
        This is not a song fic in anyway, I like to open my fics up with a song because it gives insight to the fic.  I don't usually write drama so tell me how the first chapter is and I'll decide to continue or not.

I don't own Inuyasha or the Song by Dido: Take My Hand


The End is the Beginning



Touch my skin,and tell me what you're thinking
Take my hand and show me where we're going
Lie down next to me, look into my eyes and tell me, oh tell me what you're seeing
So sit on top of the world and tell me how you're feeling
what you feel now is what I feel for you
Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
I'll always be alone
if I'm lying to you
See my eyes, they carry your reflection
Watch my lips and hear the words I'm telling you
Give your trust to me and look into my heart and show me, show me what you're doing
So sit on top of the world and tell me how you're feeling

what you feel now is what I feel for you
Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
I'll always be alone
if I'm lying to you
Take your time, if I'm lying to you
I know you'll find that you believe me

you believe me
Feel the sun on your face and tell me what you're thinking
Catch the snow on your tongue and show me how it tastes
Take my hand and if I'm lying to you
I'll always be alone
if I'm lying to you
Take your time, if I'm lying to you
I know you'll find that you believe me
you believe me


        The final battle was ending and the pawns were set in place.  Sango laid on the battlefield unconscious and Miroku had been fending off any demons that came near her.  Kirara guarded Shippo who was tending Sango's wounds.  Kagome weakly stood on her feet with an arrow notched and aimed for Naraku.  Her short was torn and her skirt ripped from Kagura's attacks.  Kagura and Kanna escaped when they got their hearts from Naraku.

        Blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.  Inuyasha stood in a front stance with a transformed Tessaiga in hand.  His hakama and happi were ripped and his white shirt was drenched in his blood and the blood of his enemies.  Naraku stood a field away bloody, torn, and tired.  Naraku knew he was losing and he was searching for a way out.  He had lost everything, but his life …yet.  The completed Shikon no Tama was taken from him by that miko and so was his dead servant Kohaku.  Kagome healed and freed him from Naraku's evil.  Kagome had managed to summon the jewel to her.

        "It's time to die!"  Inuyasha yelled.

        "Kukuku, you'll be the one dying," Naraku laughed out.

        Kagome glared at him and noticed that he glanced at her and smirked.

        "He's up to something," Kagome said just loud enough for Inuyasha to hear.  Inuyasha nodded in agreement acknowledging her.

        "How touching, you listen to that copy," Naraku sarcastically said.

        "She is not just a copy.  She's Kagome!"  Inuyasha yelled as he jumped into the air and released Tessaiga's most powerful attack.  Naraku laughed as he was being destroyed.  His words echoed on the gruesome field.

        "I told you I'd kill you."

        Kagome screamed and Inuyasha dropped his sword and ran towards Kagome.  Kagome fell to her knees and her hands held her stomach.  Inuyasha grabbed her and laid her carefully on the ground.  His eyes wandered to the fist size hole in her chest.

        "Inu … yasha?"  Kagome asked with blood running down the side of her face.

        "Kagome … don't talk you need to save your strength," he scolded as he put his hand over her hand that covered the hole.  Kagome moved her free hand up and touched his face leaving a streak of blood on his face.

        "I … lo*cough*ve you," Kagome whispered as she cringed in pain.

        "I'm sor-" she ended while her hand fell limp and her eyes stared emptily into his.

        "KAGOME!"  Inuyasha yelled letting a tear fall.  He watched as a pure white orb flew out of her body and shot of to his left.  He closed Kagome's eyes and his ears twitched as he heard footsteps approach him.  He heard a gasp and next thing he knew there was a fox clinging to Kagome.

        "Kagome.  Please wake up," Shippo pleaded as he lightly shook her with his hands.

He repeated this and Inuyasha didn't even have the mind to yell at him.  He stood up and Miroku kneeled to the ground and began to pray as he too let a tear fall.  Shippo continued to cry as Inuyasha eventually wrapped Kagome up in his Hakama and carried her.  Miroku rode on Kirara with Sango in his arms and Shippo curled up on Sango.  They all silently walked back to the village where everything began and now ended.  Around Kagome's neck lay the Shikon no Tama and when they arrived at the hut Kaede closed her eye and prayed over the body.

Kagome's body lay on the floor in Kaede's hut with the Inuyasha group in silence.  Sango woke up and had everything explained.  She mourned her adopted sister and now sat next to a unconscious Kohaku.

"What will ye be doing with Kagome's body Inuyasha?"  Kaede asked with sorrow in her voice.

Inuyasha stared at the little fire in the pit before answering, "I'll take her body back to her time and explain."  Inuyasha picked up Kagome's body and left the hut.  He slowly walked to the well and thought about how this wasn't supposed to end this way.

'Kagome, you weren't supposed to die and leave me alone.  I know you loved me, but I … never got to say those words to you.  I don't know what I'll without you.  I still need to put Kikyo to rest, I wanted you by my side, and now that can't be.  I wonder if the world wants me to suffer.'

Inuyasha stared at the well and then glanced at the jewel in his hand.  He growled knowing that this jewel caused so much pain and suffering.  He sighed and jumped into the well with Kagome tightly in his arms.  He looked around and noticed that well didn't allow him to pass and that Kagome's body was still in his arms.  He jumped back out and in again only to have the same thing happen again.  He finally gave up and walked back to the village to find that everyone was still in the hut. 

"What happened?"  Miroku asked.

"The well wouldn't allow me to pass," he emotionlessly said.  Kaede sighed and watched as he set the body on the floor.

"Should we bury her tonight?"  Kaede asked.

"Yes, she should be put to rest," Inuyasha blandly answered. 

        Inuyasha quietly walked out of the hut and started picking up logs preparing to bury his best friend and true love.  Villagers came out of their huts and began to help with the burial.  Kouga's tribe came down from the mountains and helped.  Sesshoumaru appeared with Rin and merely said he respected the girl for saving Rin.  Inuyasha wasn't even in the mood to question that.

        Night came and they placed Kagome on the pile of wood.  Kaede came out with the Shikon jewel in her hands and held it up to Inuyasha.

        "Do ye want the jewel?"  Kaede asked.

        "No," he said, "I never want to see that evil thing again."  Kaede sighed and placed the jewel in Kagome's hands.  Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo lit the wood that cremated their love, sister, and mother.  Inuyasha stared with empty eyes at the flame the consumed his Kagome.  He watched sparks flew up landing on his clothes.

        Kaede and Inuyasha watched as hundreds left the village that came for Kagome.

        "Kikyo did not have this many come.  Especially youkai," Kaede said.  Inuyasha watched as everyone placed something on her grave as they left.

        "Kagome is different, she helps no matter what needed help," Inuyasha answered.

        "Ye talk as if she be here," Kaede commented.

        "She is," Inuyasha whispered as he walked towards her grave.  He placed his hand on the shrine that was for her.

        'This is where her jar of ashes lay,' he thought to himself.  'I'll never leave you, Kagome.'


        Dark brown eyes watched hatefully as Inuyasha sat by the grave looking forlornly at the gifts that surround it.  The eyes could now feel and it was time to now take what belonged to them.

        "Tonight," the eyes whispered as they closed and vanished.

~To be continued~


Okay how was that for the first chapter and all.  Tell me what you think and if I should continue.
