Original Word Count as of December 31, 2003: 50,215

Final Word Count as of February 21, 2005 (after 3 revisions): 50,228 (I know, big change)

Disclaimer: This is a fanfic, I trust people to be intelligent enough to know that this isn't originally mine.

Dedication: Wholesomelymid (LJ) for encouraging my writing to continue long after the Matrix spell wore off (Which it hasn't completely- I'm editing a few stories).

Author's Note: I am really proud of this fic, and I wanted to set some things straight, and more realistic in it, so I drafted rewrites over the course of a year, and now, I'm extremely proud of this fic.

Why this: I wrote this as a challenge: write 50,000 words in 31 days. I had been getting tired of writing fics post-Reloaded (before Revolutions had come out of course) and decided to write about what happened in the six months between TM1 and TM2. While I have since retired…I am editing most of my fics, and "Breaking the Rules" is being given the finishing touches right now before being reposted. So I hope you enjoy this, I know it's older, I wrote it almost two years ago, but I still view it as my crowning achievement. Thank you.

And so, for the first time, I give you a completely edited and updated fic.

Always, Trinity-the-Goalie