
The heroes have finally returned home . . . their courage has saved two entire universes . . . but the battle is just beginning. . .

A deep sinister voice speaks in the dark void that exists between the two connected universes.

"The time has come . . . the tampering of the orbs has weakened the seal that has bound me for so long"

A large shadow floats in the infinite darkness of the void.

"Even the Watchers do not fully understand the purpose of the orbs . . . they will soon find out."

The shadow chuckled to itself

"I still do not have enough power to free myself. I need . . . a minion. Yes, I know the one . . . the one who will lead my army. I have seen him and many others . . . the darkness in their hearts pleases me. I have so little power now. I can not reach them all . . . I will contact the one with the little power I have."

Suddenly a bright light appeared before the shadow

"The lifestream is where he is . . . "

The bright light began to swirl in a clockwise motion. Suddenly it stopped and formed a portal. Through the portal a man with long white hair floated through a sea of bluish green energy known as the lifestream. His cloak, armor and boots were black. His eyes were closed as if sleeping peacefully.

"Sephiroth . . . arise . . . your chance to redeem yourself has come . . ."

Sephiroth's eyes opened widely as he found himself in the dark void.

"Welcome Sephiroth . . . "

"Who . . . Who said that?" asked Sephiroth

"I am Lazarion . . ." answered the shadow.

"Show yourself" commanded Sephiroth.

Lazarion appeared to Sephiroth and towered over him. He was all shadow all darkness in a humanoid form.

"I have summoned you here for a purpose . . ." said Lazarion.

"No one summons me . . ." retorted Sephiroth.

"Then I am honored to be the first" said Lazarion.

"What is your business with me?" asked Sephiroth

"This is my command! You will destroy the Four Sacred Orbs! They are the only things containing me in this place. You will also command my army."

"Why should I? What's in it for me?" asked Sephiroth boldy.

"You are in no position to bargain but very well. I will restore your body and give you new abilities and powers. You will be much more powerful than when you were alive. I will also give you a chance . . ."

"A chance for what . . . ?" asked Sephiroth

"A chance for . . . vengeance . . . of course."

"Strife . . ."

This is adapted from the Transformers Movie but hopefully it gives you an idea of what I have planned for the future