Chapter 46
Why are you here?
"That stupid half breed… doesn't he understand that he is a bigger target now. Yes he is surviving in the future for now, but with his attitude he won't make and that will make Kagome mine…" Sesshomaru mumbled as he walked back into the restaurant to finish up his meal.
(In the carriage)
"Inuyasha, did you really mean it… that I am worth you staying alive?"
"Yes" Inuyasha mumbled. Kagome then snuggled into her protector and let out a big sigh. This caused Inuyasha to let go of some of his anger.
"Kagome, I am sorry for ruining our meal; if you don't mind… I will cook you something when we get home."
"Inuyasha, you can't cook."
"Humf… it's not like I ever offered to in the first place, before now. How do you think I survived so long when I was a boy without a mother?"
"I guess, I forgot…" Kagome mumbled again. Inuyasha started to stew again making Kagome feel uncomfortable all the way home. Not a word was spoken till they got to the shrine.
Then Inuyasha started to get more upset. Kagome had to ask… "What is wrong Inuyasha?"
"You will see… and if he lays a hand on you I swear… he shall die."
(With Shippo)
"Please stop crying, mom and dad will soon be back… we will be okay… Shhh… We will be okay"
Then Shippo heard a knock at the door and just about flew to it. As he opened the door he noticed who was standing there.
"Yura, what are you doing here?" Shippo asked as he opened it wider.
"I wanted to see if Inuyasha and Kagome needed any help…" was her short reply. "I thought as new parents they might need another set of hands.
"I am sorry to disappoint you, but Inuyasha and Kagome are not here."
"That is too bad…" Yura said as she tried to keep the pleased tone from her voice. Then she heard one of the twin scream out loud. "It seems that you need some help."
"That would be great, but Lady Kaede will be here soon."
'Damn, I got to get this done before she comes…' Yura thought as the time went ticking by.
"Well, what if I keep you company till she come… I can help you out with the twins…"
"I guess that will be alright. She should be along any minute now." Slowly Yura followed Shippo into the little room. It was covered with toys and had Sesshomaru's large crib in the corner… with two very angry twins in it…
"Shippo, I am going to sit down in the rocking chair so you can pass one of the babies over to me…" Yura said as she got situated in the chair.
"Okay…" Shippo said as he grabbed Bitenshi and took her to Yura.
"Awe… isn't she precious, if you would like you can pass me Erio as well." Yura said as she rocked the baby. Shippo once again turned around and headed to get Erio and while he did that Yura pulled out a glass vile with a dark liquid in it… 'it's time to take care of you one and for all' Yura thought as she placed a finger on the babies voice box to stop the scream she was about to have, while Yura gave her a quick cut with one of her fine hairs.
(Back at Kagomes house.)
"Kagome, I have been so worried about you… your mother said that you have been doing better, but you have gone to live with your aunt. I didn't even know you had an aunt."
Hojo said as Kagome came to the door. He didn't even notice the man only two steps behind her. Hojo slowly raised Kagome up to him lips to give her a soft kiss on her lips.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY MATE!" Inuyasha roared.
"Inuyasha…" Kagome hissed.
"Mate! What do you mean mate… she might be a wife, but she wont be any means mate at her age."
"You runt… Kagome has a man and she has been taken for past months… she even has a couple babies… so if you would let go over her and step away, before I rip you to shreds." Inuyasha growled as he clicked his nails together and a flash of red appeared in his eyes.
"Please, Hojo… let me go." Kagome asked.
"No I will not. I will not let you go back to someone who is so abusive and who can lie so easily. I saw a picture of you a few months ago and you didn't even look pregnant… and if so you have enough respect to make sure you are married before you try to have kids." Hojo said as he placed Kagome behind him.
"Then, it's a fight you want… for you are holding my life in your hands, because she is the reason for me to continue living." Inuyasha said as he started to get purple lines on his face.
"Please let me go… you don't need to fight. Inuyasha is very protective…and.." but she was cut off but Hojo.
"He is not getting you. You don't need someone like him even if you are married to him." Hojo replied with a bit of anger.
Great job on reviewing… I think it is so cool how many of you reviewed… okay I am going to try to update one more time before I leave, but if I do, you need to tell me should Hojo live? Of course to make that decision.. I will need 10 reviews… if not then I decided… also it might not get done till I get back, due to me going to cap and I feed off reviews.
Love ya though!
To give thanks to and answer questions:
Jewel Of Souls x9- thanks for catching my mistake, and I will try to fix it soon… I can't believe I didn't get that, but as you know I haven't been rereading so…
Shadow Dragon-It seems hard to understand, but Kagome and Inuyasha will live through a lot of generations… and they will make it to Kagomes present time.
Hearii- thanks for pointing that out… I didn't even notice my mistake till now.
To Thank for helping me move on with writing:
theamazingd, Carey, Francesca, toboe, Sara, TheDarkAngel101 X2