Hethra: Merry Christmas everyone! I was in the mood so I started writing this, and although it's a far cry from what I usually like to write, it's a welcomed relief. This is a special Soul Calibur 2 Christmas with all the characters including exclusives (Link, Spawn, and Heihachi) and there will be a bit of romance (not enough to make you sick but enough to leave a pleasant feeling in your heart.) Wow that's incredibly corny but oh well, like I said I'm in a good mood. Plus I do not own SCII or anything, blah, blah, blah, 'nuff said. Enjoy!
An SCII Christmas
Snow gently fell from the sky, blanketing the small town in a gentle sheet of white. The spirit of Christmas was in the air and in the hearts of the people. Every so often a hello or how are you wafted through the air with the scent of freshly baked apple pies and cakes. Trees glittered in the windows of the numerous homes and in one house, a tall young man with flowing blonde hair helped his mother in decorating the tree.
"There!" he finally said, standing back to view his handiwork with the angel on top of the tree.
"It would look better a little to the right." His mother observed.
"But mother!" the blond man exclaimed, "You've already made me move it 23 times!"
"Yes, but 24's an even number!" she smiled.
"So is 2." He grumbled.
"What was that Siegfried?" his mother asked from the kitchen.
"Nothing!" Siegfried called back, "I'm going to see if we have any mail."
"Alright dear but be back in time for dinner." She called after him. She smiled to herself. Young people were always so anxious to go places. She turned and continued her baking.
Siegfried walked down the street, looking into shop windows, and smelling the soft scents coming from various bakeries. He smiled. This was his first Christmas since he was freed from his nightmare. It was his first Christmas since being freed from Nightmare. Thankfully his memory of his time spent in the Azure armoured demon was not very good, for he did not want to remember what he had done. But some memories did remain. The memory of the feel of the Soul Edge in his hand, the memory of the nightmare Inferno, and his first conscious memory, the people that had helped him to become free. His smile grew brighter remembering the celebration they had after the defeat of the Soul Edge. What a party! Drinks all around, music, conversations and, he recalled, her.
He slowed his pace to try and remember her name. No, he could not remember that, but all memories get better over time, maybe this one would too. He remembered how her golden blond hair shone in the sun, how she sounded when she laughed, how her eyes were the colour of sapphire and the clearest, calmest sea all in one and how she had been the first one to come and talk to him, the first to show kindness, even after he had committed numerable horrendous acts. "You can't be blamed for those," she had said after he told her this, "It was that damned swords' fault, not yours." He still could not remember her name, but that did not matter now. He would probably never see her again. He sighed and walked into the post office.
"Hello sir! Merry Christmas! What can I do for you?" the postmaster asked.
"I would like the mail for the Schtauffen residence please." Siegfried responded.
"Right away sir!" the postmaster replied, hurrying off to get the mail. Siegfried doubted that there would be anything other than Christmas cards, if there were even any of those. He was surprised to see that the postmaster returned with a stack of letters that seemed out of place in the Schtauffens' mailbox.
"Here you are sir." The postmaster replied, handing him the pile of letters. Then he turned and left Siegfried to wonder who would send all these cards to him and his mother.
As soon as he got home he quickly looked through the letters, separating them into two piles, one pile for his mother and the other pile for him. He was even more surprised to see that he got the majority of the letters. He started opening them. He was a little disappointed to find that the first letter contained only a simple Merry Christmas but when he read the attached name, all was clear. The first letter was signed Heishiro Mitsurugi. He blinked rapidly for a few seconds, trying to see if he had just imagined what he had just read. It said the same although he now spotted a second name. Heihachi Mishima. He could not remember who that was. He ripped open the second letter. It was a card from Isabella Valentine and, Siegfried did a double take, Cervantes de Leon. It seemed that after the Soul Edge was defeated, Cervantes recovered his sanity. The third was from the Seung temple in Chili-san, Korea. His confusion was lifted when he read From: Hong Yunsung, Seung Mina and Hwang Sung Kyung. He did not know this last person but suspected that Yunsung and Seung Mina had told this Hwang character about him.
The fourth was from Maxi, Kilik and Chai Xianghua. The fifth was from Yoshimitsu and his newly acquired partner in heroism Voldo. Both were currently roaming the countryside looking to strike down evil forces. The sixth card was from Talim and Link. The seventh was from Necrid, who had regained his sanity after the Soul Edge was destroyed, but not his human form, Astaroth, who was released from the god of war and gained his own humanity, no longer a cold killing demi-god, Berserker who also had gained sanity, Spawn, the warrior from the future and the Lizardman who, along with the others who had been shunned from the human world, had taken residence in a very large cave. The eighth was from Raphael Sorel and his newly adopted daughter Amy. The ninth was from Taki. The last one did not immediately state the name but a message instead. It read:
Dear Siegfried Schtauffen,
You are cordially invited to a Christmas celebration being held at the Alexandra residence in Athens, in the Ottoman Empire on the 24th of December. We apologize if this interferes with your schedule but we hope that you will attend. The celebration will last from the fall of dusk on the 24th to the break of dawn on the 26th. Once again we hope that you will attend.
Sophitia & Cassandra Alexandra
Siegfried re-read the letter again, to make sure that it was correct in stating his name, then he looked at the signatures again. Cassandra, it said. The name repeated itself over and over in his mind. Why did it seem important? Then it hit him. Cassandra was the one that had been kind to him, the one with the golden hair and blue eyes. He smiled again. He ran to his desk and began to write replies to his friends' letters and a response to the invitation. He grinned. Finally he would get to see his friends again. Finally he would get to see Cassandra again.
A month later, Siegfried Schtauffen set out on his journey to the Ottoman Empire, Athens and Cassandra. Unbeknownst to him, at the same time, all the others were setting out too, all thinking about the good times to come, and the memories that would last forever.
Hethra: Well that's chapter 1. It took a while but some things happen. Things that we have no control over but anyway, please R&R. Until next time.
-The Unknown Warrior