

Summary: Tea is an Angel. Yami is a Shadow. They are worlds apart... or are they?

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any related characters.

Warnings: Tea/Yami pairing


Tea was a girl from the Upperworld, and "angel", is what they called themselves. Just like everyone else from the Upperworld, she wore a pair of feathery wings on her back that were pure white(she cleaned them every day) and a glowing golden circle of light shone above her head. Now, in the Upperworld, no one wore long white dresses anymore and the land wasen't made of cloud. That was old-style. In fact, looking at the Upperworld you wouldn't find it different from any other city, other then the fact that everyone had a pair of wings and a golden halo above their head.

It wasen't a big difference from any other human city.

Except for that.

But it turned out to make everyone else worlds apart.

But there was something different you couldn't tell from the outside. In this world, no one spoke a harsh word, no one killed their fellow being, everyone smiled at everyone else, and no one was different enough from the rest to be shunned. It was perfect. "Boring" is what Tea called it. It was perfect, it was paradise, it was BORING and it lacked danger and excitement.

But Tea had to be content with perfection. "Because," she often remined herself, "perfection is what everyone else strives for, and if I'm not happy with it, then there is no hope."

Tea would sometimes find she couldn't fit in with this perfect world, and went looking for excitement. She'd bring her friends along in the hunt, too. They'd, of course, only agree to go with her because she called them "wusses".

Unfortunately, no matter how long past their sleeptime they flew above the dark, damp skies of the Upperworld, they couldn't find any "excitement".

That's why she didn't cry when the war broke out.

All of the other angels in the upperworld wept. When their fathers were recruited for the war, they simply broke down and cried, like what they were: wusses. Tea herself was jelous of all the men who got to go out and fight while she was stuck at home practicing her beading.

The war was against the Shadows. They were, from what she had heard, "nasty creatures sent by the Devil himself to bring sin to our perfect world." She hadn't heard much about them at all, so she didn't pass judgement on them and didn't think anyone else should be so quick to, either.

But her parents, ignoring her when she expressed this opinion, did. And they said she was never, EVER, aloud to go to West Uppercity and would give her a serious punishment when she did. When Tea asked what was at West Uppercity they responded with "Just don't go there." When she asked persistantly, all they gave her was "something evil" and let it rest at that.

Needless to say, Tea didn't listen.

The night almost immediantly after that, Tea flew out the window of her bedroom without even leaving a note and headed straight west.

She flew over the city, watching the bed of lights that had come on that night. No one else was in the air. No one flew at this time of night. And Tea could see why; she got cold quickly in the damp night air.

Still, she flew, determined to find out what her parents had forbidden her from, her fluffy wings pounding thickly on the black night.

Finally, after what seemed like an hour, she came upon an extremely tall mesh fence. It seemed to stretch upward and upward endlessly towards the heavens, determined to keep flyers and walkers(angels who were born without wings, or had them removed for some reason) alike from whatever lie beyond it.

Tea flew right up to the fence and peered through it. What she saw was extremely odd, and she ghasped when she saw it. The ground beyond it was not solid; it was made out of whispy white cloud. Odder still, the cloud simply ended and trailed off into the night. Tea wondered if she had found the end of the universe.

Tea peered wonderingly at it for a minute before she heard a voice call down from below her. "Hey, you! Girl! You're not supposed to be up here!"

Below her was a guard, flying up quickly towards her. Tea wasen't sure what to do; if she let herself be caught, her mother and father would be extremely angry with her, and might even take her to the King of the Upperworld. This seemed like a big enough violation for it. If she flapped off the way she had came, well, she would go back to her normal little perfect and boring life.

So Tea flew upwards as fast as her wings would allow her. She didn't know if the barrier ever ended or just stretched onward and onward, but it was worth the risk.

She kept flying, her wings pounding hard against the air, willing herself to go faster and not get caught... she ignored the guard's cries of "Come back, girl! You don't know what's up there!". She was concentrating too much to listen to him.

She was actually flapping so hard her wings were starting to hurt. Still she kept going upwards, stars from beyond the fence blurring past her as she went. Was it just her, or was the air getting thicker?

Just before Tea gave up hope, her barrier abruptly ended, the end of it pointing up into the night sky. As quick as she could, Tea sailed over and began plummeting beyond the guard's reach. To her suprise, he was no longer following her but looking sadly on as she fell.

Tea was sure the fall was longer then the time it took for her to get out of bed and fly up the fence. It seemed she was falling endlessly into a deep sea of darkness that would never end, and after a while, Tea convinced herself she had found the end of the world, and falling was all she would do for the rest of her life.

After what seemed like eternity, the darkness around her slowly melted into the light of day, the stars disappearing into blueness. Looking down, she saw land on which Tea couldn't make out anything on it but dark specs with, from Tea's own experience, she assumed were wings.

It occurred to her that if she fell from this height onto anywhere she would become a pancake. She tried to slow down, beating against the air to break her fall, but it didn't seem to do much use. She began to panic.

Something flew towards her. Tea saw only a flash of it, she was falling so fast, but what she could make out made her stomach twist into a tight knot.

The black, leathery face. The blood-red fangs. The dark, ruby, pupiless eyes. It was a Shadow.

Tea seemed to collide with it. Then her world went black.