Moon Star
This is a Bra and Goten story... probably some of the old couples too.
Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in this story.
Only Time
Chapter 2 : Estranged in Here?
Bra groaned in her unmoving state as she tried to open her eyes. Slowly, she accomplished the task. Her hand moved to her temple as she massaged them. There was strain as she opened and closed her eyes to adjust them to the glaring light of the lamps. Her eyes moved to the window, discovering that it was well into the night.
Gaining force in her arms, she pushed up getting into a sitting position. By the way she felt her arm muscles, she could tell that she had been drugged. She looked at her appearance and gasped. Her clothes had been changed. She was now wearing a nightgown instead of her clothes and it was one that she had never seen before.
She then remembered, the fall. She had a bone broken in her leg. She let her arm wander to it seeing that it was bandaged in a hard material. At least she didn't have a cast on. The bone had already healed as much as she could feel. But, she wondered how much time she had been out.
Goten. Her eyes widened. He had been with her when they had been transported to the past. Goku and Trunks had been transformed and he was wearing some clothes that she had never seen before. Her father, mother and the whole gang had been there. Even a kid Gohan had been present.
What had they done? Bra moved her hand to the other to feel her wrist. It was gone. The latch and the instrument itself were gone. She remembered it still being on her when Goten had carried her to the group. She hadn't seen it but she had felt it's weight. She had to find it.
She set her feet down to the floor, groaning as she set her right one out. It wasn't going to be easy to let her leg accustom itself to her weight once more. Groaning as she set a foot in front of the other, she started to set out toward the door. She let her hand encircle the knob and started to turn it. She looked behind her and found a mirror on the far wall which was reflecting her.
She saw that the nightgown went down to only her knees and that the material was really revealing. She shrugged as she put it out of her mind. The time machine or object was more important than her appearance. She opened the door and set out.
Bra gripped the rail of the stairs as she started to go down. She heard voices coming from the far kitchen to the right. Gaining more strength as she went and speed, she went down the stairs carefully. She let go of the rail and continued on her way to the kitchen. She entered the door as she saw that everyone remained on simple silence around a table. Bulma's mother was at the stove making tea as it seemed and was the only one to look up when Bra approached. From the far corner, Vegeta stood leaning against the wall, his eyes closed which he opened as Bra entered.
"Oh, hello," the cheery voice announced. Everyone's eyes settled on Bra as she flushed a pink that scattered on her cheeks. All of the men groaned as they saw what she was wearing, making Bra blush even deeper. It seemed that the only man that wasn't affected was Vegeta which was okay with Bra. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen her in less clothing when she had been only a baby. The father had seen more than he had wished at those times it seemed.
"Hey," her voice carried out into the room. Bulma stood up from her seat and made her way to her.
"I don't think that you should be standing," Bulma amended trying to get her to sit down on one of the chairs. "I'm sorry if I didn't leave any other things for you on but I thought that you wouldn't be able to wake up until one more day."
"Medicine doesn't have the same power over me," Bra simply muttered as she searched the room for Goten. She found him and tried to get to see if something had happened. As she continued to look around, she found that Trunks was still there. That wasn't right. He was supposed to have left right after he had told Goku of the androids. "How long was I out?"
"Three days," Goten said out loud.
"Three days?" Bra's mouth opened as she realized the amount of time that had passed. "But, the sensu bean."
"It healed the bone right," continued Goten. "But Bulma thought it more appropriate to keep you unconscious. "There was some internal bleeding which she had to stop and she didn't want you to wake up before the amount of time necessary had passed for you to continue normally."
"Have you told them?" Goten shook his head. "You could have told him."
"I know," Goten's eyes settled on Trunks for some seconds which the older man saw. "But, I've been busy trying to see what had happened where we landed in."
"Where's the device?" Bra asked preoccupied.
"In Bulma's lab with all of the other things that were transported with us." Bra paled at the words.
"What other things?"
"It was a mess of scattered objects." Bulma interrupted the two sided conversation pinching in. "I have all of the papers and all of the things that we could find right in one of the labs. I don't know how those things could survive the fall if you were so badly injured."
"That's because I don't have a really strong level," she managed to say as she started to formulate things in her mind. "This is a disaster beyond anything that has happened before."
"Hold it," Vegeta's voice carried around the room. Everyone's eyes came to his. "I want to know who you two are. Your man," he motioned to Goten. "Has refused to say as much as his name."
"I don't think it is any business of yours," Bra responded in equal tone. She saw as he started to get furious. "And don't think that it will work either da... Vegeta."
Goten groaned at this. Now he knew the truth. Like father like daughter. The genetics had been really carried on. Vegeta simply snorted as he returned to his usual cold, detached self.
"What are you still doing here?" Bra asked directly to Trunks. "You were supposed to leave as soon as you talked to Goku. You've been here three days more than necessary."
"I'm curious," he simply responded of her inquiry. "I couldn't well leave when two people appear that I'm sure are from the future that I have never meet. One of them being another super saiyan," Goten's head dropped an inch to the table. He was in his usual appearance.
Trunks eyes closed in on hers. She saw the same light as her brother from her own time. The same attitude and same place. Just different in some way. Just like he was looking at her, she saw that all of the people were concentrating on her expecting her to say something. Now, what could she say that wouldn't screw up things worse than they were before. She needed time. She was sure that the time object was scrap and that she first had to fix it to be able to go back to their own time. She was going to need the lab and not to say the place to stay to live while she had to work on it.
As if searching for some help, her eyes connected with Goten's. He saw the desperation present. She had no idea of what to do and he himself had no idea himself. He had tried not to say anything to anyone here. It hadn't been easy either. Closing in on himself was not one of his best qualities and the most that he could do was to glue himself to Bra for most of the time that she had been out.
There no one would ask him question because of his worry. He hadn't known what to do. Bra had been seriously hurt with the fall. It being mostly his own fault. The blasted thing that had transported them there was made crap. Most of the things inside of it, the circuits and the cables had been burned out. The outside remained it's usual self but part of it lay in scrap, making him see where all of it's contents inside had been taken out.
"Yes," Bra's strong voice rang clear through the room. "Both of us are from the future, like him," Bra looked at Trunks. "Have you told them your name?"
"That makes things easier," she said breathing a sight of relief. "I'm your sister from the future. Not your future but the one from the time which knew of the androids coming and prepared." She saw the surprise in his eyes.
"That makes you a saiyan, right?" Goku asked interrupting.
"Yes," she said to him, smiling at his grin. "You know who are parents are yourself." All eyes turned to Goku as he grinned keeping his mouth shut. Piccolo's eyes opened at this.
"Another surprise," Bra got up from her seat at much of the protests of Bulma which she simply ignored. Groaning at the pain, she walked slowly to the fridge and took out some water. She got a tall glass from one of the cupboards as if she had done that many times before. She filled it up and took a gulp of the water, drinking the whole glass gulp after gulp. She set it down again and leaned against the cupboard.
Yamcha, Tien, everyone was there. Chazou and Gohan were still present. "Everyone," she turned herself to Goten. "This is Goten. He's a saiyan too if you people hadn't noticed before."
"I think everyone got that while he was super saiyan," Yamcha muttered under his breath.
"I'm stating the obvious," Bra shrugged her shoulders gracefully. "And I think that someone must have seen the resemblance between him and Goku."
Bulma smiled at herself as she saw Goku clear his throat and Gohan look up expectantly. "Goku," Bra walked to him and Goten which were sitting side by side. "Meet your second son, Goten."
"Second son?" Piccolo asked.
"Don't tell me you didn't notice," Bulma laughed. "It just took me sometime as I saw him standing next to him and the way he eats to see that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
"You knew?" Bra blinked. "It doesn't surprise me."
"I don't think it should young lady," Bra heard the tone. She knew, somehow. Something came to her mind as she looked at her arms. She saw the puncture and of course the bandage on her vein. Her blood.
"Don't start," Bra pouted as she realized that she had been found out. She just hoped that no one else knew of it. It was not easy to get Vegeta and Bulma together. Even thought they were attracted to each other, she knew that it would be even more complicated if they knew of a bind in the future.
"It didn't take long for me to realize that too," Bulma's eyes searched for hers with a triumph smile. She looked at both Trunks and Bra. There was a trace there, something that related them together. Her eyes cruised to Vegeta for a second to just get a look of him. It wasn't as farfetched as it sounded the first time she had realized. He was the only one that she could have a daughter from that was a saiyan. Goku was well out of the question as she knew that she could never be with him, then, she had remembered of him.
"I see you know," Bra said to her getting everyone else lost but Goku who kept on grinning.
"There's no way that she could know, could she?" Goten asked as he saw the knowing look that passes in between Bulma to Bra and Trunks. "Oh boy."
"I think we've just screwed the timeline of this present," Bra said to all of them. "I'm going to wring your neck," Bra directed herself to Goten. "Why don't you ever leave things alone when they're lying at the tables?" She was mad.
Goten cringed at her tone. She had never used it in any occasion in which she wasn't really mad. "Just wait until I get you alone," her eyes pierced his back. "There won't be anything left of you Goten Son."
"I know I shouldn't have touched it but," he put his hands in his face as he groaned of desperation. "I'll gladly let you rip out my bones after we get out of this."
"It will take me so much time to get it all ready," Bra started to pace around the room as much as the cast would let her. "I'm going to have to start from square one to get it fixed. Then there's the problem of the relative time. Every day in here is thirty minutes in our time so if we spend months in here, it will be a long time still when will be able to get back."
"Can't you just set it for the same day that we came here?" Goten reached for hope.
"No," Bra shocked her head. "That's the best that I could do, it's relative time in which it was set in. It's just like Trunks time machine but his take much more time than ours."
"That's better technology," he agreed with her.
"Well, I had all the time with all the materials." Bra said to him. "I didn't have androids breathing down my back."
There was an impending silence that was broken by Gohan. "I have a younger brother," he said to Goten who simply smiled at the small version of his brother. "Who would have guessed?"
"Now, what do we do?" Goten asked Bra directly.
"You two can stay here," Bulma interrupted. "Anyone who wants to stay here is welcomed," she directed her looks toward Trunks and then Vegeta which simply snorted at the offer. "Like you have a choice."
His eyes opened, glaring at Bulma which in turn only continued on glaring back. "Like always." The comment escaped Bra's lips. She knew that it wouldn't affect with anything that could change any course of action.
"Are we like this at your time?" Bulma asked, her mind wondering.
"Better, but I have to say the same." Bra simply replied, trying to choose the right words to say to her.
"How long have you come from?" Goku asked Goten.
"Thirty years from now." He answered, his eyes traveling to Bra's who seemed to be in combat with her inner self. "We had an accident on Bra's lab which transported us here."
"This will teach you to touch experiments while in a lab Goten," Bra finally muttered.
"I don't think this is time to get into accusing people," Trunks interrupted all of them. "All the damage that there was to be done to this time has already been done."
"We can help?" Goten tried to avenge the uselessness.
"Help in what?" Everyone got interested in this.
"I," he refrained himself. "We, know a lot of things of what happened before. I can help with helping find Buu's lair and destroying it. That way we won't have to let all of the people in the Earth be killed 10 years from now."
"But," Bra interrupted. "Then you and Trunks won't be able to fuse and go SS3." No one else but the two of them could make sense of what they were saying. "I don't want to destroy what's still left of this timeline to remain normally like ours."
"Get this through Bra," Goten told her, his eyes narrowed. "There will be no more way to screw this up more than it already is."
"We'll still be doing things that we shouldn't."
"Do you think that all of the timelines remain the same?" Goten asked her. "Maybe this way the Goten of this time will have Goku around. Maybe this way, we'll be able to stop the suffering that they're going to have in the future years. Do you think it's more important to maintain everything in it's flow when this timeline is due to perish when Babidi releases Buu. They'd all be dead."
"I know what you're saying Goten," Bra moved to behind his chair and put one of her hands in his shoulder. "But I don't dare change anything."
"It won't affect us Bra," he said to her. His eyes looking at hers thoughtfully. "Do you want her to suffer when she sees him kill all those people. Feel the betrayal because she doesn't understand that just hours later he gave his life for something as precious as your own life."
Bra knew of what Goten was talking about. Her eyes wondered to Vegeta who seemed to be in deep sleep with his eyes closed but in fact was looking at it all with great intentions. "We might make a difference." Bulma spared a glance to Bra's ways and found that it ended on Vegeta's form. What they were talking about, it had something to do with him.
"What are you guys talking about?" Goku asked preoccupied. "You are letting yourselves involved in something that makes no sense to us all."
"Don't worry about it Goku," Bra tried to smile as a pain deep in her stomach drew a sharp intake of breath from her. Instead of having her hand on Goten's shoulder for reassurance, she had gripped it to retain her balance.
"What's wrong Bra?" Goten asked preoccupied as he felt the change. He saw the pale color that had risen to her face and the dropping in her eyes.
"I feel all of my body loosing it's ground," she whispered to him as she continued to drop down. In a single second of surprise, she dropped completely as Goten caught her in his arms. Desperation showed as he wrapped her in his arms and looked desperately at Bulma who was already walking out of the door.
"Come on," she told him as they both ran to the medical wing of the lab. Goten laid her down on one of the beds and grasped her hand. Bulma quickly felt in around her stomach and groaned. The bleeding seemed to had started again. The girl had a frail body even though she had saiyan blood.
"She never trained much, did she?" She asked Goten as she went to the basin and washed her hands in rigid passion. "Call dad," She told him. Goten ran out of the door to find Doctor Briefs.
"What's happening?" He asked as he entered the room finding Bulma changed completely and had removed Bra's clothes leaving her in the green operating gown.
"She's bleeding again," she simply answered as he started to get ready to help inside. Even though they were both mechanical wizards and not doctors, they both knew the basics for the situation. "It would have helped if there had been any sensu beans from Korin for her to take."
"Let's not duel on that and try to get her to stop breaking up inside," he told her. "If she keeps on doing this then, she's going to need to go to a hospital and get the proper care."
"I should have done that before long." Bulma told him.
"We both thought that it was under control so don't think about it," Dr. Briefs tried to reassure her. He knew that extreme measures would have to be taken. "Most importantly would be to get blood into her system."
"It would be much easier to tell a rock to dance," Bulma said to herself as she knew the implications of what he was saying. If she had been right all along, getting it from him would be a nightmare.
"It's the safest plan," Briefs said to her as they regulated what blood flow and quantity she needed. Leaving Bulma to do the closing and sponging, he took the mask off and went out the room to where Goten was assembled at. He was right at the door, Trunks, Goku, Gohan and everyone but Vegeta and Piccolo was there.
"You know her blood type," Briefs interrupted all of them asking directly. "We need some blood in her. She's lost a large quantity in the hemorrhage."
"Trunks has the same blood, brother," he explained to Dr. Briefs.
"Good," he smiled in relief. "We can count on you?" He nodded in agreement. "Do we have any other source? It may be that her system won't accept it. It's better to have a back up for this."
"I know of another person," Bulma interrupted the men. "Dad, get Trunks started on the blood. We need to start getting a transfusion now. I'll see if mine is compatible."
"Right away," Trunks followed his grandfather inside the room to a far side. Bra was hidden in between the walls of the surgery part of the room.
"How could you possibly know that?" Yamcha asked her preoccupied.
"Don't worry about that," she told him walking away from the group and going back to the kitchen. "The part of convincing is going to be the worst."
Looks like Bulma has discovered something. It may be for the best or for worse. What do you think? But, what will happen to Bra?
Hope you liked it...
Moon Star
This is a Bra and Goten story... probably some of the old couples too.
Disclaimer : I don't own any of the characters in this story.
Only Time
Chapter 2 : Estranged in Here?
Bra groaned in her unmoving state as she tried to open her eyes. Slowly, she accomplished the task. Her hand moved to her temple as she massaged them. There was strain as she opened and closed her eyes to adjust them to the glaring light of the lamps. Her eyes moved to the window, discovering that it was well into the night.
Gaining force in her arms, she pushed up getting into a sitting position. By the way she felt her arm muscles, she could tell that she had been drugged. She looked at her appearance and gasped. Her clothes had been changed. She was now wearing a nightgown instead of her clothes and it was one that she had never seen before.
She then remembered, the fall. She had a bone broken in her leg. She let her arm wander to it seeing that it was bandaged in a hard material. At least she didn't have a cast on. The bone had already healed as much as she could feel. But, she wondered how much time she had been out.
Goten. Her eyes widened. He had been with her when they had been transported to the past. Goku and Trunks had been transformed and he was wearing some clothes that she had never seen before. Her father, mother and the whole gang had been there. Even a kid Gohan had been present.
What had they done? Bra moved her hand to the other to feel her wrist. It was gone. The latch and the instrument itself were gone. She remembered it still being on her when Goten had carried her to the group. She hadn't seen it but she had felt it's weight. She had to find it.
She set her feet down to the floor, groaning as she set her right one out. It wasn't going to be easy to let her leg accustom itself to her weight once more. Groaning as she set a foot in front of the other, she started to set out toward the door. She let her hand encircle the knob and started to turn it. She looked behind her and found a mirror on the far wall which was reflecting her.
She saw that the nightgown went down to only her knees and that the material was really revealing. She shrugged as she put it out of her mind. The time machine or object was more important than her appearance. She opened the door and set out.
Bra gripped the rail of the stairs as she started to go down. She heard voices coming from the far kitchen to the right. Gaining more strength as she went and speed, she went down the stairs carefully. She let go of the rail and continued on her way to the kitchen. She entered the door as she saw that everyone remained on simple silence around a table. Bulma's mother was at the stove making tea as it seemed and was the only one to look up when Bra approached. From the far corner, Vegeta stood leaning against the wall, his eyes closed which he opened as Bra entered.
"Oh, hello," the cheery voice announced. Everyone's eyes settled on Bra as she flushed a pink that scattered on her cheeks. All of the men groaned as they saw what she was wearing, making Bra blush even deeper. It seemed that the only man that wasn't affected was Vegeta which was okay with Bra. It wasn't as if he hadn't seen her in less clothing when she had been only a baby. The father had seen more than he had wished at those times it seemed.
"Hey," her voice carried out into the room. Bulma stood up from her seat and made her way to her.
"I don't think that you should be standing," Bulma amended trying to get her to sit down on one of the chairs. "I'm sorry if I didn't leave any other things for you on but I thought that you wouldn't be able to wake up until one more day."
"Medicine doesn't have the same power over me," Bra simply muttered as she searched the room for Goten. She found him and tried to get to see if something had happened. As she continued to look around, she found that Trunks was still there. That wasn't right. He was supposed to have left right after he had told Goku of the androids. "How long was I out?"
"Three days," Goten said out loud.
"Three days?" Bra's mouth opened as she realized the amount of time that had passed. "But, the sensu bean."
"It healed the bone right," continued Goten. "But Bulma thought it more appropriate to keep you unconscious. "There was some internal bleeding which she had to stop and she didn't want you to wake up before the amount of time necessary had passed for you to continue normally."
"Have you told them?" Goten shook his head. "You could have told him."
"I know," Goten's eyes settled on Trunks for some seconds which the older man saw. "But, I've been busy trying to see what had happened where we landed in."
"Where's the device?" Bra asked preoccupied.
"In Bulma's lab with all of the other things that were transported with us." Bra paled at the words.
"What other things?"
"It was a mess of scattered objects." Bulma interrupted the two sided conversation pinching in. "I have all of the papers and all of the things that we could find right in one of the labs. I don't know how those things could survive the fall if you were so badly injured."
"That's because I don't have a really strong level," she managed to say as she started to formulate things in her mind. "This is a disaster beyond anything that has happened before."
"Hold it," Vegeta's voice carried around the room. Everyone's eyes came to his. "I want to know who you two are. Your man," he motioned to Goten. "Has refused to say as much as his name."
"I don't think it is any business of yours," Bra responded in equal tone. She saw as he started to get furious. "And don't think that it will work either da... Vegeta."
Goten groaned at this. Now he knew the truth. Like father like daughter. The genetics had been really carried on. Vegeta simply snorted as he returned to his usual cold, detached self.
"What are you still doing here?" Bra asked directly to Trunks. "You were supposed to leave as soon as you talked to Goku. You've been here three days more than necessary."
"I'm curious," he simply responded of her inquiry. "I couldn't well leave when two people appear that I'm sure are from the future that I have never meet. One of them being another super saiyan," Goten's head dropped an inch to the table. He was in his usual appearance.
Trunks eyes closed in on hers. She saw the same light as her brother from her own time. The same attitude and same place. Just different in some way. Just like he was looking at her, she saw that all of the people were concentrating on her expecting her to say something. Now, what could she say that wouldn't screw up things worse than they were before. She needed time. She was sure that the time object was scrap and that she first had to fix it to be able to go back to their own time. She was going to need the lab and not to say the place to stay to live while she had to work on it.
As if searching for some help, her eyes connected with Goten's. He saw the desperation present. She had no idea of what to do and he himself had no idea himself. He had tried not to say anything to anyone here. It hadn't been easy either. Closing in on himself was not one of his best qualities and the most that he could do was to glue himself to Bra for most of the time that she had been out.
There no one would ask him question because of his worry. He hadn't known what to do. Bra had been seriously hurt with the fall. It being mostly his own fault. The blasted thing that had transported them there was made crap. Most of the things inside of it, the circuits and the cables had been burned out. The outside remained it's usual self but part of it lay in scrap, making him see where all of it's contents inside had been taken out.
"Yes," Bra's strong voice rang clear through the room. "Both of us are from the future, like him," Bra looked at Trunks. "Have you told them your name?"
"That makes things easier," she said breathing a sight of relief. "I'm your sister from the future. Not your future but the one from the time which knew of the androids coming and prepared." She saw the surprise in his eyes.
"That makes you a saiyan, right?" Goku asked interrupting.
"Yes," she said to him, smiling at his grin. "You know who are parents are yourself." All eyes turned to Goku as he grinned keeping his mouth shut. Piccolo's eyes opened at this.
"Another surprise," Bra got up from her seat at much of the protests of Bulma which she simply ignored. Groaning at the pain, she walked slowly to the fridge and took out some water. She got a tall glass from one of the cupboards as if she had done that many times before. She filled it up and took a gulp of the water, drinking the whole glass gulp after gulp. She set it down again and leaned against the cupboard.
Yamcha, Tien, everyone was there. Chazou and Gohan were still present. "Everyone," she turned herself to Goten. "This is Goten. He's a saiyan too if you people hadn't noticed before."
"I think everyone got that while he was super saiyan," Yamcha muttered under his breath.
"I'm stating the obvious," Bra shrugged her shoulders gracefully. "And I think that someone must have seen the resemblance between him and Goku."
Bulma smiled at herself as she saw Goku clear his throat and Gohan look up expectantly. "Goku," Bra walked to him and Goten which were sitting side by side. "Meet your second son, Goten."
"Second son?" Piccolo asked.
"Don't tell me you didn't notice," Bulma laughed. "It just took me sometime as I saw him standing next to him and the way he eats to see that the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."
"You knew?" Bra blinked. "It doesn't surprise me."
"I don't think it should young lady," Bra heard the tone. She knew, somehow. Something came to her mind as she looked at her arms. She saw the puncture and of course the bandage on her vein. Her blood.
"Don't start," Bra pouted as she realized that she had been found out. She just hoped that no one else knew of it. It was not easy to get Vegeta and Bulma together. Even thought they were attracted to each other, she knew that it would be even more complicated if they knew of a bind in the future.
"It didn't take long for me to realize that too," Bulma's eyes searched for hers with a triumph smile. She looked at both Trunks and Bra. There was a trace there, something that related them together. Her eyes cruised to Vegeta for a second to just get a look of him. It wasn't as farfetched as it sounded the first time she had realized. He was the only one that she could have a daughter from that was a saiyan. Goku was well out of the question as she knew that she could never be with him, then, she had remembered of him.
"I see you know," Bra said to her getting everyone else lost but Goku who kept on grinning.
"There's no way that she could know, could she?" Goten asked as he saw the knowing look that passes in between Bulma to Bra and Trunks. "Oh boy."
"I think we've just screwed the timeline of this present," Bra said to all of them. "I'm going to wring your neck," Bra directed herself to Goten. "Why don't you ever leave things alone when they're lying at the tables?" She was mad.
Goten cringed at her tone. She had never used it in any occasion in which she wasn't really mad. "Just wait until I get you alone," her eyes pierced his back. "There won't be anything left of you Goten Son."
"I know I shouldn't have touched it but," he put his hands in his face as he groaned of desperation. "I'll gladly let you rip out my bones after we get out of this."
"It will take me so much time to get it all ready," Bra started to pace around the room as much as the cast would let her. "I'm going to have to start from square one to get it fixed. Then there's the problem of the relative time. Every day in here is thirty minutes in our time so if we spend months in here, it will be a long time still when will be able to get back."
"Can't you just set it for the same day that we came here?" Goten reached for hope.
"No," Bra shocked her head. "That's the best that I could do, it's relative time in which it was set in. It's just like Trunks time machine but his take much more time than ours."
"That's better technology," he agreed with her.
"Well, I had all the time with all the materials." Bra said to him. "I didn't have androids breathing down my back."
There was an impending silence that was broken by Gohan. "I have a younger brother," he said to Goten who simply smiled at the small version of his brother. "Who would have guessed?"
"Now, what do we do?" Goten asked Bra directly.
"You two can stay here," Bulma interrupted. "Anyone who wants to stay here is welcomed," she directed her looks toward Trunks and then Vegeta which simply snorted at the offer. "Like you have a choice."
His eyes opened, glaring at Bulma which in turn only continued on glaring back. "Like always." The comment escaped Bra's lips. She knew that it wouldn't affect with anything that could change any course of action.
"Are we like this at your time?" Bulma asked, her mind wondering.
"Better, but I have to say the same." Bra simply replied, trying to choose the right words to say to her.
"How long have you come from?" Goku asked Goten.
"Thirty years from now." He answered, his eyes traveling to Bra's who seemed to be in combat with her inner self. "We had an accident on Bra's lab which transported us here."
"This will teach you to touch experiments while in a lab Goten," Bra finally muttered.
"I don't think this is time to get into accusing people," Trunks interrupted all of them. "All the damage that there was to be done to this time has already been done."
"We can help?" Goten tried to avenge the uselessness.
"Help in what?" Everyone got interested in this.
"I," he refrained himself. "We, know a lot of things of what happened before. I can help with helping find Buu's lair and destroying it. That way we won't have to let all of the people in the Earth be killed 10 years from now."
"But," Bra interrupted. "Then you and Trunks won't be able to fuse and go SS3." No one else but the two of them could make sense of what they were saying. "I don't want to destroy what's still left of this timeline to remain normally like ours."
"Get this through Bra," Goten told her, his eyes narrowed. "There will be no more way to screw this up more than it already is."
"We'll still be doing things that we shouldn't."
"Do you think that all of the timelines remain the same?" Goten asked her. "Maybe this way the Goten of this time will have Goku around. Maybe this way, we'll be able to stop the suffering that they're going to have in the future years. Do you think it's more important to maintain everything in it's flow when this timeline is due to perish when Babidi releases Buu. They'd all be dead."
"I know what you're saying Goten," Bra moved to behind his chair and put one of her hands in his shoulder. "But I don't dare change anything."
"It won't affect us Bra," he said to her. His eyes looking at hers thoughtfully. "Do you want her to suffer when she sees him kill all those people. Feel the betrayal because she doesn't understand that just hours later he gave his life for something as precious as your own life."
Bra knew of what Goten was talking about. Her eyes wondered to Vegeta who seemed to be in deep sleep with his eyes closed but in fact was looking at it all with great intentions. "We might make a difference." Bulma spared a glance to Bra's ways and found that it ended on Vegeta's form. What they were talking about, it had something to do with him.
"What are you guys talking about?" Goku asked preoccupied. "You are letting yourselves involved in something that makes no sense to us all."
"Don't worry about it Goku," Bra tried to smile as a pain deep in her stomach drew a sharp intake of breath from her. Instead of having her hand on Goten's shoulder for reassurance, she had gripped it to retain her balance.
"What's wrong Bra?" Goten asked preoccupied as he felt the change. He saw the pale color that had risen to her face and the dropping in her eyes.
"I feel all of my body loosing it's ground," she whispered to him as she continued to drop down. In a single second of surprise, she dropped completely as Goten caught her in his arms. Desperation showed as he wrapped her in his arms and looked desperately at Bulma who was already walking out of the door.
"Come on," she told him as they both ran to the medical wing of the lab. Goten laid her down on one of the beds and grasped her hand. Bulma quickly felt in around her stomach and groaned. The bleeding seemed to had started again. The girl had a frail body even though she had saiyan blood.
"She never trained much, did she?" She asked Goten as she went to the basin and washed her hands in rigid passion. "Call dad," She told him. Goten ran out of the door to find Doctor Briefs.
"What's happening?" He asked as he entered the room finding Bulma changed completely and had removed Bra's clothes leaving her in the green operating gown.
"She's bleeding again," she simply answered as he started to get ready to help inside. Even though they were both mechanical wizards and not doctors, they both knew the basics for the situation. "It would have helped if there had been any sensu beans from Korin for her to take."
"Let's not duel on that and try to get her to stop breaking up inside," he told her. "If she keeps on doing this then, she's going to need to go to a hospital and get the proper care."
"I should have done that before long." Bulma told him.
"We both thought that it was under control so don't think about it," Dr. Briefs tried to reassure her. He knew that extreme measures would have to be taken. "Most importantly would be to get blood into her system."
"It would be much easier to tell a rock to dance," Bulma said to herself as she knew the implications of what he was saying. If she had been right all along, getting it from him would be a nightmare.
"It's the safest plan," Briefs said to her as they regulated what blood flow and quantity she needed. Leaving Bulma to do the closing and sponging, he took the mask off and went out the room to where Goten was assembled at. He was right at the door, Trunks, Goku, Gohan and everyone but Vegeta and Piccolo was there.
"You know her blood type," Briefs interrupted all of them asking directly. "We need some blood in her. She's lost a large quantity in the hemorrhage."
"Trunks has the same blood, brother," he explained to Dr. Briefs.
"Good," he smiled in relief. "We can count on you?" He nodded in agreement. "Do we have any other source? It may be that her system won't accept it. It's better to have a back up for this."
"I know of another person," Bulma interrupted the men. "Dad, get Trunks started on the blood. We need to start getting a transfusion now. I'll see if mine is compatible."
"Right away," Trunks followed his grandfather inside the room to a far side. Bra was hidden in between the walls of the surgery part of the room.
"How could you possibly know that?" Yamcha asked her preoccupied.
"Don't worry about that," she told him walking away from the group and going back to the kitchen. "The part of convincing is going to be the worst."
Looks like Bulma has discovered something. It may be for the best or for worse. What do you think? But, what will happen to Bra?
Hope you liked it...
Moon Star