Disclaimer: if I owned Inu Yasha, I wouldn't be writing the fanfiction, would I?

A/N: Guess who is back again with another story.

Inu Yasha: -_-'

Kagome: Inu Yasha that's not nice. Osawari.

Inu Yasha: * falls to the ground. *

Andi: ok can you stop? Now, to explain my story. This chapter is very short (as it is only a prologue) but later chapters will be much longer. Also, this is a story that was co-written by Yamashi-chan, a story that we came up with a while ago. We were watching episodes of 'Inu Yasha' that we had downloaded when we thought: wouldn't it be funny if the major male characters in Inu Yasha switched bodies for a day. This is the result of that thought.

Ch1 prologue

'Miroku, why are you such a pervert?' screamed Sango, after yet another grope by Miroku. Miroku didn't answer the question. He was twitching on the ground, unable to speak.

'Kirara, let's go.' Said Sango, jumping on the transformed youkai. Inu Yasha looked down at Miroku, still twitching on the ground. 'Did you know that you're stupid?' asked Inu Yasha, folding his arms. 'She may like it when you grope her, but not when Kagome's gone home. Then she's just in a bad mood all the time.'

Miroku jumped up off the ground, apparently unaffected by the blow her received from Sango. 'Really? She likes it when I grope her?' asked the monk, looking hopeful. 'Feh. I only noticed it because Kagome pointed it out. My opinion is that you're a moron and you try to hard.' Inu Yasha sat down and closed his eyes, a sure sign that he didn't want to continue the conversation.

'Well, it's easy for you. It's very obvious that Lady Kagome is head-over- heels in love with you.' Defended the angry monk. 'Easy? You think it's easy? I'm in love with two girls that share the same soul. One of those girls is dead and wants me dead. And the other had the power to kill me with 'osawari' and is from a different time line!' Inu Yasha growled and stood up.

'That's not easy and if you think it is, then you are more of a moron then I thought.' At those last words, he turned and walked away. All Miroku could do was stare after Inu Yasha and contemplate the truth of his words.


Later that night after Kagome had come back, Inu Yasha and Miroku were still mad at each other. Kagome, mad at the boys for being such idiots, went to the village to talk to Sango and Keade.

Along her way there, Kagome met up with a person that she didn't think she could stomach today: Kouga. 'Hello Kagome. Are you ready to dump dog turd to become my woman?' he asked her brightly.

'His name is Inu Yasha and no I'm not going to dump him and become your woman.' Said Kagome, with a note of impatience in her tone. 'Why not? I'm not really that bad, am I?' he whined. Kagome shook her head. 'I have to go, Kouga.' She said. He nodded his head and walked away, his tail between his legs.

Kagome sighed and began her walk to Keade's again. Upon her arrival, Kagome saw that Sango was having a field day, ranting and raving about how perverted Miroku was. Mid-rave Sango turned her head and caught sight of an open mouth Kagome.

Sango smiled and greeted her warmly. She ushered Kagome into Keade's hut so they she, Sango, Keade and Shippo could talk. 'Men are idiots.' Said Kagome simply. 'Naraku is giving us trouble again. Sesshomaru is once again after Tetsusiga. Kouga won't get the hint that I don't like him like that. Inu Yasha won't get the hint that I do. And Shippo.' She said, turning to the young kit.

'I want to be powerful like Naraku. But I don't want to be evil.' He added hastily, looking at the shocked face of his companions. 'And Shippo is an idiot because he wants to be like Naraku, I presume your are going to say.' Said Keade, looking at Kagome.

Kagome turned red and looked away. Shippo started shaking his head, holding in laughter. 'You are a weird one.' Said Sango looking at Shippo. 'Yes he is. But who cares? We have to get back to camp.' Said Kagome with a cough. Sango and Shippo nodded and walked out the door.

Keade chuckled as she watched them go. None of them seemed to appreciate the boys as they were. Keade chuckled again and went to find the things she would need this particular night.


Sesshomaru looked back at Rin for the 3rd or 4th time that night. She was again clutching her stomach, but every time he asked what was wrong, she would just smile and say nothing.

Sesshomaru looked forward again. They were nearing the village that Inu Yasha usually dwelled in. He began to turn down a different path, going farther south than the village then he remembered. The village where Inu Yasha was had an old woman, a miko. If he were to stop here and command Jaken to take her to the old woman, then perhaps he wouldn't have to continuously ask her what was wrong.

Sesshomaru stopped. 'Jaken.' 'Yes milord?' asked Jaken, coming in front of his master to bow. 'Take Rin to the miko of the village and have her check Rin out to see what ails her.' Jaken nodded and motioned Rin forward.

Sesshomaru watched as Rin passed him. At 17, she was a lovely creature. Waist long dark hair and bright, curious brown eyes made her look like a woodland nymph.

Sesshomaru shook his head to clear his thoughts. The last time he had traveled with Rin for longer than 2 days was quite a while ago and he could not remember Rin ever being in pain whilst on an excursion.

Sesshomaru shook his head and sat down to wait for Rin's return.


'And these will help?' Asked Rin, looking doubtful at the small herbs in her hand. 'Aye Child. They will. Now what is this you were saying about Sesshomaru-sama?' Asked Keade as she set weird shaped objects on a shrine in the corner.

'He keeps asking me what's wrong and after a while it becomes powerfully embarrassing. He doesn't know what is going on in my body and I tell him it is nothing yet he persists. Some times I wish that he would ignore me, as he did when I was a child.' Said Rin, looking rueful.

Keade just chuckled and stood up. So Sesshomaru was to be included in this now. What an interesting twist this promised to be.

Rin followed suite and stood up. She bowed politely before she exited the hut. Breathing a sight of relief, Rin walked over to Jaken, who had been waiting at the road for her.


(A/N: im going to be jumping for one character to the next really fast and this part is going to be really confusing so try and keep up and if you have any questions review and I will answer)

Miroku woke up to a really strong smell of wolves. Thinking that Kouga and his clan had shown up while he was sleeping, Miroku forced his eyes open and looked around.

Surprisingly he was the cave where Kouga's clan resided and he was lying in Kouga's bed. Miroku shook his head and felt a long pony tail follow the motion. Reaching up to his head, Miroku felt long hair greet his touch. Getting up from where he was, Miroku dashed outside and looked into the water.

the only thought that entered his head was oh shit Sango was going to kill him.


Kouga groaned and reached over to clutch his hand. There felt like there was a hole in his hand and it stung like a bitch. Kouga sniffed the air, trying to detect if there was an enemy nearby to have cause him the pain in his hand. Kouga frowned and sniffed again. Nothing. No scents were reaching his nose and this is what made Kouga open his eyes and gasp in fright and confusion.


Naraku took a deep breath to calm him self. This wasn't happening. Not to him. Not now. But how could one deny it? The proof was there. Right in front of him. And what he was seeking was right in front of him too. Maybe this would benefit him.


Shippo looked around and started to cry even louder. Why him? What had he done to deserve some thing as cruel as this? The tears stopped as Shippo took a deep breath and looked around for the millionth time. Trying to be a man was useless Shippo decided, as he let the tears come again.


Sesshomaru blinked in confusion and looked down at his side. Rin wasn't there like she should have been. Someone who wasn't supposed to be near him was. Sesshomaru looked around again. Yea, what his eyes were seeing was right. He looked down at his clothes. Someone was going to have a lot of explaining to do.


Inu Yasha looked over at it again and a growl of frustration came to this throat. Damn it all. Damn it all to hell. Inu Yasha looked down at the sleeping figure again. How was he supposed to explain this? He was only a hanyou, not a wise man. Reaching down to touch his chest, Inu Yasha wondered who was going to pay for this.

A/N: sorry if that was confusing but all of this will be explained in the next chapter. And about the characters, when you find out what is going on, all I can say is this: pairs were done randomly by numbers by my parents (who don't watch anime) so pairs as they are were not done for a specific reason.

Arigitou! Ja Ne!
