My Last Respect Point........ by Rikku {Kissa-chan}

Standard disclaimers apply.


It was destined to happen. I knew it from the moment she mentioned 'respect points' in the ravine at the bottom of Mushroom Rock Road. She said I have forty-seven left and before we went back to the Celicus, I only had forty-six. That wasn't very many at all.

For a short while, I tried to keep my distance from her..... so I wouldn't loose anymore respect points, you know. But that was too foreign to me. I had to know.... I have to know. I'll never be able to leave well enough alone. Heh, heh, I suppose that was my downfall. (Probably always will be.)

Anyway, it all started, or rather, ended after we vanquished Vegnagun and Shuyin. As usual, there was a large celebration in the name of peace. A party which I was only way too happy to attend. I mean, come on! I'm Rikku, party girl extraodinare!

I'm not sure who..... it was probably me...... but someone suggested that we snag ourselves dates for the party in Luca. Of course, I had no problem with that idea - like I already said, I probably suggested it.

Brother tried to make himself look masculine, puffing out his chest and acting intelligent. He really wanted Yuna to notice him. Personally, I think that she noticed and decided to avoid him. Definitely one of her smarter moves.

"Oh, I'm not sure I want to get a date......" Yuna said. She was swaying hesitantly with her hands behind her back. "Not so soon after ........ him. I don't think I could take it."

"Feh!" I exclaimed dismissively, knowing that I was going to sound slightly inconsiderate. "It'll be fun. There's going to be dancing and singing and...... well, who wants to dance alone?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders. "It wouldn't have to mean anything. Just someone to dance with."

"Aha," Paine said. She sounded rather smug about the whole thing. Like she understood something that I didn't.

"What?" I asked, rushing closer to her, wanting an explanation. Naturally she didn't respond to my question. I was almost used to getting ignored. "Paine!" I exclaimed. She turned to look at me, her eyes willing me to 'shut-up'!

"Paine, will you get a date?" Yuna asked, interrupting my next comment / demand for an explanation that probably didn't exist anyway. "If you do, I will."

"Whoo-whoo!" I cheered. "I'll tell Brother to set a course for -"

"Just where do you think we'll find dates? Guys don't exactly grow on trees." Paine gave me a patronizing look as she spoke. Clearly, she didn't understand how being a hot girl worked.

I slapped her on the back (probably loosing a dozen 'respect points' in the process.) "Paine, Paine, Paine," I began.

"Hn?" she managed to say, arching one perfectly formed eyebrow at me. "What is it?"

I grinned widely. "I'm sure that we can find a coupla dates, all we have to do is ask. Who wouldn't want to date us?"

"Aha," Paine said again, sounding smug and superior simultaneously. I didn't get it at all.

"Gonna explain?" I asked sourly as Yuna started to snicker.

"No," Paine said flatly, she turned and walked away, going over to where Shinra was sitting and pulling of a fiend listing. She was pretending to study, or rather, knowing her, probably really studying the charts.

"Yunie?" I implored my cousin desperately. "What did I miss?" I hated having to ask, but I hated missing stuff even more. Ooooh, it really cooked my cookies when I was left out of the loop!

Yuna, still snickering, managed to finally speak. "Paine and I are just amused that you would use our reputations as Gullwings to get a date."

"Oh...." I said slightly meeker tones. They hadn't gotten my point at all. In fact, they must have been thinking that I was pretty rotten to be taking advantage of our reputation like that. "I meant they would want to date us because we're cute," I finally put my defense into place. Of course, neither of them were listening at that point.

I spent the next several hours trying to come up with a plan to get a date that didn't use our reputations or our looks. Of course, coming up with it was probably the worst thing that ever happened to me. "Why don't we use our dressspheres to disguise ourselves?" I asked, vaulting over the railing and onto the bridge.

"Really?" Pained said. "Do you think that would work?" She wasn't thinking on the same page as me, and I knew it. I grinned widely, knowing for once what she was thinking.

"You and Yuna don't want to cash in on our appearance as young ladies or as Gullwings and in Yunie's case, as a High Summoner, right?" It was mostly a trick question.

I watched them both looking for the hitch (and I now realize that getting dates had to have been my idea. It took a really long time to convince them that we needed to party with dates.) "That's the problem, isn't it?" I asked. The question was the last bit of bait to my trap.

"That's the problem," Yuna said. "Guys would date us because of who we are and, let's be honest, how we look. And our dresspheres hardly hide how we look. If anything, they accent our appearance."

"That's why our Mascot dresssphere worked so good in Luca during LeBlanc's concert, right?" I sprang my trap early and knew it. I crossed my fingers behind my back, hoping that they would go for it.

Much to my dismay, they both started laughing. "Rikku, you can't be serious!" Paine said, putting one hand on my shoulder and giving me a quick shake. "If we dressed like that..... we would have the completely opposite problem. No one would want to date us because we'd be a moogle, cait sith, and tonberry."

"True," I acknowledged.

"I don't think that it's possible," Yuna agreed between laughter.

"Sure it is," I argued.

"Prove it," Paine challenged.

"I will!" I exclaimed. And in truth, that was my downfall. Almost. I had to make it go further then that. I couldn't just leave well enough alone. "So, who do you want me to get for a date?" I asked stupidly. I was pushing it - it being Paine's ever waning patience.

"Like I care," Paine responded.

"I want to prove that I can seduce any guy!" I exclaimed. "No matter what I look like." I said it loudly, bouncing up and down. Basically, I drew Buddy, Brother, and Shinra's attention to myself.

"A~ha!" Brother snorted. "You couldn't seduce a sausage!"

"Like I would want to," I responded. I turned away from him towards Paine again. "Paine, name any guy and I'll snag him!"

"Back off," Paine snapped. She was starting to feel crowded and didn't want me to clutch her arm like I was.

"I have someone," Yuna said, drawing everyone's attention away from Paine and me. "Someone that you could never seduce." She covered her mouth and giggled at her nameless someone who I apparently 'couldn't' seduce.

"Who?" I asked, bouncing over to her.

"Oh, no one," Yuna said innocently. It was rather frustrating to see my creation defying me. The old Yuna - before I had come and hauled her off to be a sphere hunter - would have never strung me alone like that. Or maybe....... I tried to picture the old Yuna being coy and it almost worked.

"I have one to," Paine said with the sudden smirk. I spun, orientating one her.

"Really? Who?" She didn't answer.

"Doesn't matter. You couldn't do it anyway," she turned and headed up the steps and exited the bridge, heading towards the cabin.

"Course I can!" I shouted after her. I followed her with more then my voice. I raced up the steps and pushed the button for the lift. After a couple of minutes, I was riding to the cabin.

Inside we had barely anyone around. Calli and her chocobo had been dropped off with Clasko - both of them are raising the chocobos that we catch. O'aka finally managed to pay off his debts and had left sometime before we battled Vegnagun. Barkeep was behind the counter, making something for Tolbi.... er.... at least that's what I think he was doing. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that things are a lot less hectic around here now that we're just regular sphere hunters again.

Paine was upstairs in our bedroom. By 'our' I mean, Yuna, Paine, and mine. Brother, Buddy, and Shinra all share a room near the engine room. I remember being really excited when we first all tucked in to sleep aboard the Celsius. I wanted to stay up and talk...... if I remember correctly, I think Paine put a sock in my mouth..... Hehe, she's not always the most sociable when she's trying to sleep.

Paine had her back turned to me. She was watching a sphere - completely focusing on it and not paying a drop of attention to the sneaky little thief (that's me ) who was sneaking up behind her. "BOO!" I shouted, dropping my hands onto her shoulders and giving her a sharp jolt.

"Ah! Rikku!" she shouted, spinning and dropping the sphere. It hit the floor and clattered under my bed. "What are you doing!" She was flustered and more then that, she was blushing. Oh, it was barely noticeable, but I could see it pretty clearly. Her pale skin was positively glowing with embarrassment. Clearly I had caught her in the middle of an act.

"Soooooo, what was on that sphere?" I asked, forgetting momentarily about my pressing matter of whom I was apparently going to be unable to 'seduce.' "Or should I say, 'Who?" I nudged her with my elbow and was rewarded with a disgruntled mutter.

She said it was no one...... but she looked so guilty. How could I really resist? I leapt away from her, plunging myself under my bed and groping for the glowing orange sphere.

"Rikku, just leave it alone!" Paine shouted, reaching out and grabbing my ankles.

"I want to see!" I argued, anchoring myself with one arm around the bed post near the wall. I picked the sphere up and went to switch it on.

"Rikku, I'm warning you....!" Paine hollered desperately.

Her desperation was contagious. I had to know what was on the sphere. I just had to know! She was always so..... lukewarm and unaffected by anything that happened. She always had everything together. She never .... lost control. At least, never when I was around.

"Come on, Dr. P. I'm just going to take one itsy bitsy peek!" I said soothingly from under my bed. I was having a hard time turning the sphere on and maintaining my relative safe position under the bed. Paine sure was tugging on me pretty hard.

"No Rikku! That's one!" Paine shouted.

That caught my attention quick enough. When Paine mentioned numbers, I thought of my shrinking 'respect points.' Surely she didn't mean I was on my last point, did she? "By one, do you mean 'respect point' remaining?" I had to ask.

"You've got two seconds before it becomes zero respect points," Paine warned. Suddenly she wasn't tugging at me anymore. I had a choice to make. If I backed down now everything would be all right. Except with just one respect point left, I would probably piss her off over some trivial matter. Then I'd be at zero, and worse then that, it would probably be over something so trivial I wouldn't even realize it was gone until her countdown to no respect hit me. Looking now meant I got control. I would pick the time and place where I lost my last respect point.

I turned the sphere on and -

"Rikku!" Paine shrieked. Then there was complete silence broken only by the fuzzy sounds on the sphere. I watched the image, waiting for something purposeful to come up. This had to be some juicy tidbit of Paine's life, didn't it?

I felt growing unease as everything remained uneventful. Paine was gone. I couldn't hear her anyway. And the sphere remained so awfully fuzzy and blue. No images crossed it save a few distant lines marking the horizon. Reluctant to give up, I remained under the bed, watching the sphere play back slowly.

Just as I was about to admit defeat (yes, I was going to give up...) it happened. Paine returned and the image cleared up the on sphere. I caught a fleeting image of a very familiar young man with dark hair. He was standing across from Paine, holding her hand and his mouth was moving.

I leaned foreword, trying to tone Paine's rampage behind me. Nooj had taken her other hand in the sphere and pulled her closer to him. She turned away from him, eyes downcast and then -

I could almost swear that he kissed her. I can't be certain though. Paine seized me by my ankles and ripped me out from under the bed, sending me sailing. She was wearing the Berserker dresssphere and glowing red. Suddenly I had a bad feeling.

"I think Paine snapped," I told Yuna. (I had quickly retreated to the bridge where Yuna could protect me.)

"I didn't snap, you ran out of RESPECT POINTS!" Paine snarled nastily. She lunged towards me, nearly bowling over Yunie in the process. "Surrender to your fate."

"Ah haha," I managed. Suddenly I wished I hadn't lost my last respect point. Paine looked..... deadly.

"Oh Paine -" Yuna began. Maybe she meant to defend me. Maybe she meant to agree with Paine. I never found out. Dr. P vaulted over Yunie and snagged me, tossing me over one shoulder and hauling me back towards the lift.

"Help!" I squealed, still not 100% certain that Paine wasn't going to kill me.

Yuna sphere changed into her white mage outfit, racing after us and casting Ensuna on Paine. The red glow to her skin vanished, but she didn't put me down. No, that would have been too kind. Instead she flopped me on my bed and snagged a handful of chocobo feathers.

I didn't know what she intended to do. Although to tell the truth, in hindsight, I should have begged for a beating. With a long soft and tickley chocobo feather stuck between each finger, she went to work savagely.

I distantly recall telling Paine that the only phobia I had never gotten over was being tickled. And was I tickled! It was horrible. I was left in a breathless mass of overheating, over-amused Rikku on my bed.

"I'll be expecting you to seduce Baralai," Paine said as she was heading down the steps. "Do it in the Mascot dresssphere." It didn't sound like a request. "It'll earn you at leave a half dozen respect points...... and trust me, you'll need them.

"And I think you should seduce Gippal wearing it without letting him know who you are," Yuna added.

"That would probably get you another half dozen," Paine said, sounding lukewarm and sarcastic. Her usual combination. I could have cried. I didn't want to have anything to do with Gippal and I didn't know Baralai well enough to want to seduce. Not to mention the fact that he was the praetor of New Yevon. And let us face it, the Al Bhed don't exactly care for Yevon.......

"What have I done?" I murmured disgusted with myself. And what had I gained? Nothing except....... and that's when I remembered the sphere still under my bed. Just waiting to be watched all the way through. But could I really dare watch it?

Were there enough 'respect points' in the world to save me if I got caught?

So I was left with the choice...... watch it and possibly die...... or let Paine keep her secretes. What do you think I decided to do?

Heh, heh.......



Thanks for reading,
