Disclaimer: All characters (accept for Gio...Kaiyla...and now Evelyn) are
property's of Square-Enix.
A/N- Wow! It's been so long, and Im so sorry...things have been so hectic..and I just haven't had the drive to write...but I think im gaining it back again...this isn't much of a chapter...but it's the beginning. Hopefully things will just keep getting better. Thanks for your devotion and reviews...I hope you guys still have it in you to read my story. -ZAC-
Chapter 6:
The figure I unveiled was a sad and defeated Gio....it barely even resembled him. He was drained of all color and energy. He was dark and lifeless. An empty shell.
"It hurts, doesn't it?"
Evelyn slowly drifted past me. Beneath her wrist, and burnt deep within her flesh, was the emblem of my enemy. Bevelle. A surge of hatred poured throughout my veins. "What do you mean!?"
A sudden flare of wind sliced through my body, catapulting me to the ground. I grabbed my chest in agony. Evelyn snapped her fingers, and the shadow that was Gio crumbled to the ground and vanished.
Evelyn turned towards me, smiling maliciously.
I lunged at her, "What did you do to him!?"
She responded with the same coldness in her voice as before...only this time I noticed a small air of confidence within it.
She silently stepped towards me, and placed her hands on my head. Everything was motionless and still for a few moments. It was tranquil....silent.
Time halted, and even the reality of my dreams became altered. Memories of a life once forgotten swam before me...
My eyes swelled with tears as I saw my mother. She was beautiful.... My Father was slowly walking with her along the beach. They looked so happy...
Dad had always joked that I got the good looks from mom,
"Your lucky you don't look like me!"
Time slowly shifted, and I found myself reliving a once forgotten memory...
"Weally Daddy?? A WEAL blitz game!?"
I had forgotten that day. He had taken me to watch my first game of Blitz.... I must have been about four.
"Daddy!! I can't see! The big fat man is in my way!" I didn't have much tact then, either.
He laughed and swooped me on top of his shoulders. I felt so big....like I was at the top of the world.
My vision began to blur and the blitzball zooming in front my face transformed into a bullet, and then another. They kept multiplying until a myriad of lethal metal orbs were soaring past my eyes. I then saw a young, immature, little boy staring and yelling at a sphere in front of him. Tears of hopelessness and desperation were welling in his cerulean eyes.
Bullet's whizzed past my fathers face as he ran down the battle field. The Summoner's were greatly out numbered by Bevelle's weaponry. The grounds were stained a deep red, and it seemed as though hundreds of corpses littered the floor.
My father was one of the few remaining. He charged into the machines with all the strength that remained within him.
He collapsed to the floor in prayer, and a radiant blue light emerged from his chest.
A great beast slid through blood red sky, parting the heavens.
"Protect Me...Bahamut"
The creature was savage and bloodthirsty...but it also held strange sort of gentleness in it's eyes. It shielded my father from a hail of bullets, risking it's own life for his. The loyal beast finally fell underneath the gunfire.
I watched my father as he too collapsed, tightly clinging to his most prized possession. My mother's locket. I began to cry as the last of his breath escaped from his lips.
It was too much,
"Stop it! Please!!"
More memories flooded my mind, pouring in one after another. My parents, Bevelle, Zanarkand, Lenne, Kaiyla....Gio. I was overwhelmed by my senses; my head felt like it was going to explode.
I fell to my knee's in agony, "STOP!!"
Then everything became silent, as if following my command.
Evelyn slowly removed her hands; she had found what she was looking for. I saw one last image flash before my eyes....
I saw the apartment, our house. Hidden beneath the floor boards of Gio's room, was a sphere.
Evelyn looked down towards me, "It is there that you will find the answer"
I was dazed and confused, and had no clue what she was talking about.
Evelyn slowly walked to where Gio had once been, "You see...I am Gio, I am a part of him....and he will NEVER be able to escape it"
My lungs stung as I inhaled the cold wind. I was struggling for air.
"Shuyin! What is it? What's wrong?"
I was awake...back with Lenne in the grass, where I belonged. I remembered the sphere...
"A dream. Just a dream"
Was it though? It seemed so real, I couldn't get it out of my mind. The sphere, Evelyn...and Gio. I had no idea what it had meant then; I doubted whether I would ever know. I softly laid my head down into a pillow of grass, and tried to shut my eyes to the night sky. I told myself that my dream had meant nothing; a meaningless nightmare. Even though I told myself this, the rest of my uneasy and dreamless night told me that I hadn't truly believed it...
I awoke the next morning to find myself facing the ocean. I slowly stretched and extended my arms towards the sky. The sun was beginning to rise over the sea, and a new day was beginning. Then it came back to me...the sinking realization that made me forget all about last night's events.
Lenne would perform tonight. NOTHING would change that.
How could I have been dumb enough to let her go? My instincts had told me not to allow it....the nightmares I was having should have been reason enough. Now I was helpless. Lenne was left into the hands of fate.
I turned behind me to discover that Lenne was gone,
I walked quickly towards the beach, and stopped as I heard the beautiful sound of her voice,
"I know their reaching you....Suspended on Silver Wings...."
Her hair swayed back and forth in the wind, and her melodic voice was carried by the waves that crashed against the white shores.
"One Thousand Words, have never been spoken. They'll..."
I placed my hand on her shoulder, "What are you singing?"
She was surprised by my presence, and seemed to have jumped fifty feet into the air. Her face was red with embarrassment.
"I....It's something I've written for tonight."
I sat down on the sand, eagerly waiting for her to tell me what the song was about,
"....What's it about?"
She become even more embarrassed, and turned her face the other way,
"it's about you" We walked along the beach for a long time, before deciding to make our way back to the apartment.
Lenne looked up towards my eyes, "I'm so nervous....what if they don't like me?"
I placed my arm around her shoulder, "Are you kidding? Your gonna knock 'em dead!"
She looked up at me curiously,
"Well, you know what I mean"
The city was still bustling with traffic. Stores were open advertising the concert, and gigantic spheres illuminated the streets with Lenne's face.
Lenne was caught by surprise, "Oh my..."
I took her hand, "Well....at least you don't have to worry about them not liking you".
We walked headfirst into the crowded streets; an unwise decision.
The heads of every person in Zanarkand turned in unison as they heard her name.
"Over there!!"
Lenne looked towards me, and I nodded my head, "Run!"
I grabbed her hand and we attempted to escape the swarming hordes of fans.
"This way!!" Lenne made a sharp turn to the right, narrowly missing the masses.
She hid us behind a large statue, and gasped for air as the mob passed by.
"You know" she paused to take a breath, "I've never had this much fun until I met you". She thought for a moment and laughed, "or this much trouble...".
We laughed so hard that we collapsed onto the floor out of breath. We both began to laugh again, and I leaned on her to support myself.
I heard the sound of footsteps echoing against concrete, and looked behind us.
An old man stood before us. "Ahem"
I helped Lenne up, and we both stood staring at the strange old man. "I'm ever so sorry to disturb you...I would just wish to shake your hand m'lady. Call it the wish of an old man"
I stared hard at the crazy old guy. He seemed to be extremely worn out, and he wore an emerald green cloak and hat. Lenne outstretched her hand, and the feeble, aged man grasped it firmly, "What is your name?"
He smiled, "Maechan my lady! You may call me Maechan! I thank you ever so much....this means the WORLD to me"
Lenne and I stood awkwardly, staring at the man quietly for a long time...I decided to take the initiative, "Well Pops, I think we better-"
I grabbed Lenne's arms in an attempt to pull her away, but the strange man began to talk again.
"Would you, perhaps, care to hear a story?"
I whispered into Lenne's ear, begging her not to stay, "no!!" It was too late, she had fallen into his trap.
She elbowed me in the stomach, in an attempt to keep me quiet, "Ouch..."
His story dragged on for what seemed like days. Minutes turned to hours, and hours seemed to bleed into an eternity. I suddenly felt as if someone was watching me, and looked directly into the man's face.
"And that, I'm afraid, is the 'camel that broke Bevelle's back" he began to laugh to himself merrily, and his warm blue eyes stared deeply into mine, "you see, dreams aren't always what they seem. Often, they are a way for our beloved to communicate a message of their true colors, or alternate destinies, even though it is all not literally accurate. A 'window to the soul' if you will...and that, as they say, is that"
The old mans words slowly trailed off, and his head fell gently unto his chest.
Lenne quietly gasped, "Is he dead!?"
I poked him gently and laughed, "No, he's just sleeping"
Lenne stood up, and prepared to leave. "Aren't you coming?" she asked. I crouched silently, staring at the little quiescent man, "Yeah...." There was something different about this man...and as I thought of his words, I couldn't help but think of one thing: Gio.
A/N- Wow! It's been so long, and Im so sorry...things have been so hectic..and I just haven't had the drive to write...but I think im gaining it back again...this isn't much of a chapter...but it's the beginning. Hopefully things will just keep getting better. Thanks for your devotion and reviews...I hope you guys still have it in you to read my story. -ZAC-
Chapter 6:
The figure I unveiled was a sad and defeated Gio....it barely even resembled him. He was drained of all color and energy. He was dark and lifeless. An empty shell.
"It hurts, doesn't it?"
Evelyn slowly drifted past me. Beneath her wrist, and burnt deep within her flesh, was the emblem of my enemy. Bevelle. A surge of hatred poured throughout my veins. "What do you mean!?"
A sudden flare of wind sliced through my body, catapulting me to the ground. I grabbed my chest in agony. Evelyn snapped her fingers, and the shadow that was Gio crumbled to the ground and vanished.
Evelyn turned towards me, smiling maliciously.
I lunged at her, "What did you do to him!?"
She responded with the same coldness in her voice as before...only this time I noticed a small air of confidence within it.
She silently stepped towards me, and placed her hands on my head. Everything was motionless and still for a few moments. It was tranquil....silent.
Time halted, and even the reality of my dreams became altered. Memories of a life once forgotten swam before me...
My eyes swelled with tears as I saw my mother. She was beautiful.... My Father was slowly walking with her along the beach. They looked so happy...
Dad had always joked that I got the good looks from mom,
"Your lucky you don't look like me!"
Time slowly shifted, and I found myself reliving a once forgotten memory...
"Weally Daddy?? A WEAL blitz game!?"
I had forgotten that day. He had taken me to watch my first game of Blitz.... I must have been about four.
"Daddy!! I can't see! The big fat man is in my way!" I didn't have much tact then, either.
He laughed and swooped me on top of his shoulders. I felt so big....like I was at the top of the world.
My vision began to blur and the blitzball zooming in front my face transformed into a bullet, and then another. They kept multiplying until a myriad of lethal metal orbs were soaring past my eyes. I then saw a young, immature, little boy staring and yelling at a sphere in front of him. Tears of hopelessness and desperation were welling in his cerulean eyes.
Bullet's whizzed past my fathers face as he ran down the battle field. The Summoner's were greatly out numbered by Bevelle's weaponry. The grounds were stained a deep red, and it seemed as though hundreds of corpses littered the floor.
My father was one of the few remaining. He charged into the machines with all the strength that remained within him.
He collapsed to the floor in prayer, and a radiant blue light emerged from his chest.
A great beast slid through blood red sky, parting the heavens.
"Protect Me...Bahamut"
The creature was savage and bloodthirsty...but it also held strange sort of gentleness in it's eyes. It shielded my father from a hail of bullets, risking it's own life for his. The loyal beast finally fell underneath the gunfire.
I watched my father as he too collapsed, tightly clinging to his most prized possession. My mother's locket. I began to cry as the last of his breath escaped from his lips.
It was too much,
"Stop it! Please!!"
More memories flooded my mind, pouring in one after another. My parents, Bevelle, Zanarkand, Lenne, Kaiyla....Gio. I was overwhelmed by my senses; my head felt like it was going to explode.
I fell to my knee's in agony, "STOP!!"
Then everything became silent, as if following my command.
Evelyn slowly removed her hands; she had found what she was looking for. I saw one last image flash before my eyes....
I saw the apartment, our house. Hidden beneath the floor boards of Gio's room, was a sphere.
Evelyn looked down towards me, "It is there that you will find the answer"
I was dazed and confused, and had no clue what she was talking about.
Evelyn slowly walked to where Gio had once been, "You see...I am Gio, I am a part of him....and he will NEVER be able to escape it"
My lungs stung as I inhaled the cold wind. I was struggling for air.
"Shuyin! What is it? What's wrong?"
I was awake...back with Lenne in the grass, where I belonged. I remembered the sphere...
"A dream. Just a dream"
Was it though? It seemed so real, I couldn't get it out of my mind. The sphere, Evelyn...and Gio. I had no idea what it had meant then; I doubted whether I would ever know. I softly laid my head down into a pillow of grass, and tried to shut my eyes to the night sky. I told myself that my dream had meant nothing; a meaningless nightmare. Even though I told myself this, the rest of my uneasy and dreamless night told me that I hadn't truly believed it...
I awoke the next morning to find myself facing the ocean. I slowly stretched and extended my arms towards the sky. The sun was beginning to rise over the sea, and a new day was beginning. Then it came back to me...the sinking realization that made me forget all about last night's events.
Lenne would perform tonight. NOTHING would change that.
How could I have been dumb enough to let her go? My instincts had told me not to allow it....the nightmares I was having should have been reason enough. Now I was helpless. Lenne was left into the hands of fate.
I turned behind me to discover that Lenne was gone,
I walked quickly towards the beach, and stopped as I heard the beautiful sound of her voice,
"I know their reaching you....Suspended on Silver Wings...."
Her hair swayed back and forth in the wind, and her melodic voice was carried by the waves that crashed against the white shores.
"One Thousand Words, have never been spoken. They'll..."
I placed my hand on her shoulder, "What are you singing?"
She was surprised by my presence, and seemed to have jumped fifty feet into the air. Her face was red with embarrassment.
"I....It's something I've written for tonight."
I sat down on the sand, eagerly waiting for her to tell me what the song was about,
"....What's it about?"
She become even more embarrassed, and turned her face the other way,
"it's about you" We walked along the beach for a long time, before deciding to make our way back to the apartment.
Lenne looked up towards my eyes, "I'm so nervous....what if they don't like me?"
I placed my arm around her shoulder, "Are you kidding? Your gonna knock 'em dead!"
She looked up at me curiously,
"Well, you know what I mean"
The city was still bustling with traffic. Stores were open advertising the concert, and gigantic spheres illuminated the streets with Lenne's face.
Lenne was caught by surprise, "Oh my..."
I took her hand, "Well....at least you don't have to worry about them not liking you".
We walked headfirst into the crowded streets; an unwise decision.
The heads of every person in Zanarkand turned in unison as they heard her name.
"Over there!!"
Lenne looked towards me, and I nodded my head, "Run!"
I grabbed her hand and we attempted to escape the swarming hordes of fans.
"This way!!" Lenne made a sharp turn to the right, narrowly missing the masses.
She hid us behind a large statue, and gasped for air as the mob passed by.
"You know" she paused to take a breath, "I've never had this much fun until I met you". She thought for a moment and laughed, "or this much trouble...".
We laughed so hard that we collapsed onto the floor out of breath. We both began to laugh again, and I leaned on her to support myself.
I heard the sound of footsteps echoing against concrete, and looked behind us.
An old man stood before us. "Ahem"
I helped Lenne up, and we both stood staring at the strange old man. "I'm ever so sorry to disturb you...I would just wish to shake your hand m'lady. Call it the wish of an old man"
I stared hard at the crazy old guy. He seemed to be extremely worn out, and he wore an emerald green cloak and hat. Lenne outstretched her hand, and the feeble, aged man grasped it firmly, "What is your name?"
He smiled, "Maechan my lady! You may call me Maechan! I thank you ever so much....this means the WORLD to me"
Lenne and I stood awkwardly, staring at the man quietly for a long time...I decided to take the initiative, "Well Pops, I think we better-"
I grabbed Lenne's arms in an attempt to pull her away, but the strange man began to talk again.
"Would you, perhaps, care to hear a story?"
I whispered into Lenne's ear, begging her not to stay, "no!!" It was too late, she had fallen into his trap.
She elbowed me in the stomach, in an attempt to keep me quiet, "Ouch..."
His story dragged on for what seemed like days. Minutes turned to hours, and hours seemed to bleed into an eternity. I suddenly felt as if someone was watching me, and looked directly into the man's face.
"And that, I'm afraid, is the 'camel that broke Bevelle's back" he began to laugh to himself merrily, and his warm blue eyes stared deeply into mine, "you see, dreams aren't always what they seem. Often, they are a way for our beloved to communicate a message of their true colors, or alternate destinies, even though it is all not literally accurate. A 'window to the soul' if you will...and that, as they say, is that"
The old mans words slowly trailed off, and his head fell gently unto his chest.
Lenne quietly gasped, "Is he dead!?"
I poked him gently and laughed, "No, he's just sleeping"
Lenne stood up, and prepared to leave. "Aren't you coming?" she asked. I crouched silently, staring at the little quiescent man, "Yeah...." There was something different about this man...and as I thought of his words, I couldn't help but think of one thing: Gio.