Hey, this is my first fic so no big laughs at my expense. I want you guys to give me any hints you have for writing a story and anything that I really need to do cause I hate reading directions. -Moon Falcon

DISCLAIMER-I don't own Sailor Moon or any of the characters in the story I just really like the comic.

Princess Serenity of the moon kingdom was in a total fluster. Basically, she was screaming her head off.

"What do you mean I'm engaged! What were you thinking mother!"

Queen Selene IV sighed and shook her head in exasperation. "Now, Serenity, keep your voice down, do not forget who you are and who you are speaking to." She paused to stare down her daughter for good measure. "You knew that this would happen one day, my dear. I am, in fact, surprised that you did not expect it sooner. Your eighteenth birthday came six months ago, after all."

After Selene had quelled her daughter's rage, Serenity had turned tearful. "Please, mother, don't make me do this, I'm begging you." She choked. Seeing her child's glassy eyes, Selene, went and sat beside her on the princess' bed.

"Sere, my sweet, you have no need to fear this marriage. Prince Endymion is said to be good man and he is well loved by his people on Earth. Your kingdom needs you to give this a chance and so do I."

Serenity sighed in her mother's embrace and wiped at the few tears that had managed to escape down her face. "Very well" he said solemnly, "I'll do it, but only because my people need this."

Selene rose and gently kissed her daughter's cheek, "That is the princess we know and love. Good girl, Sere."

The Queen strode silently to the door and upon opened it.only to be bowled over by 3 familiar bodies.

Serenity yelped and jumped to her mother's aid, "MOM! Mom are you alright?" she cried. Selene nodded shakily and looked at her tormentors only to find three terrified faces of 3 terrified young princesses.

"Your Majesty!!!" they gasped in unison.

Serenity, meanwhile had lost all hope of helping her mother to fall on the floor laughing like a maniac. Noticing this, the three young ladies pounced upon the princess and started tickling her like mad.

After recollecting her wits, Selene got up off the floor. She watched the girls have fun for a moment before clearing her throat loudly.

All four of the girls froze and spun around quick as lightening. Selene spoke calmly, "Mina, Lita, Rei, I am not angry or upset at you in way but you would do well to remember not to knock over your queen when it is evident that you were eavesdropping on a conversation that does not concern you. Good Day girls." And she left them peaceably.

The princesses were still dumbfounded as Ami, the princess of Mercury walked in "I tried to warn you guys" she sighed before all of them burst into a fit of giggles and began a very hyper pillow fight.


Ok, I kinda fixed this chapter up a bit so it wouldn't look so jumbled, I thought maybe it was drawing people away from my beloved fic!!!!!!!!!!!!
