
Hullo! This is my first published SVU story so take it easy on me ^__^

Summary: Elliot befriends a teenager believed to have murdered his baby sister; detectives investigate the home the teen came from.

NOTE: This story still has Det. Brian Cassidy, because he's awesome like that. Also, I don't live in NY, and it seems like every road in NYC is the same, lol, so these probably don't make sense.forgive me, hehe.


253 WEST 42ND 11:25 PM

"Victim is a young female, between the ages of two and four. She's beaten up pretty badly.And naked from the waste down," a responding police officer told Detectives Elliot Stabler and Olivia Benson as they approached the crime scene. People crowded around them, straining their necks to see what the commotion was about. One woman was crying.

Olivia neared the little girl. She had been covered up from the neck down. She sighed and gave a tense look towards Elliot. She had a head full of light brown hair, which was not matted down with blood and dirt. She was unbelievably pale, with blue eyes that looked straight up to the sky. Blue eyes that no longer held life.


"So what's up?" Cragen asked. "Three-year-old girl; beaten to death and raped," Elliot reported. "She was left in an alley. Some drunk found her and started screaming. As of now, he's not a suspect."

"Any I.D.?"

"Uh, yeah. Her name is Ashley Taylor. Her dad reported her missing last night when he checked on her and she wasn't there. When he called, she was already dead."

"Any suspects?"

"Well, one. The girl lives in a very crowded home situation, apparently. I'm not sure of the exact situation. One of her older brothers, the oldest, Cole, whom is 15, was missing, too. No one knows where he is."

"Well I think it's time for you to get looking."


"Hi, ma'am. I'm detective Benson, and this is my partner detective Stabler. We need to interview some people about a student's whereabouts," Benson told the principal of WPHS.

"Of which student? With any luck, you'll take off some troublemakers." Mrs. Beardsley remarked.

"The student in question is Cole Taylor; a sophomore. He's missing and we need to question him," Elliot told her. "Oh, Cole! That poor boy. The murder of his sister has upset him so much. But, he's not missing. He came in today. Quite distressed but that's understandable. Would you like me to call him up?" She asked. "Wait, he's not missing?" Olivia repeated. "No, of course not. I stand at the front of the door everyday. He didn't step off of a bus like he usually does; instead he was dropped off by someone. Who knows who? Teenagers." the woman remarked, shaking her head. "Yeah, if you could call him down that would be excellent," Olivia remarked.

"Martha, please look up Cole F. Taylor's schedule and call him up to the office," she told the secretary.

"Excuse me, Mr. Varner, could you please excuse Cole Taylor to the front office please? Thank you," Martha said in a bored voice and clicked off the intercom.

A tall, sandy-haired boy walked to the office. He looked up as he saw the detectives. "Oh, good. So, I'm guessing you got Ashley?" he asked. Elliot studied his face. "Yeah, we got here. Cole, we need to question you in the murder of Ashley Taylor."

Cole's face twisted into an expression of horror. "Murder?!"