Card Captor Sakura

(c) Hibiki Sakura

Disclaimer: I do not own CCS nor any of the characters. It is owned by the respectful owner, Clamp.

New characters/names: Momoko, Keiko, Hikari, Rikku.

TittleFriend ship is Love or hate?

Summary: Sakura is a clumsy, crybaby girl living with one older sister and 2 little sister brats. Shaoron loves to tease her. Eriol has a crush on her. Tomoyo is a distant friend of her who lives in UK. Touya is her favorite cousin who watches over her. Yukito is her close neighbor. Kero is her small pet that has an eye on her. Her parents are overseas with her little baby brother for operation. She hates Shaoron a lot but when she had a crush on him... Based on a true story.

Note: the pervious fanfic was called Chiharu... actually its Naoko... sorry..

I love to thank all of you! Without your reviews and you guys I would have stopped T.T Anyway please wait for the sequel!

PoisonMoon - That could be my mistakes in some sentences Oo
La SaLLe - 6Re3nArCh3r 15
Fantasy Pheonix
Amanda Kazuki

Chapter 20: Friendship is Love

Sakura stepped out on her window carefully with a pouting look. Kero spun around while he was playing a game and flew up, "Sakura what are you doing? It's very slippery there!" Yes, it was still snowing but Sakura didn't care nor listen. Snow flakes were on the roof and she tried to walk up holding on the roof. "I have wanted to do this for a long time…" Kero looked very worried.

Abruptly, Sakura slipped before she could hold on something and screamed falling down to the ground. "Sakura!" Kero screamed with his eyes grew wide.

The sound of an ambulance was heard on that neighborhood that afternoon and a door labeled 'Kinomoto Sakura' was shown. A man was sitting on the near bed and unconscious Sakura on the bed. There were tubes all around her. Her right arm and leg were fully bandaged.

"Why were you so stupid?" Toya hit her forehead with a book, smoothly, "You would be killed…" He sat down back and looked at her fair complexion, "Why are you so rebellious ever since Keiko reached Middle High School?" He sighed, "It's too late to worry now. It's my fault to spoil her too much."

"It's not your fault, Toya," He spun around and saw his pretty wonderful wife: Yume with her nurse suit. She walked in and Toya looked at her move, "It's neither you nor the family fault what Keiko is now." She looked at him, "It's her fault for spoiling herself and too influenced by her friends."

Yume checked the document file on her arm and smiled, "Sakura will be hospitalized for two weeks so I bet you have to stay here for the whole week…" He mushroom breathed, "She loves making troubles…" They snapped when they heard the door was opened savagely and wide. They saw Shaoran sweating and his deep puffing was heard.

"Shaoran?" Yume inquired and she saw him moved towards Sakura worriedly. "Is she alright?" He cupped Sakura's face and turned to Yume, "Is Sakura allright?" He demanded an answer and Yume couldn't believe her eyes that Shaoran loves Sakura more than anything, his face showed it clearly.

"Don't worry, you brat," Toya crossed his legs looking right, "Sakura is very strong one… she will never die because of that…" His eyes were irritated slits and saw Yume looking at him with a death glare. "What?" He responded in chibi, "Everyone knows that. She's barbaric!" The document file was thrown directly to his nose and he crashed down while Yume crossed her arms across her chest pouting.

Shaoran didn't pay attention to them: he was still with Sakura with a delighted look. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Thank God…"

"Don't get close to her…" Toya stood behind him like a monster and Shaoran's look was scared and moved back. "Yes, Sir…"

"Toya," Yume picked the document file and looked at his sarcastic husband; "Why do you hate Shaoran-kun anyway?" Toya turned and looked at his wife and harrumphed, "I have my own reasons."

"I apologize for what I did 10 years ago," Shaoran looked upset and regret. Yume looked at him and persuaded him with smile, "Its not your fault, Shaoran-kun, you were young."

"I don't recall 10 year olds are young," Toya said out loud and avoided a second throw of the document file. A sweat drop formed on Shaoran's head. "What I am saying here is that," Yume had a disgust look now, "It's all from the past and I am sure my husband had forgiven you." She whispered to his ear, "He's just jealous that you're close with his favorite close cousin…" Shaoran had a 'what' look.

Toya snapped with a smile, "I am not!" Yume giggled, "He always said that. You wouldn't imagine how he looked like when Momoko was asked in marriage." Toya stood up embarrassed, "Yume! That's not true!"

"True or not," Yume headed towards the door as the winner, "That's the truth!" Toya boiled from behind. This is why Toya married and loved this woman. He was the only who can fight back for Toya actually good in anything.

Toya stopped and stared at Shaoran for while. "So what do you think friendship is?" He looked away, "Love or hate…"

"Friendship love…" They heard a soft weak voice from the bed and looked at her. They saw Sakura smiling weakly looking pale and she repeated with a wider smile, "Friendship is love…"

"Sakura!" Both went over to the bed looking at her. Sakura looked up at Toya. She heard everything. "I am sorry to trouble you, Toya onii-chan…" She apologized.

Toya hehed with a smile. Sakura now turned to Syaoran and smiled at him, "Thank you for everything." It sounded like as if she was going to die. She held on his hand, "I am not leaving you if you think I was…" Toya was with a disgust look from the other.

Shaoran smiled, "I know you won't and I won't either." They smiled to each other and Toya can see them sparkling. "DON'T GET CLOSE TO EACH OTHER!" He now sounded like Sai. Yume was right, he was jealous. Both couple giggled.


The winter season was over, it was spring. The blossoms near Sakura's home were going to grow once again. Yes, Sakura was out from the hospital again and still trying to get into trouble but because Shaoran always visits her, she seemed to forget to make trouble.

Keiko looked them intimate from a distant and had this deep stare towards Shaoran and whispered seductively, "Shaoran…" She turned and leaned on the wall. Her heart started beating and she was sweating. "Is this what you call… Love…?" She whispered. After she was attracted to Shaoran, she never went out with anyone but instead she keeps tailing the first man she loved.

"Keiko, what's the matter?" Momoko appeared from her right with a small baby on her hand. She had gave birth a two months ago and it was a baby boy, with the looks of her father but the hair of her mother. She was curious why her third sister leaning on the wall without talking to her sisters. Keiko snapped and looked at her eldest sister. Her eyes grew wide and ran up the stairs.

Shaoran and Sakura turned and saw her ran. "Keiko?" Sakura wondered why and called. Keiko stopped and turned: he looked at her second eldest sister worried but looked happier for the past few months. She was so envious of this. She looked at Shaoran's worried face. "Are you sick, Keiko-kun?" The 'kun' word repeated in her mind, her expression changed into an upset room and looked down. She shook her head and ran up. Her right shoulder collided to Riku's left arm so she whined.

Keiko one-chan!" She snapped back but just as Riku turned, his room door slammed. "What's that all about?" Momoko wondered and her baby started crying. "Hush hush now, Himeno…" She tried to stop the baby from crying and walked in the living room.

Keiko leaned on the door puffing savagely. She hated it. She hated it when Shaoran calls her Keiko-kun. It sounded like he just like and treat her like a sister. If Sakura didn't exist or born, would he love her instead? She slide down her room door, looking up, "Why?" Sakura's face appeared in her mind. Yes, she was to be blamed for the change from the sweet to the savage Sakura but that was what she wanted. Sakura, her second sister she used to make her to worry and mad and show everyone that she was worse than her now happier with the one she loves. Keiko was so jealous of this, she wanted to destroy her second eldest bossy sister life.


Keiko was outside a huge industry with fit sexy clothes. She got the place after an orientation to be a model at the Kirei Hikari Industry. A few months ago she decided to get dependent and the only place she got fit was the modeling, She even loved to be one and luckily she was accepted.

"Welcome Ms. Kinomoto, we were expecting you," A mid-age secretary greeted her and showed her a huge room and saw three men inside. She walked in and saw about his 30's turned. "Ms. Kinomoto Keiko," He stood up and walked over her, turning and absorbing her pretty body, "As expected why you won." Keiko smiled and thanked.

"Welcome Keiko-kun," Her eyes widen when she heard the voice of the guy she loved deeply. Why is he she thought and so she turned immediately. She saw Shaoran standing smiling cutely like always with a huge window beside her. She could see the huge buildings through the window. Her expression was now pale and worried, her heart started beating again. "Shaoran? What are you?"

"Shaoran is my younger brother and he works here a part time model," The man replied standing up and offered a hand, "I am Li Sanyo, nice to meet you." She turned and heard the first man said, "He was the one who selected to win because he knew you. No, he's not siding anyone though…" He chucked.

"Sakura-chan said that you entered the orientation model and asked me for help. I couldn't resist her whining at me," Shaoran shrugged in chibi and her brother started teasing him. Keiko looked down. Sakura helped her 'again'. She doesn't like Sakura helping her around repeatedly. She can do anything. She wanted to refuse but this way she can make Shaoran love her. She is way prettier than Sakura and loved to be a model.

Keiko changed her clothes in the dressing room and was make-uped by the workers there. She does look prettier. She wanted to steal Shaoran's heart once and for all.

She walked out the dressing room and felt all eyes on her. She was sure Shaoran's were and tried to find him but to her disappointment, Shaoran was looking a document, pointing the stage.

She walked over to him and stepped on his feet. He jumped with a shriek as the whole people in studio shared the same sweat. "What are you doing?" He scolded her in chibi. She had a disgust look and rose up her arms, "Can you tell an opinion how'd I look like you, dork?" Veins popped out from his head but he calmed down. She is his special girlfriend's sister. "Yes, you look so pretty like an angel and princess," He was being sarcastic and bothered, "Satisfied?" She nodded vigorously smiling happily.

It was all ready late and Shaoran was talking with his workers to finish to stuff up. "Shaoran," One of them teased, "I think Ms. Keiko likes you a lot, why don't you bring her home tonight?" Shaoran raised up an eyebrow, "She's my girlfriend's sister. Why the hell should I bring her home? Beside I am the one only at home tonight." He ordered the put down the curtains.

"You can do it behind her back you know," One pushed him, "Oh common Shaoran, be a man." Shaoran shut his eyes, "I don't call that as a 'man'. Thank you very much."

"Shaoran," He turned and saw Keiko smiling cutely at him like Sakura does, "Would you be a dear and bring me home?" "Sure," He replied and walked out leaving the last order to shut everything down.


Keiko passed by the path towards her home for some reason. Shaoran was in chibi looking at the path and her direction. He knows Sakura's house more than anyone else. He does go there everyday, he does love her strongly. "Keiko, that's not your path," He ran from behind and stopped, "Are you taking a longer path?"

Keiko stopped and turned with a pleading look, "Please please let me stay with you. I don't mind if it's just for the night!" Shaoran felt he was broken into two. He wished Sakura said that instead of her. Keiko said that because she loved Shaoran more than anything maybe more than Sakura. "I'll do anything just name it!"

Shaoran calmed down and had a serious look, "Okay just for the night!" He walked forward. Sakura had told him everything about Keiko. She's actually a nice sister it's just she's spoiled and to rebellious, influenced by her friends. "But I am doing this because your Sakura's sister…" She just followed from behind.

need parental guidance from here onwards, just to warn you

Keiko looked around Shaoran's house. Yes no one was home, just him and her body filled with heatness. She was at last in the guy he loves house. She held herself and Shaoran called him from a room. She walked towards his voice.

Shaoran was inside a quest room alone. "You'll be sleeping here tonight." He walked out leaving his fair pajamas for her, "If you need me, I am in the next room." He shut the door. Keiko felt she was ditched. No men ever resisted her, at least to her. Why can't Shaoran love her like the other boys? She fisted and took a shower.


Shaoran was on his bed on the phone, uh, exactly with his face gleaming. Yes, as you guessed, he was talking with Sakura on the phone. "Sakura, go to bed! Stop talking with that brat!" Toya's voice was heard from the phone and Shaoran had irritated eyes with a 'I am not a brat' face. Sakura chuckled, "See you tomorrow."

"Wait," He moved up reactedly, "I love you, Sakura." Sakura blushed in the phone and smiled back, "I love you too, Shaoran…" She hung up and Shaoran looked at the phone with a delighted look, "I'll never betray you my love…" He smiled and placed down the wireless phone on the nearby table. He lay down and get some sleep.

He then heard his door was open wide and looked at the door. He saw Keiko with his pajama and had a questioned look. "Keiko-kun, what's the matter?" He wondered.

"Shaoran, I want to have me…" She whispered and walked forward. Shaoran was lost. He didn't get anything. She walked faster now and tried to kiss him but he moved his face away from her. "Keiko-kun, what the hell are you thinking?" He tried to push her away but gently not to hurt her.

"Shaoran I love you," She had tears, "I don't want you to be with that bich!" She looked up at him with a sparkling look, "I want to take me…" She opened her buttons one by one and Shaoran could only gulp. Yes Keiko's body is wonderful but compare to Sakura, Sakura's wall awesome, well at least what he thought.

He turned to serious now and stopped her. "Keiko-kun, I love Sakura your sister and only her." He looked away, "I will never betray her. Even though you are her little sister I would never…" Tears streaming down on her cheeks, I hate it when she was refused. She screamed.


Sakura stood beside the window still with a blush. It seemed every night Shaoran said 'I love you' and she loved it. She wondered would she able to be with Shaoran? At the same time, she was worried about Keiko, she hasn't return after the orientation. It seemed like Shaoran forgot to tell her. She looked outside and stared the full moon. "Friendship is Love…" She smiled and went to bed.

The End

A/u: Sorry to give a kinda cliff hanger but the continue will be on the next sequel: The Two Duplicates. Stay Tune! And Thank you for the 100+ reviews again!