Title: Unwell
Author: Dylan Shelby
Rating: PG-13
Keywords: AU Piper/Leo
Summary: Leo Wyatt is always on Fortune 500's top list, but in life he might as well be at the bottom. His wife, Piper Halliwell, has been missing and presumed dead for two years. So now with the urging of his family he is moving on. However, when a chance investment comes along it plunges him head long into his past. A past that was connected with his wife. A past that must be resolved or Leo Wyatt might just find that he is unwell.
Author's Notes: Yes it is another AU from me, but it's what I like to do. I did get the title from Matchbox 20's song, but I didn't take the story from there. Please feel free to email me at any time with any questions. You can also visit my site which can be accessed by double clicking on my name.
I don't believe it will be as long as Life's Grace, but I'm not sure. I hope everyone enjoys it!
By Dylan Shelby
"When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us." -- Helen Adams Keller
New York, December
"Good-bye." Leo whispered to the polished stone that marked his wife's grave. He held back the tears that were threatening to spill. He saw his limo out of the corner of his eye and knew that Darryl was waiting on him, but he couldn't leave without telling his wife good-bye. He truly wasn't ready to go, but he also knew that he had to move on. Move on without her. He wasn't sure how he was going to do that. He had never loved anyone as much as he had loved Piper Halliwell. What made it all worse was they had never found her body. Her grave was empty. Which gave him hope. For two years he had been holding on to hope.
He took a deep breath, "I love you Piper. There will never be a time when I won't. I wish God would send you to me, but..." he trailed off. He lost the fight and tears spilled down his cheeks hitting the empty ground below. He took a few deep breaths and regained his composure. Everyday since they had finally put the grave stone out in the cemetery he had come to visit her. Never once missing a date. He told her everything and now that he was moving across the country he wasn't sure how he was going to handle not coming by to see her.
After a few minutes of inner turmoil he rose and walked toward the limo. It was time to move on. Now if he could only convince his heart.
Darryl watched Leo hunched over the grave of his beloved wife. He had no words of comfort for his friend and partner. He believed with all his heart that the move was right for Leo. His friend had grieved for too long. It was time that they both got away from the tragedy of their lives and make a new destiny in San Francisco. Darryl could see the world upon his friend's shoulders, but all of his words would be empty. What could he say or do? He just couldn't believe that this was his life. He thanked God every day that his own wife, Sheila, was still with him, but he also grieved with Leo.
Darryl looked up as Leo finally stood up and decided to make the walk to where the limo was a good distant off. He looked at his friend and the black suite he was wearing. Ever since Piper's "death" he had worn nothing but black. It was very different from the wardrobe of years ago. Everything was different from years ago. He remembered the day that he had introduced his partner to Piper. Piper and Prue Halliwell were old family friends of his. When he found out that Piper was trying to get a loan to start up her own restaurant he had decided to introduce her to Leo. He gave a smile as he remembered the two meeting for the first time. There were sparks and neither could take their eyes off of the other for very long. Soon what was suppose to be a professional relationship between the two turned into a very personal one. In two years the two had married. Then four years later tragedy struck.
Prue's fiancé, Bane Johnson, was found slain five blocks from where they lived. It was extremely tough on Prue as she was a Private Investigator and no matter how hard she tried she could never find who had killed him. Then one month later Piper went missing. She was suppose to be at her restaurant, but when Leo went to go get her she was no where to be found. Now two years later Piper and Bane's cases were cold and so were the hearts of those they had left behind.
Prue moved to Texas and soon got a job with a detective agency down there. Leo still held on to hope, and it was killing him. Darryl had called Leo's sister, Phoebe, to try and convince Leo to move to California. It finally worked and now they had moved their business there.
Darryl's reflection ended when Leo entered the limo. The two men didn't say anything both lost in their own thoughts, and sat in silence as the limo took them to the airport.
End of Prologue