!" Akane said as she set out after him.

At Furinkan High School

As the bell rang out for lunch, Akane went to sit under the big tree as she always did. Her friends came over and they started to talk.

Ranma looked over at the small group of giggling girls. He saw Akane with a smile on her face.

'She looks so cute when she is smiling', he thought.

"Hey Ranma," A boy said to him "still on earth?"

"Huh?" said a confused Ranma.

"Come on, man. We know you were looking at Akane again."

"I wasn't looking at that un-cute tomboy," Ranma yelled at the boys who had started to gather around him. More people, including Akane and the other girls, had started come over to them too, to see what had made Ranma angry. Ranma quickly looked at Akane and he saw the sadness and anger in her eyes, then quickly looked back at the boys in front of him, who were laughing so much that tears were starting to form in their eyes. "You know, we're only engaged 'cause of our weird parents. If I had a choice I would have chosen one who at least can cook!"

Everyone fell silence at this statement, even the boys who had been laughing. They all looked at Akane, who was about to burst any second.

She walked up to Ranma and yelled "If I really am such a big burden for you, Ranma, why don't I just call off the engagement so you can go marry any cook you want. I hope you will be happy!" She made sure she held his gaze the whole time, then slapped him and ran away with her hands covered over her face to hide her tears but it was impossible.

*End of Flashback*

"Jerk," she murmured under her breath while she kept walking. She didn't know where she just walked. She didn't want to go home because then she would have to explain everything to Kasumi and she really didn't feel like talking about it right now. Besides, home would be the first place Ranma would expect to find her. She didn't want him to find her. She didn't want to see or talk to him.

Another stream of tears made its way down her cheeks. Had he really meant it this time? He had even looked at her before he had said the thing about her cooking.

'Why is he always so mean to me?' she thought, 'can't he see that I care for him. If he really means it why don't I just leave so he can stay and be happy with Ukyou or Shampoo?'

She started to walk towards the Tendo dojo.


'Me and my big fat mouth, Ranma thought I hope she didn't buy the things I said.' Who was he kidding? Of course she believed the stuff he had said what else could she do? He didn't blame her, though. He had said too much and almost directly to her face. There had to be a miracle if she was going to believe him this time! He started to walk towards the Tendo dojo.

"Akane," he said softly as he knocked on her door, "Akane are you in there?" There was still no responds.

"I guess I'm just gonna have to talk to her when she get back," he said, "maybe she went back to school."

As he walked down the stairs he saw the oldest Tendo daughter in the kitchen. She turned around as she heard him come down the stairs.

"Oh my! Ranma I didn't hear you come home. Is there a problem?"

"Hey Kasumi. Have you seen Akane come home?" Ranma asked.

"No," said Kasumi "I don't think so. I have been outside but I haven't heard anybody come home. What happened?"

"It's a long story," Ranma said. He didn't feel like explaining everything right now. "I just came to see if Akane was here. I better get back to school, I'll see you later."


"I'm home," Ranma yelled as he once again entered the Tendo's house. Akane hadn't reappeared at school and their teacher had caught him trying to sneak out of the classroom.

Kasumi came out to greet him.

"Hey again Kasumi," he said, "Did Akane come back yet?"

"No, I'm afraid not," she said, "But she most have been here while I was out shopping because she left a note in the dining room."

Ranma quickly went into the dining room and there was a note on the table.

Dear everyone,

I am sorry I left without saying goodbye but I think I have to be alone for a while. I also feel like I have to call off the engagement between Ranma and me, since I am afraid our relationship and happiness will never work out. I don't know where I am going or how long I will take but I will keep in touch! Love,

'So she hadn't been kidding,' thought a heartbroken Ranma, 'She really did call off the engagement. She actually took me seriously. Damnit Akane, I love you, can't you tell?'

"There he is" came a voice behind him "What did you this time?"

Two men came out from the living room. One of them looked a bit sad and angry and the other one looked extremely sad and tears were running down his face

"Why does it always have to be my fault when Akane is not here?" said Ranma. He was starting to get angry. His father always blamed him if something happened to Akane.

"Because she is your fiancée! Now go out and find her!"

"Didn't you read the letter? She broke off the engagement so there is no reason for me to go after her!" He yelled back at his father but finished it in his head 'Even though I am going to anyway'.

"Haven't I taught you anything, boy," his father said. Ranma didn't want to hear this story so he went out of the front door, obviously to find Akane. "Where do you think you are going now?"

"Its none of your business, pop" the pigtailed boy answered.

His father yelled something after him but Ranma didn't really care. He just wanted to get away from the house and find Akane. He felt like he had a huge apology to make if he wanted Akane to forgive him.


'I wonder where I am,' Akane thought as she walked through a forest. She had been walking for quite some time now and she still had no idea where she was headed. 'Oh great, I'm lost and it's starting to get cold.'

She sat down under a tree. It was starting to get dark too so she decided to stay where she were and maybe when the sun got up again maybe she would be able to tell where she were.


'Where can she be?' Ranma thought. He had looked everywhere; the park, thee school and probably all the streets of Nerima. He hadn't seen Akane anywhere and everybody he had met on the way hadn't seen her either. 'It's starting to get dark. Maybe I should get back to the dojo.' He quickly shook that thought out of his head. His father would kill him if he came back without Akane. 'I guess I don't want to give up either.'

He sat down against a tree. He had ended up at the edge of the forest, which was only a few meters outside Nerima.

Suddenly he heard a low shaken voice form inside the forest. He jumped up and looked into the forest but couldn't see anything through the trees. The voice came again but this time lower. It sounded like somebody sighing. Ranma walked slowly into the forest, he had to find out what the sound was and who or what it came from.


A/N: Hey! Thanks for reading. Hope you liked it. Sorry if the grammar is bad or if there are too many spelling mistakes but English is not my first language. Anyway, please review and tell me if I should continue or if it is too bad.