A/N: YES. I am finally continuing the story! -halleluah- Hehe.. For everyone that hasn't given up on me yet.. I just wanna say sorreh for taking so long to update.. xX; At first.. I was about to give up on my fanfic.. But with a little yelling from my friends, I finally decided to start it back up!

Disclaimer: I don't own the Ring.. Blah, blah, blah.. xP

Now.. -curtains open- On with the sho- Errr... Story!

Struggling to open his eyes, Aiden groaned as the bright light shined on his face, making it difficult for him to see without the sun blinding him. He slowly lifted his head and saw Rachel, sleeping so peacefully. He looked around and realized that he was still in the hospital. Wiping the sticky sweat from his head, Aiden flashedback to his dream, or better yet, nightmare.

"Glad to see you're doing okay," Rachel said groaning, making Aiden jump in surprise.

He was so distracted that he hadn't even seen Rachel wake up. He was quiet for a little bit, gazing at the wall, thinking. Then, he replied quietly,"Yea.. I'm okay.."

But Rachel knew better. She knew somthing was wrong, but she didn't wanna push the subject. There was an awkward silence, while Aiden and Rachel just looked at each other. Trying to break the silence, Rachel asked, "So how was your night? You sleep okay?"

Aiden hesitated to answer. How was he gonna tell Rachel about his dream? He didn't want to put her through all that drama again. So he just replied with, "It was.. Interesting.. I had a hard time falling alseep, but other than that, it was fine."

Rachel could tell he was still hiding something, but continued to brush the feeling off. "Awww, well, I'm glad you got some sleep. Did you have any dreams?"

Aiden paused. "Uhhh, no, not today." Quickly trying to change the subject, Aiden asked Rachel, "How long were you here? You still seem tired."

"Well, I got here as soon as it was opened for visiting hours actually. So yea, I'm tired, but I squeezed in some sleep for about 30 minutes before you woke up."

Sensing that she was still tired, Aiden responded, "Well, you should get some more sleep! I'll be okay til you get back." But really, Aiden just wanted some time alone to think some more about everything that's been going on.

Then, some footsteps appeared at the door. "Actually, you're good to go Aiden!" It was Dr. Smith. "There seems to be nothing wrong! Just a few scratches and bumps. But otherwise, you're free to check out whenever you feel so." He cracked a reassuring smile and proceeded out the door.

Rachel looked at Aiden and asked, "Well? You wanna go check out? Unless you're still not feeling well. It's up to you."

Aiden nodded. "Sure, let's go." He got up and got ready. They headed out the door and to the sign-out desk. As they walked, Aiden's mind was somewhere else. He continued to have flashes of Samantha, what she was saying, and his nightmare. Once the reached the door and walked outside to the car, all of a sudden, Aiden just collapsed and fell to the ground.

"Oh my god! Aiden! Someone get a doctor out here!" Rachel fell to her knees holding Aiden in her arms. She shrieked, hoping someone would hear her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks, burning her eyes, as someone came out with a stretcher and put Aiden on it.

Rachel followed them, whispering to Aiden, as if he could hear her, "You're gonna be okay, Aiden."

Rachel waited in the waiting room, getting more and more anxious to see Aiden. She sat there, with her face cupped in her hands, waiting for a doctor to come out and tell her what's going on.

About 45 minutes had passed, and Rachel started pacing the room. Suddenly, she saw Dr. Smith come through the doorway. "What's wrong with him? What happened!" Rachel begged with tears filling up her eyes.

"I'm sorry, but we're not quite sure yet. His health is fine, there's nothing physically wrong with him. We're gonna have to keep him on watch for a few days to see what's going on," Dr. Smith explained to her. He could see the worry in Rachel's eyes as he told her.

Rachel slowly collapsed to her knees, and just sat there sobbing. 'What could be happening?' She though to herself. 'He was fine just before we left the hospital.'

She got up and brushed her hair out of her dripping wet face. "Well, can I go and see him?" She asked with an expression as if she wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Of course, follow me." Dr. Smith led her to the room Aiden was kept in. Rachel walked to the side of the bed and sat in the chair. She looked at him, lying there, still as can be. Then she slowly stroked his hair and said, "Aiden, please be okay. Come back to me. I can't lose you too."

Aiden just lied there.. Motionless.. Trapped.

Wheee! I finally wrote my 3rd chappie! Hope yall like it!