Disclaimer I don't own any of these character or idea of Harry Potter's world

Story Ron and Hermione along with some others made once a terrible mistake and now they are about to discover how wrong they once were…

Chapter 1

It was warm evening in the early September. Sun had just sat behind the horizon painting clouds in the sky into amazing red and violet colors with bright stars already shining in the deep blue sky. Trees changed their green leafs into most wonderful ensemble of colors. Warm autumn wind blew caressing the clouds and shrugged trees what resulted in covering the ground with leafs.

One man with flaming red hairs walked alone in that paradise on earth toward a small cottage. It was simple two-stored house hidden under the trees and surrounded with magnificent garden where you could find anything from apples and plums to pumpkins and strawberries along with many strange plants what in red-haired man's opinion didn't even have a name.

If someone would look closer at the man would say that he was young somewhere in his late twenties. Was tall and thin, with trademark red hairs witch he had inherited from his father and crooked nose what seemed to have been broken more then once. Everything seemed pretty normal till there, but if to look at his clothes then it was entire different affair. He was wearing a cloak.

Black cloak with so many pockets that it was clearly enough to look hilarious. Not to mention that from one pocket was sticking out a broom what by all physic laws just wasn't allowed to fit in its correct location. And strange boots what seemed to be made from alligator's leather. But strangest thing about him wasn't his clothing or broom or even freckles what he had a lot –even too much considering his age. It was that he was a wizard.

Finally redhead reached the house and stepped inside. Closing door behind himself and taking off his boots and cloak he reached to the living room where was sitting on a sofa woman with brown bushy hairs. Woman seemed to be reading a strange book with great interest. Man looked around the room catching the smell coming from the kitchen a smile crept on his face. Finally deciding to make his presents known he quietly sneaked behind her.

Years of sneaking around the school with his friends had made him quit a master in the art and of course his current job and training only perfected his skills. As he was Unspeakable for the Ministry of Magic it was his job to stay unnoticed. As he grabbed the woman's shoulders she gasped loudly and then turned around enveloping him into hug.

"Stop doing it" she finally said playfully and pulled away, "dinner is ready" his wife said standing up and heading toward dining room followed closely by her husband. "Any news?" she asked sitting behind the table and waving her wand. Next moment table was filled with delicious food.

"Yes we coughed our leak today. Can't believe it was Finnegan. Just so unbelievable, I mean for two years I have worked with him and not even once I had suspicions. I always suspected it to be Blaise." Said redhead forgetting his spoon and lowered his head to his hands. "I never thought he would turn this way.. Everyone now from my dorm is either dead or.." he just couldn't finish the sentence, just couldn't. Stared at the table from between his hands a tear rolled up over his cheek.

After few moment he seemed to collect himself together and his wife put her arm around his shoulder, "everything will work out Ron you'll see. What happened to Seamus though?" she asked. Ron took a few deep breaths before speaking. "His trial will be next week. He had it all Herm, The mark, no Imperious on him. Nothing!" Hermione patted him on his shoulder, "any news from Dumbledore?" she asked trying to change the subject. "Yes meeting next week in the Headquarter." Hermione only nodded.

They ate in silence for the rest of the meal having nothing to say at the moment. The lost of a man they had trusted and considered a very good friend was almost unbearable. A cruel joke fate had been designed especially for them? That question was in both of their mind until Ron decided to brake the silence asking about his wife day.

"Oh, fine. Eric is still at Borrow with Mathilda. By the way Draco asked me to tell you that he can't meet with you tomorrow because he is going on a mission for Dumbledore and will be back in few days." Ron looked and smiled a little, "Oh. Then I'll go visit The Borrow tomorrow, want to come?" Hermione smiled, "Of course"


"What a?" a question came from them both as they stood and almost run to the living room grabbing their wand and looking nervously around. There was nothing. "You heard it?" asked Ron worry evident in his voice. "Yes" Hermione answered. They both looked around and out of the windows. They saw no one, but it was so dark outside that it was impossible to see anything anyway.


Another loud explosion took place much closer to the house this time and they both jumped at the sound of it. "RUN take the emergency portkey. It's him, It's him" yelled Ron suddenly, "I'll hold him off, run!" he yelled almost in panic. "Come Ron, we have to get out of here," yelled his wife as she dragged him to the second floor up the stairs. Just as they reached there the door flew open with third loud crack.

They both ran to the fireplace where was a silver vase –an emergency portkey. As they reached to it Ron let out a relaxing breath as they both grabbed it hearing sounds and shouts below feeling all-too familiar behind his navel. But it was all what happened. Looking at each other terrified they tried again, but same thing. The portkey didn't work.

Next moment a dark figure covered in dark robe emerged on the landing wand pointed at the pair. "STUPEFY", "EXPELLIARMUS" yelled Ron and Hermione both at the same time, but before they could react a figure merely waved his wand and a shiny-silver shield appeared in front of him deflecting the curses and with another flick of his wand both Ron and Hermione were disarmed.

As dark figure took another step in their direction he took off his hood and laughed evilly, his eyes shining blood red in his snake like face and bald greenish head. Ron stepped in front of his wife protecting her with his body, "what do you want?" he hissed. "Weasley itsss not nice to be so impolite. Ah bravery, you think you can save a mudblood Weasley? Crucio"

Ron dropped on the ground twitching and screaming in most unimaginable pain. Thousand of needles were prickling his eyes… every cell in his body was on roaring fire burning sensation sweeping over him… Blades cutting his body into peace's… bones were crushed into powder as hammers were hitting him… his body parts ripped apart in every direction as his arms and legs where all dragged in different way… and in his almost not working mind crossing only one thought, only one plea… 'let it stop' a want to die, so desperate that it seemed to be only way out… pain… fire, needles, blades tormenting his body endlessly… It was like forever… like there would be never end to this…

Finally it stopped. Ron rolled on the ground trembling and covered in cold sweat, every part of his body still in ash, but reality came back and he weakly stood up trying to get suport from the wall. Cold laugh was filling a room, cold, merciless, evil. So evil that only a mere sound of it ripped away any happy thoughts, hope or memories from you in a ways that even Dementors couldn't.

"You have defied me for far too long Weasley, for far too many times have you interfered into my affairs. You should have learned from your brother when you had a chance to not oppose me." Ron was raging with fear anger and hatred toward a man in front of him. All common sense seemed to have left him. "You are nothing but a murdered Voldemort" with this he spat into the face of a man in front of him. That was a mistake.

"Avada Kedavra," he said in deadly sickening and quiet voice. Before Ron could have time to react the beam of green light flew past him with swash and hit Hermione Granger right into the chest and she fell on the floor. "NOOOOO" he let out not even realizing he had screamed, the world seemed to have stopped, moving in slow motion to him as his wife fell… and fell… It was even worse torture to watch it helplessly then Cruciatus had been… Helplessly not unable to do a thing only to watch… Thump… she fell on the floor. Dead!

Ron didn't know what to do or say. He wanted to die there and then because his wife had been only light in his life keeping him going on. Without her it was empty. He wanted to fell on his knees and cry, hold her close to his body and never let go again, but he wanted to kill a bustard, avenge for so many things… He acted more on the instincts then on common sense. He jumped toward the Lord Voldemort just as he was saying; "too bad I don't have time to watch that sickening melodramatic drama of yours. Avada Kedavra"

The green flash of light hit him into the chest. For a moment everything was green for Ron and he heard most amazing sound of sea susurrus in his ears. Most unimaginable feeling of freedom took him over… releasing his mind… his body from all the pain and thoughts… Nothing mattered anymore… Nothing had any importance to him… Only bliss into what he was falling… wonderful tranquillity took over his mind and body and then everything went black and he saw no more. But this was not an end.

To be continued…