A.N. Ok..here is the first revised chapter. I hope it is a little easier to read and, as always, if you guys have any suggestions or whatnot don't be bashful...suggest away!

Not So Bad



1879, Baltani, France. Anita Perry quietly climbed out of her small bedroom window, careful not to wake her mother and father. She hated being cooped up in their dingy, broken-down home. She needed air and space. Something only the night could give her. However, the streets of France were unsafe at night, especially for a nine year-old girl; but Anita didn't let that stop her.

The streets were very empty except for the drunkards who staggered from the taverns that were still open. Anita did her best to avoid the mean, nasty men and was thrilled when none tried to talk to her as she passed them. They were very unpleasant to be around and she wanted no such company.

Anita continued to walk cautiously down the dark streets relishing the cool breeze caressing her cheeks "Anita Marie Perry!" She froze in mid step. "If mama finds out you've been sneaking out again…..you should not do this. It is dangerous," the voice continued. Anita turned to see Franquois, her older brother staring at her with a rather stern look. She gave a heavy sigh.

"Franquois, you know I hate being cooped up. I promise I'll be careful. Please," she pleaded. He was never able to say no when she did this.

He gave a sigh "Well, if you promise." Anita smiled happily at him. "But I'm going with you." Her smile instantly turned to a frown and she began to protest, but he cut her off before she could say anything. "Now you know this doesn't go without a price. Right? I could get into trouble as well for letting you do this." He gave her a playful smirk. She gave the red headed boy an annoyed look tossing her own red curls behind her arrogantly, in an attempt to seem triumphant. She only managed a wide grin.

They walked silently for some time until Franquois finally spoke again. "Where is it you go exactly?" Anita glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. He wasn't happy about where they were going. He looked around the small alley ways and darkened buildings griping her hand a little to tight as he did so. She smiled softly at him as she answered her brother. "No where….." Anita stopped what she was saying suddenly. Her round face losing all color. Franquois slightly frowned at his sister. "What is it, Anita," he began only to repeat her actions as distant noises coming from their right grew louder. Anita clutched to her brothers shirt with her tiny hands as he slowly moved toward the sound. He loosened her grip on his shirt "Anita stay here." She began to tell him no but he cut her off. "No! do as I say," he spoke forcefully. She nodded , her blue-grey eyes shined a bit.

Franquois neared the edge of the street where an alley way was. The sounds were apparently coming from there. At least Anita is not near, he thought , his fear finding its way up his whole body. Franquois didn't have any time to get any closer or run away for that matter as a massive wolf like creature erupted from the shadows tearing at his throat with its powerful jaws, killing him instantly. The creature howled in satisfaction. The fresh blood from his kill coursed through his veins. The creature gave a growl low in its throat at the presence another person near. One more kill would be fine in deed.

Anita gave a sob as her beloved brother was killed right in front of her and she quickly ran to the nearest hiding place she could find. She tried to run faster as the beast growled and went after her. A scream escaped her lips as she was roughly knocked to the ground. She couldn't breath! Her right shoulder burned where the horrific creatures claws grazed her leaving five bleeding streaks. The beast reared back on its hind legs ready to attack again. "Nooo...,"Anita croaked. Her sight began to falter as the darkness took her and then blackness.

Anita slowly opened her eyes. Her mothers face hovered over her tears trailing down her cheeks. She tried to sit up but her small frame wouldn't listen to her demand. Her mother hushed her to lay still, gently stroking her hair. Then she remembered...Franquois... A loud sob escaped her throat. He would still be alive if only she had not snuck out. Franquois wouldn't have followed...he would still be alive.

The events of that night haunted Anita in the weeks that passed. She began to change, she had become the thing she hated most.. She had to stop this from happening to anyone else! Closing her eyes in sorrow she silently vowed to find and destroy the thing that did this to her and her brother.

20yrs later…………

1900, LONDON.

Nemo rounded the corner of the nautilus making his way to the dinning room. A neatly folded piece of manilla paper resided in his hand. There was trouble. The only two in the large room that he knew of were Tom and Mina. The others would be round shortly.

"Nemo." Mina nodded. Tom did the same.

"Well ello cap'n ," was all he needed to know that Skinner had arrived.

"We have a bit of a change in plans. Our journey home will have to be postponed for the time being," he announced.

"What are you talking about?," Tom asked giving Nemo a questioning look.

"Well I suspect we're gonna have to save the world again," Skinner piped in before Nemo could answer. All gave annoyed glances toward him. "Ol'right ! Ol'right, no need to huff and puff.".

"Mr. Skinner is correct." Nemo continued "but we will not be saving the world this time. It is a young lady that wishes for the leagues aid."

" Well I'm in on the account of the young lass. I always love a good damsel in distress." They all looked at Skinner with another scowl.

"I think it's safe to say I'm in too," Tom said.

"As am I. It's time I saw the cities again," Mina said pausing for a moment "where does miss…."

"Her name is Anita Perry. She currently lives in London as a archeologist according to the letter she sent." Nemo handed the letter to Mina as the doors to the dinning roon suddenly opened . She glanced toward them to see Henry walk in and she smiled at him. The others did as well giving him a nod.

"Is the league needed again?," he asked standing next to Skinner.

"Yes, apparently a woman from London is in need of our assistance." Nemo replied, giving him the short version. "I will explain more about the situation in due time but now we must pack. I hope you don't mind, but from what you've told us about your home Jekyll I believe it would be the wiser choice to facilitate our headquarters for the time being until we her again from the young lass." Henry gave a sigh in understanding and nodded in agreement. "Of course. How soon do we leave?"


"I hope she's pretty with a name like that. Me being invisible might come in handy." He smirked "Anita? Is that French? I knew myself a French girl once….,"

"SKINNER!," everyone yelled in unison as they headed to their rooms to pack. Skinner ginned widely as he headed to his room as well.