Summary: Kagome hates Inu yasha in real life, but she falls in love with him online. What happens when they actually meet one another?
A/N: I decided that I didn't want this little competition thing so I changed it. You might want to think about rereading the other chapters because it's a little different now. You'll understand it a lot better if you do, but you don't have to.
Chapter 5The following morning, Kagome arrived on campus a lot earlier than usual. The results of the auditions are posted! According to her friends, Kagome had done well on her auditions. Kagome was satisfied with her performance and was excited to find out which role she received in the play.
As she reached the main office, she noticed that a crowd had formed. She watched as people squeal in delight and as others tear up. Sighing, Kagome held back to wait until the crowd dissipates. She fidgeted with her hands until she heard someone call out, "Kagome!"
Kagome turned to see her best friend. "Sango! What's up?"
"I have interesting info. for you. I've already taken a look at the list," Sango said slyly. "You're officially our new Maria!"
Kagome shrieked and hugged Sango tightly, jumping with joy. "Omigosh! I can't believe it!" She thought of all the fun they were going to have, the fun rehearsals and hilarious mistake they were going to make. She could still remember her past experiences of Grease, and how the cast grew closer and closer, day after day.
"Actually, that wasn't so surprising," Sango laughed. Then she shifted, her eyes wide. "Guess who joined the play permanently without having to audition."
"Who?" Kagome asked, perplexed. "You?"
"Uh………nope. I'm not much of an actress."
"Then who?"
"Well……… you won't really like it," Sango said slowly. Seeing Kagome's face drop suddenly, she quickly added, "It's not that bad, though." Kagome stared at her impatiently, waiting for her answer. "It's Inu yasha," she finally said.
"Inu—HIM?!" Kagome sputtered, her excitement fading. "He can't act! He's going to screw up the play! How'd you know?"
"The list over there and rumors. Today's hot topic."
"Why doesn't he have to audition? I mean we all try so hard, and out of the blue, HE gets a part?"
"The principal." Sango shrugged. "Oh and did I forget to mention that he's playing the role of Captain von Trapp?" she said meekly. "More time to spend with your best friend, eh?"
"WHAT?! NO! I swear he's ruining my life! Why is he in this play at the first place anyway?" Kagome exclaimed.
"You know how Inu yasha is; skipping classes and not doing his homework. The principal hates failing people and so he's giving Inu yasha a chance to earn extra credit by making him accept the role of your love interest in the play. You know how he favors the jocks. That's pretty amazing though. You and Inu yasha, leading roles." She chortled, "You could call that fate………"
Kagome eyed her ominously. "It's called bad luck, not fate. I can't believe this. This is probably why he got called into the principal's office, isn't it?"
"Now I take back what I said. I wish that never happened." Seeing that the crowd had thinned out in front of the main office's window, Kagome moved up. Sure enough, at the top of the sheet, it said:
Maria-Kagome Higurashi
Captain von Trapp-Inu yasha Takahashi
Kagome felt her shoulders slump, as she made her way back to Sango. "Life is so not fair."
Sango gave her a smile. "Since when was life ever fair? Anyway, lets look at the positive side, you're Maria! How about we go get some pizza to celebrate? I'll tell your three drama friends and Hojo later on in the day. I think I have history with a couple of them."
"Yeah, okay. I just hope everything's alright with Hojo," Kagome said wincing. "He usually gets the leading roles in the plays. I hope he doesn't feel too bad."
"Well, I'm sure it won't be too bad. He's an understanding person. So, after school?"
Kagome paused. "Um, there's drama. I almost forgot about it."
"Oh, of course. How about if I wait for you guys?"
"Sure. That would be great. It's only going to take about an hour today."
"Hey, Kagome. Congratulations!"
"Thanks." Kagome smiled as she walked from class to class. Everyone had been congratulating her all morning. She was grateful, until they mentioned Inu yasha. All the girls thought she was lucky, having the opportunity to work with him. But those girls never got enough nerves to talk to him, a chance to find out how he was really like.
Kagome turned her gaze towards her biology class and saw that someone was waiting for her. It was Inu yasha. She groaned inwardly. Damn. He's going to rub it in my face. Before Inu yasha could say anything, she blurted out, "You'd better not screw this up for me!"
Inu yasha gave her a mischievous smile and slowly walked up towards her. "Screw what up, wench?"
"The play! You know what I'm talking about! So quit acting so dumb." Students walking by gave her weird looks. Without thinking, Kagome shot them with death glares. They quickly averted their gaze and scurried away. Oops. A little too harsh, I guess.
"And why would I do that?"
"How should I know? Probably because you're such a freak? Just don't take all this as a joke."
"Whatever. This is about my grades too, you know?"
Kagome scoffed. "Like they were ever a big concern to you." She shifted her backpack. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to go to." Just as she was about to push the door open, the bell rang. "Thanks to you, I am also late," she said irritably.
"No problem."
Mrs. Kaede glanced up as they entered. "A tardy for Ms. Higurashi and Mr. Takahashi."
"Here," Kagome raised her hand. That afternoon, everyone in the drama club sat in a row, waiting for Ms. Watanabe to finish taking role.
"Ito……… Kato……… Nakamura………"
Kagome liked the drama teacher. Ms. Watanabe was fun, full of energy and accepted everyone's opinion. She encouraged her students to share their opinions. Kagome was ready to start today's share of work. The costume designers were going to take measurements of everyone in the cast and start designing the costumes. "I wonder how the costumes will look," Kagome whispered to Eri.
"Gorgeous. You know Saki? She's one of the costume designers. I've seen some of her sketches before and they are beautiful." Eri gave her an excited smile. "I can't wait to begin.
"Takahashi?" Ms. Watanabe glanced around. "Is Inu yasha here today?"
Kagome glanced around as well. Typical, he's always late. All he cares about is himself. "Yes, he's here today. I've seen him around. He's probably just late as usual."
Inu yasha made a grand entrance no later as those words came out of Kagome. "Here."
"Inu yasha, please be on time next time. I know you don't really want to be doing this, but do it well for the sake of your grades……… Everyone, meet Inu yasha. He will be joining us for the production of Reach for Tomorrow. I'm sure you all know that by now. Why don't you all introduce yourselves to him?"
"I'm Hojo. Nice to meet you," Hojo said politely. They continued the introductions down the row.
Inu yasha looked distracted, Kagome noticed. Reach for Tomorrow………why does that sound so familiar? Inu yasha thought. A look of confusion, then exasperation shot through his eyes. Then, before bothering to give it a second thought, he shoved those thoughts aside. "Okay, so lets get started," he said in a bored tone. "I don't have all day."
Kagome rolled her eyes. "You are so disrespectful."
She listened intently as their drama teacher gave instructions. The whole cast followed Saki and Tanya to take their measurements. "Be sure you start studying your lines as you wait," Ms. Watanabe reminded.
Saki grabbed a couple measuring devices off the table. "Kagome, why don't I take your measurements first?" Without waiting for an answer, she started measuring her waist, outseam, inseam, arm, bust, etc.
Ayumi, Eri, and Yuka hovered over Tanya's shoulder as she recorded the measurements. "Wow, Kagome, you are so thin. Your waist is only 23 inches." Ayumi said, enviously.
"What are you talking about? You're very skinny yourself." Kagome laughed. She'd been slender all her life. She never had to worry about gaining weight and going on diets. Those factors had always been the least of her problems.
"I guess……….but still. You have that 'model' figure."
"You have nothing to worry about," Kagome said, reassuringly. Ayumi really was pretty herself, with her delicate face and long lashes. All the guys loved the way her wavy hair bounced when she became excited. She had nothing to be envious of.
Kagome stepped away and waited for the three girls to finish. "Anyway, you guys are each one of the von Trapp daughters, right? Let's practice Scene 2 once we finish this thing, the part when I meet you guys."
For the rest of the hour, everyone studied their lines and finished taking their measurements.
"By this Wednesday, I want the Scene 1 cast to have their lines fully memorized. It shouldn't be too bad, considering it's pretty short," Ms. Watanabe added, as everyone filed out the auditorium door.
A/N: Sorry this took forever. I just want all of you to know that I really appreciate all the reviews! Thanks so much!