Anyways, Frieza showed up to wait the return of Goku and everyone panicked. They had been so sure that Frieza had died and yet his ki was as strong as ever. Now I'm not entirely sure how the others were handling the news, but I'm sure Eighteen's short bald friend was terrified. He seems to be the type to scare easily. Perhaps that's why it was so easy to kill him when we initially ravaged the earth. From my research, however, I DO know that they were extremely cautious when they made their way to Frieza's landing site so as not to show up on the scanners Frieza's men were wearing.
When they reached the site, they found that someone else had gotten there before them. Bulma (that annoying woman) was partially to blame for it. She insisted on coming along and because of that, they were slowed down considerably. So when they got there, a stranger was confronting Frieza. They had no idea who the guy was or what he was doing there but Frieza had no clue either. Frieza thought the guy was someone with a death wish and he was willing to give it to the guy. But because of what I dug up, I knew exactly who that guy was. Trunks.
Vegeta's brat soon took care of Frieza with a couple passes with his sword and he explained very soon afterward to Gohan and the rest of that pathetic group that he was there to meet Goku. What his purpose was and how he knew Goku, he wouldn't say, but he did know the exact time that Goku would be landing and that made people a little nervous.
"Well I found Sixteen," Eighteen said as she walked into the room. "But he doesn't want to be a part of your stupid fairy tale. What are you doing now?"
"I'm writing about how Trunks met Goku," I replied as she looked over what I had been typing.
"You thought that when he cut off my hair was funny? Let me take a blade to your hair and see how you like it. Your hair doesn't grow back either you know."
"I said your expression was funny, not the situation."
"Why doesn't Sixteen want to participate?" I inquired and she shrugged her shoulders.
"Perhaps he wants to forget his past. Not everyone was pleased with how things went back then," she replied.
"You think I was overjoyed when I got sucked up like a bowl of noodles?"
"Hey, I just thought of something. How did you get wished back when you were stuck inside Cell the whole time?"
"What, you don't like having me around?"
"Well, I must admit that you're the best looking person out there. Aside from me, I mean. But if you were stuck inside Cell the entire time, how did you get wished back?"
"I don't know. Why don't you ask that friend of yours? It would give you an excuse to go and see him."
"What makes you think I want to go see him?" she asked and I looked at her.
"You didn't buy that outfit yesterday just to sit in your closet," I replied and she flushed which was an interesting reaction to see on synthetic skin. I can still remember the good doctor's words when we first gazed upon the small creature that looked like a cross between a rat and a lizard. He had said that the beast would be bio-mechanical and would not run on gears and electronics like Eighteen and me.
"Okay, I've seen that look on your face before. What's bothering you?"
"If we're just a bunch of gears as the doctor put it, then why would Cell need to eat us? Didn't the doctor say he was bio-mechanical?"
"You're such an idiot, Seventeen. What do you think mechanical means?"
"I'm fully aware of what it means, Eighteen. It's just well...if he absorbs living cells, then why did he need to eat us?"
She looked at me for a moment, understanding my confusion then folded her arms and turned away. She had that look in her eye and I knew she was going to point out a flaw in my musings.
"If we weren't alive when that thing ate us, then how did we get wished back to life?" she asked and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I don't know. If we are machines as the doctor saw us, then why does the shrimp like you so much?" I asked and she flushed.
"You leave him out of this!"
"So Vegeta's brat killed Frieza and waited for Goku to arrive."
"My documentation of Cell," I reminded her and she laughed slightly.
"You mean fairy tale. Would you just put Piccolo as the first one we killed?" she asked and I folded my arms.
"I will not. We both know that we killed Vegeta first."
"That's why it's a fairy tale. If you didn't make things up, it MIGHT be a documentation."
"I'm NOT making any of this up!"
"Whatever Seventeen. I'm going to use your advice and visit Krillin. He's got to be doing something more exciting than you. Oh, if you put in the part where I get sucked up by Cell, I won't forgive you."
"I have to. That's what happened."
"You don't have to give the gruesome details."
"I'll do my best not to make it too explicit for you."
"You'd better not."
She walked out of the room and I glanced at the papers that I had already been written. I didn't want to write about how I was swallowed and if I had to write about it, I was going to give my sister's absorption the graphic detail it deserved.
Now back to Goku. Goku had landed in one of those ball like spaceships Saiyens like to use. Where he had gotten it from, I have no clue but everyone ran over to his landing site. Goku mentioned sensing Frieza's ki from space and was surprised that the ki was gone. He was sure that Piccolo had taken care of Frieza but when Piccolo denied the feat, Goku then turned his attention to Vegeta. But he was surprised to find out that neither of them had slain Frieza but a odd, short haired kid who had mysteriously shown up to wait Goku's arrival.
You know, if they had really wanted to stop the good Doctor Gero, why didn't he just go back in time and stop Gero from building us in the first place? Not that I'm complaining about my existence or anything but it seems to me that if they wanted to truly stop us, once Trunks told the horrible story of life in the future, they would stop Gero from ever building us. I guess they were too busy with their own little lives to even consider that and so when Dr. Gero's androids first showed up, they were unprepared. But I'm getting off the subject and I'm getting ahead in my story.
Goku was interested in the young man but the young man refused to tell his story in the company of Goku's other friends. There was a good reason for that since the boys parents were present and he didn't want anything screwing up his existence. So in the privacy of the desert where no one else could hear them, save for Piccolo, Trunks told Goku the entire story then left to rejoin the world that he knew and despised. The world that Eighteen and I ran. Confidentially, I was glad he came back because he was the only one on that dull world worth excitement and during his absence, we were just slaughtering the humans. That was no fun whatsoever because it was so easy.
What we did not count on, however, was the fact that Cell managed to survive the destruction of Gero's laboratory and he was currently crawling about in search of whatever life he could feed on to grow into his second form. Eighteen and I had done a good job of killing the humans so it made things extremely difficult for Cell. He managed somehow, however and crawled his way to the time machine so that when Trunks went back a second time, he would go back as well. His main purpose for going back was to make it to his final form and with what little we left behind in our time, couldn't help him whatsoever. So while we were having fun in our world, the past was being changed.
Man, this is getting depressing. I had forgotten how terrible everything really was. Terrible for me and Eighteen, I mean. I could care less about the humans. We were designed to kill them, after all.
Back to the story. I want to get as much down before Eighteen comes back and starts arguing with me. She can be such a pest sometimes. She can also be stubborn. When she thinks something is right even if it is wrong, she keeps pushing her views and ignoring others. Like Piccolo. Now we all know that Vegeta was the one that got killed first, not Piccolo. I killed him. That was such an easy kill. Vegeta and his stubborness. I've heard of a animal that is just as stubborn as Vegeta. Humans call it a mule or an ass and from what I've gathered, that name fits Vegeta quite well in certain points. Again, I'm getting away from my story. I must apologize for that. Eventually, the time came when the first two androids made their appearance. Androids number nineteen and twenty. Android Twenty was an android made to look like our good Dr. Gero. Apparently, he had made numerous androids of himself because the doctor we had destroyed with the laboratory was also an android. Where the real doctor was this entire time, I have no clue but that piece of information is not really relevant to the story line. The two androids landed and began to terrorize the local humans but because of Trunks' forewarning, everyone was ready to fight them. Goku was down with that virus around that time, I believe. Of course I don't have the complete story on that and I refuse to go and ask him.
I'm not going to his pathetic little house and say something like "Excuse me, but could you tell me what happened when the androids first showed up?" How stupid is that? I'm an android as well and what could be more inane than asking my enemy how he destroyed my kind? Forget that. I'll just skip a bit. No one's going to know the difference anyway. Eighteen certainly won't. She doesn't really care about what happened before we showed up. I don't either, but it's part of the story so I have to write about it, I suppose. Stupid humans. I can't believe that Eighteen cares for one of those humans. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know that Goku technically isn't a human but since he's been on this world for so long, I guess he can be considered an Earthling. There was a point I was going to make with all this but it's gone now. Oh well.
Androids nineteen and twenty were defeated quickly and it was shortly after their defeat that we showed up. All three of us. But as I've said Cell was also roaming around at that time so while we were trying to destroy cities for the sheer fun of it, Cell was absorbing humans along the way. I don't know why Gero couldn't have left well enough alone. I mean by all means, I was more attractive than Cell. I could have destroyed the entire planet if I had just gotten the chance. But, my chance may be coming soon. There hasn't been a lot of activity on this world as of late so maybe it's time for a new threat to arise.