This fic is the result of me drinking a can of Mountain Dew.
"It's a lion."
"No, it's a violin."
"I think it looks like Catherine's hair."
"No, yours."
"No a Gundam."
"Which one?"
"But you said it was a violin."
"So? You said it looks like your sisters hair."
"What is it Heero?"
"How should I know?"
"Didn't you draw it?"
"No! Noone did!"
"Then what are we looking at?"
"The result of some idiot dumping an inkwell over so he could see what
psycopaths like you think it is!"
"Quatre, Trowa, you are now clinically insane."
This fic is the result of me drinking a can of Mountain Dew.
"It's a lion."
"No, it's a violin."
"I think it looks like Catherine's hair."
"No, yours."
"No a Gundam."
"Which one?"
"But you said it was a violin."
"So? You said it looks like your sisters hair."
"What is it Heero?"
"How should I know?"
"Didn't you draw it?"
"No! Noone did!"
"Then what are we looking at?"
"The result of some idiot dumping an inkwell over so he could see what
psycopaths like you think it is!"
"Quatre, Trowa, you are now clinically insane."