A/N:  This is my first completely Yu-Gi-Oh fan fic (the others were Dragon Ball crossovers).  Since I have a newfound hatred of the dub version of the show, I will use the character's Japanese names in the story (plot wise or reference).  In case you don't know what they are, here is a listing:

Yugi Motou – Yugi Moto

The other Yugi, Spirit – Yami

Katsuya Jounouchi – Joey Wheeler

Seto Kaiba – Seto Kaiba

Mokuba Kaiba – Mokuba Kaiba

Surgoroku Motou – Solomon Moto (Yugi's grandfather)

Anzu Mazaki – Tea Gardner

Hitiro Honda (usually just Honda) – Tristin Taylor

Malik Ishtar – Marik (shudder) Ishtar

Also, I will be using the cards in the fic, but due to my lack of knowledge, I cannot give them all their Japanese names.  For the ones I do know, I will put the Japanese name with the English name in parenthesis.  Example: Black Magician (Dark Magician), Summoned Demon (Summoned Skull).  For the rest that I don't know or have the same name, I will use their English names.

One more thing…( I really must be tiring you), I will be using some Japanese words.  Forgive me if I use them in the wrong context.  The most common ones I use are things like Hai (right), Baka (fool, idiot), or Niisama (big brother). 

Ok, that's it.  Enjoy the fic.

For Who You Fight For…


            A cool wind swept past him as a car went by, causing him to shiver a little.  Looking up at the sky, he could see it was slightly cloudy in the morning with the leaves from the local decorative trees on the sidewalks.  All was calm for a typical autumn day in Domino City.

            Yugi Motou walked down the sidewalk towards the bus stop, backpack and all, to go the school.  It was several weeks after the Battle City Tournament had concluded, Yugi being the victor yet again.  The event marked a large turning point in his life and for those around him.  After Malik, the Grave Keeper who tried to kill him, helped him defeat his dark personality, he had all three god cards:  Obelisk, Osiris (Slifer), and Ra. 

However, the other Yugi, the spirit of a lost 3000-year-old Pharaoh, had decided to hold off on regaining his memory to have time to think about the decisions he was to make.  The risk of leaving Yugi forever was something he needed much thought on.

            As Yugi got to the bus stop, his other self appeared in spirit from beside him.

            "Aibou," he said, "I am having difficulty making my decision."

            "Relax, other me," Yugi replied, "If you need more time, then take it.  We've got the god cards now, so we can wait a while.  I don't really want you to leave me, but this is your decision to make, and I will support you."

            The other Yugi sighed.

            "Thank you, Aibou…"

            Something caught the spirit's attention when he looked over to a nearby alley. 

            "What is it, other me?" Yugi asked.

            "Look," he answered, pointing towards the alley.

            Turning around, both of them saw what looked like to be a cloaked man sneaking off into the darkness, but what really caught their attention was the symbol over his hood, the Millennium insignia. 

            "Rare Hunters?" Yugi questioned, "I thought Malik disbanded that organization after Battle City."

            "I'm not sure about this, Aibou.  Maybe he's just imitating them."

            "Maybe, but if he is one of them, he may be still stealing cards.  I'm going to take a look."

            "Be careful," he warned before disappearing back into the puzzle.

            Since he was early at the bus stop, only a few people where there, so he figured he had time before the bus arrived.  Looking into the dark passageway, Yugi cautiously stepped forward, looking for the renegade Ghoul.  Halfway into the alley, he heard the sound of a firing pin being pulled back.

            "Don't move or make a noise," he heard behind him, "Don't turn around or even think."

            "Great!  I thought Ghouls don't use guns, and he has to have one."

            "Aibou, let me take over," the spirit said.


            Suddenly, he felt something hit him on the back of the neck.  Yugi fell down and started to black out.  "Now I will have my revenge for your…" was all he heard before he went under.

            The man removed his cloak and holstered his gun.  Squatting down, he turned Yugi over and examined him. 

            "Hmm hmm hmm…," he laughed under his breath, "Idiot.  For a person who ruined me you've certainly got a naïve attitude about the unknown, even if I used a Ghoul's old costume.  Oh well."

            Picking him up, he noticed the Millennium Puzzle around his neck.

            "Bagh!  That will make noises and be cumbersome."

            Setting him down again, he took off the Puzzle and carefully put it down on the ground with his gloved hands.  After that, he took out a piece of paper and used the Puzzle to weigh it down.

            "At least it's good for something," he said dementedly, "Hee hee…  Now it's time for us to go to a little place called Seattle on a super sonic jet…"

            He picked up the unconscious teenager and opened the door to one of the buildings that made the alley.  After a minute, a car came from the parking lot building they had stepped into and drove off.