
A/N: This is the final part of my trilogy which also includes- " The Ransom of Dr. Dave" and " Recovery". They are a must read first but just in case you skip ahead here is a brief summary of the first two parts.

The Ransom of Dr. Dave:

- Carter set Dave and Jing-Mei up on a blind date, which actually worked out.

- After going together for two months, Jing-Mei is pregnant.

- On her birthday, Dave plans to propose to Jing-Mei, but on his way back from picking up the engagement ring, Dave(who is mistaken for Carter while driving Carter's car) is carjacked, kidnapped and severely and brutally beaten.

- Dave's abductors learn his true identity and per the instructions of their boss, Vincenzio(Dave's father), they use him as Vincenzio's organ donor and steal his kidney.

- After 48 hours, Dave is finally found and brought to the ER. The next 7 months Dave remains in a coma during which Jing-Mei gives birth to his second son, Antonio and invites his sister, Sophie and his six-year old son, Rusty over from Italy to visit the dying Dave.

- The ER staff learns about Dave's childhood abuse at the hands of his mob boss father, Vincenzio.

- Several attempts are made on Dave and his family.

- After the deaths of Dave's sister and his ex-girlfriend, Jada(Rusty's mom), Jing-Mei legally adopts Rusty and marries a now conscious Dave to keep him from being deported.

- Dave remains mute until Rusty sneaks his puppy, Rascal, up to his hospital room. Dave bonds with the dog.

- Dave receives a kidney transplant from the brain-dead son of a couple known as the Petersons. Jing-Mei makes them honorary grandparents of both boys.

- During Antonio's christening, Dave is shot in the head and pronounced dead up in surgery.

- At a nearby rehabilitation center, a patient is wheeled in and is referred to by the head of the facility as Dr. Dave.


- All reports of Dr. Dave's death have been greatly exaggerated.

- Police detective, Capt. Amos has arranged for Dave to be transported to and hidden in the rehab center to stop the threats against him and his family while they learn more from Dave about his attack and who's behind it.

- Dave's new alias is "Erik Evad" and with the exception of Jing-Mei, Rusty, Capt. Amos, Drs. Romano, Corday and Jackson(head of the rehab center) and Mr. Santini(Dave's former landlord and friend from Italy) everyone believes Dave is dead.

- After months at the rehab center, Erik is transferred back to Cook County Hospital for more heart surgery, where thanks to Abby's big ears, the rest of the staff learn about Dave's existence.

- Dr. Legaspi takes Erik on as a patient and decides to place him under hypnosis to learn about his past and help him remember his attack.

- While sitting in on Erik's psyche sessions, Jing-Mei hears first-hand the severity and cruelty of Erik's abuse by his father and learns that Erik had a twin brother, Nicholas, who died when they were two years old.

- Erik develops a serious kidney infection which damages his transplanted kidney and leads to him needing another transplant. A new head of nephrology, Dr. Fallone, is put in charge of Erik's case.

- Erik, who is back to being called Dave, remembers that Dr. Fallone was the one who stole his kidney when he was kidnapped over one and a half years ago.

- Dr. Fallone learns that Dave is onto him and skips town.

- Dave is finally discharged. While driving home, Dave remembers his last meeting with Capt. Amos when he was questioning him about Dr. Fallone's involvement. Dave remembered something that Dr. Fallone said before he stole his kidney-- Dr. Fallone referred to Dave as Vincenzio's son.

- Dave's face turns to terror, confusion and hurt as he murmurs to himself--pa`pa?

Now on to Showdown:

Part 1

Jing-Mei comes up to the passenger side of the car with the wheelchair. She pulls open the door, causing Dave to jump back into reality and out of his memories. She helps him into the chair and as she pushes him up to the front door, Mrs. Peterson and the boys meet them halfway.

Mrs. Peterson: Welcome home, Dr. Dave.

Rusty: Hi, papa.

Dave smiles at them but continues to roam the area with his eyes, exploring the grounds.

Jing-Mei: You'll have to excuse Dave, he's still a little nervous in his new surroundings but he'll get use to them soon enough.

Jing-Mei pushes Dave up his wheelchair ramp and into the house, where Rascal promptly runs in and jumps on Dave's lap. Jing-Mei shoos him off but he puts his two front feet up on Dave's legs and licks his face. Dave smiles and strokes Rascal behind the ears.

Jing-Mei: Well, what do you think Dave about the house?

Dave does a visual tour of the living room and shrugs.

Dave: Dddifferent..Kkknow dddon't ppplace.

Jing-Mei: That's okay, sweetheart. You're not suppose to know it. You've never seen it before, but I'm sure you'll just love it once you get use to it.

Antonio starts to cry.

Mrs. Peterson: Looks like someone needs to be changed.

Dave: Iiii'm fffine. (tapping his legs) Nnno wwet.

The ladies laugh at the confused Dave.

Jing-Mei: Not you, silly. I'll take the baby.

Mrs. Peterson: Please, I can handle him. Your husband is just home from the hospital after over a year and a half. Spend time with him.

Mrs. Peterson carries Antonio into the nursery.

Rusty: Show papa 'round.

Jing-Mei: Maybe later, Rusty. You're papa is...

There's a knock at the door. Rusty runs to open it and Carter appears in the doorway.

Jing-Mei: Rusty, go wash for dinner.

Rusty runs into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. Carter enters the house.

Jing-Mei: John, what are you doing here?

Carter: I just got off and I thought you might need help getting Dave settled in.

Jing-Mei: Thanks John.

Jing-Mei pushes Dave's chair towards the bedroom.

Jing-Mei: Dave, how do you like our bedroom?

Dave starts nervously squirming in his chair.

Dave: OOUR Bbbedroom!!!

Jing-Mei: Yes, sweetheart. Yours and mine.

Dave thinks for a moment.

Dave(frantically shaking his head): OOOH NNNO!!!

Jing-Mei bends down to look Dave in the eyes. She strokes the side of his face.

Jing-Mei: Dave, baby. It's alright. We're married.

Dave looks back at her, more confused and panicked than ever. Jing-Mei looks up at Carter and than back at Dave.

Jing-Mei: Dave, I'm sorry. I thought you understood that this is what married people do. They sleep together---in the same bed.

Not getting a response from Dave, Jing-Mei gets up and starts to push him into the bedroom. He forcibly swings his right hand out and grabs the doorway, preventing her from moving the chair any further.


Carter: Wow! I can't believe that came out of Dave Malucci's mouth---especially how he would have given his right and left arm and leg to sleep with you before his attack.

Jing-Mei: I guess I just assumed that since Dave was physically well enough to be discharged from the hospital that I would be able to bring him home and start living like a real family---and married couple, in every sense of the word. I think I'm pushing Dave too fast---emotionally and sexually. He's obviously not ready for that part of our marriage yet.

Carter: So, now what?

Jing-Mei: Not sure. Let me think. Mrs. Peterson is using our guestroom, now. The back room is being set up for his physical therapy. I could move the boys into one room but then I don't have a spare bed for either Rusty or Dave to use.

Carter: What about the couch? Dave can sleep on the couch.

Jing-Mei: No, not a good idea.

Carter: Why not?

Jing-Mei: It's a comfortable couch and all, but Dave's a big guy and needs room to move around. He may roll out of it and besides there's his bad back to be considered. No, Dave won't be contented on the couch. (pause) I'll take the couch and give Dave my bed.

Carter: You can't sleep on the couch every night.

Jing-Mei: It won't be forever. Just until Dave is a little more comfortable with the sleeping arrangements. Anyway, I've fallen asleep alot of times on the couch while watching tv. I'll be fine. Now, help me get him into bed.

Jing-Mei pushes the chair and again Dave stops her.


Jing-Mei: You win, Dave. You can sleep alone in the bed.

Dave relents and allows Jing-Mei to wheel him into the bedroom.

Carter: Where's a pair of pajamas for him?

Jing-Mei: Uh John, I think I would like to undress him myself later, if you know what I mean. (winking at Carter)

Carter(returning the wink): Got you!

Jing-Mei: Just help me lift him on the bed. He can sleep in his clothes for now.

Jing-Mei and Carter lift Dave from his wheelchair onto the bed. As Jing-Mei gets Dave settled into bed, by removing his leg braces, Carter carries in his bags.

Carter: How's it going? Need any help?
Jing-Mei: No, I think we're just about done here. I'll put the intercom on so if he wakes up and needs something, I'll be able to hear him.

Jing-Mei bends down and gives Dave a peck on his forehead.

Jing-Mei: You get some rest now, sweetheart. When you wake up, I'll make you something to eat. Pleasant dreams, baby.

Carter: Later Dave.

Dave: Eeerik!

Jing-Mei shakes her head at Dave and walks Carter outside Dave's room. She leaves the bedroom door open when they stop and talk.

Carter: You're sure everything is going to be alright? I mean if you need any help, just ask.

Jing-Mei: I think we'll be fine. I've got a portable ventilator set up in the bedroom. I'll hook him up to that at night, just in case of any problems. He's got the intercom on so I can hear him from any room. Mrs. Peterson and I will check on him every hour and make sure he's alright. I think I've got it covered.

Carter: Looks like you do. So, if you don't have anything more for me to do, I'll be going before I wear out my welcome.

Jing-Mei: Why don't you stay for dinner? There's plenty.

Carter: I don't want to impose, after all, this is his first night home. It should be for the family.

Jing-Mei: Nonsense. You are family. You're Antonio's godfather. Besides, how else can I thank you for all your help.

Carter: I accept. (pause) Well, how's it feel to have him home?

Jing-Mei: Exciting but scary. I know this is the beginning of a whole new life for all of us. I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much for everything, John!

Rusty and Rascal come over to them as Mrs. Peterson hands Antonio to Carter and gets dinner ready. In all her excitement, Jing-Mei wraps her arms around Carter's neck and he around her waist and embrace. They kiss on the lips, unaware that Dave is watching the entire scene unfold in front of his eyes.

Dave(to himself with tears in his eyes): Mmmmy wwwife. (tightly clenching his teeth in pure anger) Mmmmy sssons.(pounding his right fist onto the bed) Mmmy pppuppy. (growling) Mmmmy fffamily.

To be continued. Please read and review.